Title: Tutorial 8 Action Queries
1Tutorial 8Action Queries
- Review Assignmentpp 8.55 to 8.56
2Action Query Considerations
- Action queries make changes to your database.
Thus, extreme caution is needed to insure that
you do not create a query that performs
unintended actions. - It is a good idea to create your action query
first as a select query. - You can then view the results and determine if
these are the records you want to alter. - When you are sure the query will be applied to
the records you really want, you can then run the
query as an action query.
3Data Import Exercise
- Purpose
- Add two additional tables to database
- Demonstrate how action queries can be used to
split imported tables into normalized tables
4Data Import Exercise contd
- Import the RecruiterbyNation.xls excel
spreadsheet into the Recruits.mdb database as a
table - Select the New option on the Table tab, then
select the Import option from the list - Within the Import dialog window
- Change the Files of Type selector box to
Microsoft Excel - Navigate to the folder where you saved the
RecruiterbyNation.xls file (in the Resources
section above), and select the spreadsheet.
5Data Import Exercise contd
- Within the Import Spreadsheet Wizard
- There is only one worksheet names Territory.
- The first row of the worksheet does contain the
column headings, so check the box. - Import into a new table.
- Import both fields without any changes to the
Field Options. - Select the no primary key option.
- Import into a table named RecruiterbyNation
6Data Import Exercise contd
- Create a Make Table Query to create a
tblTerritory table from the RecruiterbyNation
table - Create a new query in the Design view, add the
RecruiterbyNation table. - Add both the SSN and Nation fields to the query.
- Switch to the Datasheet View mode -- there should
be 25 records in the table. - Switch back to the Design view, and select the
"Make Table" option using the Query Type icon.
Name the new table tblTerritory. - Run the query using the run icon
- Save the query as qryMakeTerritory
7Data Import Exercise contd
- Create a Make Table Query to create a tblCountry
table from the RecruiterbyNation table - Create a new query in the Design view, add the
RecruiterbyNation table. - Select the only the Nation field.
- Select the Totals icon and use the "Group-by"
option (use view mode to confirm there are only
14 records in the table). - Select the "Make Table" option using the Query
Type icon. - Name the table tblCountry -- it should contain 14
records. - Save the query as qryMakeCountry
8Data Import Exercise contd
- Modify design of tblTerritory table
- SSN field Set the field size to 30. Set the
input mask for the SSN format (000\-00\-0000).
Since this field will be part of a concatenated
primary key, it should be indexed with "Yes
(Duplicates ok)" option. - Nation field should be a 30 character text
field. Since it is part of a concatenated
primary key, it should be indexed with "Yes
(Duplicates ok)" option. - Select both SSN and Nation as the primary key.
- You should receive a warning that data may be
lost. This results from changing the field
9Data Import Exercise contd
- Modify design of tblCountry table
- Nation field should be a 30 character text
field and set as the primary key. - You should receive a warning that data may be
lost. This results from changing the field size
10Review AssignmentStep 3
- Text defines many-to-many relationships
- A many-to-many relationship exists between tables
when the tables involved have multiple matches in
each of the tables. - For example, if you have a table containing
student data and another table containing course
data, you could say that this is a (MN)
relationship because a student can take many
courses and a course can have many students - Whenever there is a many-to-many relationship,
you must provide a third table that will link
the two tables together in a one-to-many
relationship. - You can also have a one-to-one relationship
between tables, which means that there is exactly
one record in the primary table that matches
exactly one record in the related table.
11Review AssignmentStep 3 (contd)
- The m-m relationship is implemented as two
one-to-many relationships - Between tblRecruiter and tblTerritory
- Between tblTerritory and tblCountry.
12Review AssignmentStep 4
- A crosstab query performs aggregate function
(arithmetic operations) calculations on the
values of one database field and displays the
results in a spreadsheet format. - There are a variety of functions that can be used
in crosstab queries including average, count,
first field value, last field value, etc.
13Review AssignmentStep 4 (contd)
- Crosstab Query Wizard
- First select the tblStudent table upon which you
want to create the crosstab query. - Second select the Nation field that will be used
for the row headings (note could have multiple
row fields) - Third select the Gender field that will be used
for the column headings. - Fourth select the StudentID field as the basis
for calculation, and count as the type of
calculation. - Save as tblStudent_Crosstab
14Review AssignmentStep 4 (contd)
- Open tblStudent_Crosstab in design view
- Change the "Total of StudentID" label to "Total"
- View the query and resize the fields.
- Save the query
15Review AssignmentStep 5
- Create a find duplicates query
- A find duplicates query is a select query that
locates duplicate records in a table or query. - The Find Duplicates Wizard will help you make
selections about the field(s) for which you want
to find duplicates. - Use this type of query to locate duplicates that
create potential problems in your database, such
as assigning two different product numbers to the
same product.
16Review AssignmentStep 5 (contd)
- Use the Find Duplicates wizard
- Table tblStudent
- Duplicate fields City and Nation
- Additional fields FirstName and LastName
- Save Find Duplicate Student Locations
17Review AssignmentStep 7
- Make Table Query
- Create a new query in the Design view, add the
tblRecruiter and tblTerritory tables to the
query. - Add all fields from tblRecruiter and the Nation
field from tblTerritory. - Switch to the Datasheet View -- confirm there are
25 records in the table. - Switch back to the Design view, and select the
"Make Table" option using the Query Type icon .
Name the new table tblRecruiterTerritory. - Run the query using the run icon.
- Save the query as qryMakeRecruiterTerritory.
18Review AssignmentStep 8
- Update Ireland to France
- Create a new query in the Design view, add the
tblRecruiterTerritory table to the query. - Add the Nation field to the design grid, and
specify the criteria as "Ireland". Check the
Datasheet view -- there should be 4 records in
the query. - Select the "Update Query" option using the Query
Type icon . - Set the Update To field to the value of "France".
- Run the query
- Save the query as qryUpdateRecruiterTerritory
19Review AssignmentStep 9
- Append Ireland records back into query
- Note The query structure must be similar to the
structure of the table to which the records are
appended - Create a new query
- Add the tblRecruiter and tblTerritory tables to
the query. - Add all fields from tblRecruiter and the Nation
field from tblTerritory.
20Review AssignmentStep 9 (contd)
- Append query contd
- Add the criteria of "Ireland" for the Nation
field. Open the query in the datasheet view --
there should be 4 records. - Select the "Append Query" option using the Query
Type icon. - Select the tblRecruiterTerritory table as the
Append table. - Note that an Append To row appears in the design
grid with the corresponding fields from the
tblRecruiterTerritory table.
21Review AssignmentStep 9 (contd)
- Append query contd
- Run the query using the run icon
- Save the query as qryAppendRecruiterTerritory
22Review AssignmentStep 10
- Delete records where bonusquota is 40 or 50
- Create a new query in the Design view, add the
tblRecruiterTerritory table to the query. - Add the BonusQuota field to the design grid, and
specify the criteria as 40 Or 50. Check the
Datasheet view -- there should be 10 records in
the query. - Select the "Delete Query" option using the Query
Type icon - Run the query using the run icon
- Save the query as qryDeleteRecruiterTerritory