Title: IELM 230: Industrial Data Systems
1IELM 230 Industrial Data Systems
Course topics - Relational Database Design -
DB development and optimized usage - DB backed
Database Collection of information about a
system. Database Management System
(DBMS) Program(s) that help in Organizing
the information, Defining the
database, Constructing the database,
and Manipulating its contents.
3Why use a DBMS
Why not just store everything in emails,
spreadsheets, , and use a search program? DBMS
provides - Faster access (e.g. 1,000s price
checks per sec in PnS) - Controlled access of
information (e.g. Personnel data) - Information
consistency (controlled redundancy) - Multiple
user-interfaces (views) - Enforced data
integrity and domain constraints
4Types of DB users
DBA Staff DB Design, DB Implementation, DBMS
Maintenance Parametric end users via
Application Program Interface (API) Example
Clerk at PnS, Teller in bank Casual end users
IT engineers with direct access to
DB Applications programmers IT engineers
who will write APIs
6Discussions ?
Next ER models