Title: Jonathan Tedds
1The 2XMMp Catalogue and Extragalactic Variability
2XMMp all sky map
Jonathan Tedds, University of Leicester Mike
Watson, John Pye, Silvia Mateos, Anja Schroeder,
Ann-Marie Stobbart Natalie Webb, Masa Sakano,
Julie Wardlow on behalf of the XMM-Newton Survey
Science Centre Consortium
- 2XMM new serendipitous X-ray source catalogue
from XMM - EPIC public observations Feb 2000 April 2006
- 2XMMp pre-release of 2XMM released July 2006
- Filtered subset by field quality
- Largest X-ray catalogue ever
- 150K detections from 2400 observations
- 117K unique point sources
- 5K unique extended sources
- 400 sq.deg. (280 sq deg overlap corrected)
- Project Website http//xmmssc-www.star.le.ac.uk/
- XSA archive http//xmm.esac.esa.int/xsa/
- LEDAS archive http//www.ledas.ac.uk/
- median flux (0.2 - 12 keV) of sources
2.4 10-14 erg cm-2 s-1 - 20 have fluxes lt 1 10-14 erg cm-2 s-1
Distribution of 2-12 keV fluxes for 2XMMp
catalogue. The catalogue matches the typical
fluxes where most of the Cosmic X-ray Background
(CXRB) energy density originates.
Sky area covered by the 2XMMp catalogue as
function of exposure time.
- Includes extended source search and
parameterisation - science grade catalogue
- high reliability
- excellent astrometry and photometry
- spectra time series for gt10 of all 2XMM
sources (15000 sources)
Example X-ray light curve automatically
extracted as 2XMMp data product
Example X-ray spectrum automatically extracted
as 2XMMp data product
5Coming Soon (Aug07) THE 2XMM CATALOGUEsee also
talks by M.Watson, S. Mateos, A. Del Moro, G.
Stewart re 2XMM science
- 247K detections ? 192K unique sources
- 520 sq.deg. / 330 sq.degs excluding overlap
- Full catalogue product set available
- Available Aug 2007
- 2XMM is 50 larger than 2XMMp
- 3491 observations vs 2400 in 2XMMp
- Source level flagging important near e.g. bright
62XMMp time series and spectra
- Time Series Spectra generated if
- Total EPIC gt 500 cts (PNMOS 3.51 assumed)
- Energy 0.2-12 keV
- Region
- 28 radius circle (source)
- 60-180 annulus (background)
- Exclude DET_ML gt 15 sources at 60 radius
- Short term variability - within exposures
- SAS task ekstest
- Use ?2 probability (based on null hypothesis)
that source is constant - Pearsons approximation to ?2 for Poissonian data
- Model is used as estimator of its own variance
- Flag as variable if ?2 probability lt 1e-5 in at
least 1 exposure based on stellar flares
2XMMp variables 15900 sources with
lightcurves, spectra 1100 flagged as variable
using ?2 test
72XMMp time series, spectra variability flags
0.2-12 keV Flux Distributions
8Sanity check known stellar variable published
light curve Pallavicini et al.
automatically generated time series plot from
2XMMp reprocessing pipeline
M.Watson, A. Del Moro talks
- 25 overlap by sky area
- 20,000 secure matches within 2.5s or 3 (using
likelihood ratio analysis) - 60 of 2XMMp sources in overlap region have
SDSS match - 1200 matched XMM sources SDSS spectra (1 of
10Identify Extragalactic sample with 2XMMp
- Use SDSS DR5 confirmed spectroscopic IDs
extragalactic - 683 unique objects (301 gals, 370 qsos, 12
11Extragalactic variability in 2XMMp
- by SDSS DR5 sub-class (gals, qso, hiz_qso)
12Extragalactic variability in 2XMMp
- Histogram by SDSS DR5 sub-class (Gals, QSOs)
130.2-12keV Flux potential variability?
14Extragalactic variability in 2XMMp-DR5
- QSOs - PN ?2 probability lt 0.05
15Extragalactic variability in 2XMMp-DR5
- Gals- PN ?2 probability lt 0.05
16Lone Extragalactic short-term variable example
- PN ?2 probability 10-18
- Fx 3 x 10-13 cgs (0.2-12keV)
17Lone Extragalactic short-term variable example
18Multi-epoch Stellar Tidal Disruptions and
Accretion-Disk Instabilities
Disruption and Accretion Ejection of Debris
Accretion Disk Instabilities in Active Galaxies
e.g., Siemiginowska et al. (1996)
e.g., Rees (1988)
Stellar tidal disruptions (transient fueling)
inevitable in crowded galactic centers? Should
lead to X-ray / UV flares of AGN-level
luminosities over month-to-year timescales.
19IC 3599 Example X-ray Outburst from the ROSAT
All-Sky Survey
1990-1992 ROSAT Light Curve
1991 May spectrum 1992 Feb spectrum
- X-ray variability by factor of 60. Peak LX
5 x 1043 erg s-1 - X-ray outburst induced optical variability
- Outburst only fully recognized after it was
largely over - IC 3599 has a weak AGN. Other outbursts seen
from non-AGN
Brandt et al. (1995) Grupe et al. (1995)
20Early X-ray Outburst Rate Constraints
- Donley et al. (2002) set systematic outburst-rate
constraints - RASS vs. pointed ROSAT PSPC survey
- soft X-ray outbursts
- 5 galaxies satisfied survey criteria - 3 non-AGN
and 2 AGN - Rate for normal galaxies was 1 x 10-5 galaxy-1
yr-1 (for z lt 0.1) - but with substantial uncertainties
- Updated Rate Predictions for Tidal Disruptions
Wang Merritt (2004) - Predicted rate has risen by a factor 10
- lower SMBH masses than previously used
- Predicted rate now uncomfortably high compared to
Donley02 results and this work - Obscuration?
- Short duration?
- Different spectral signature than expected?
21Extragalactic long-term variable example
- Known QSO in LH
- Clear long term decline over XMM lifetime
- No obvious short term variability
22Extragalactic long-term variable example
- Known QSO z0.78 in LH
- Clear long term decline over XMM lifetime
- No obvious short term variability
23Extragalactic long-term variability
- Known QSO z0.78 in Lockman Hole
- Clear long term decline over XMM lifetime
- No obvious short term variability
- See Mateos 07 for study of deep LH field
variability - 80 objects vary on timescales of months ?
years! - but very rare to find short term extragalactic
variables - Only handfuls of long term variables found with
multi-epoch data in 2XMMp - Need wide area repeat coverage ? XMM slew survey
- See talks by R.Saxton and A.Read
- 2XMMp a unique resource to study X-ray
variability 15,000 lightcurves! - Extragalactic variable candidates are rare and as
likely to be QSOs as galaxies? - 683 unique 2XMMp sources in SDSS DR5
- XMM lightcurves, spectra
- optical spectroscopic IDs, spectral-z, linewidths
- 10 show ?2 probability lt 0.05
- No clear correlation of potential variability
with Fx or z for gals or QSOs - Serendipitous discovery potential of rare
extragalactic variability in 2XMMp - Short-term - e.g use ?2 probability lt 0.05 for
gals and QSOs - Long-term - compare multi-epoch XMM and Chandra,
ROSAT - Outstanding issues of constraints on expected
X-UV outbursts - No closer to resolution based on this study
butXMM slew survey - need larger identified samples to pick up rare
short term extragalactic variables - Extend to include XWAS XMM-2dF wide angle survey
(Tedds 07) , AXIS (Barcons 07) - Use much bigger statistically IDd samples next?