Jets and High-pt Physics with ALICE at the LHC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jets and High-pt Physics with ALICE at the LHC


... systems are required for a complete systematic study. 30. Jet yields: one LHC year ... Corrections under study (thesis work of R. Dias Valdez) 37. jT-Spectra ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jets and High-pt Physics with ALICE at the LHC

Jets and High-pt Physics with ALICE at the LHC
  • Andreas Morsch
  • CERN

  • Introduction
  • Jets at RHIC and LHC New perspectives and
  • High-pT di-hadron correlations
  • Reconstructed Jets
  • Jet Structure Observables
  • g-Jet Correlations

Jets in nucleus-nucleus collisions
  • Jets are the manifestation of high-pT partons
    produced in a hard collisions in the initial
    state of the nucleus-nucleus collision.
  • These partons undergo multiple interaction inside
    the collision region prior to fragmentation and
  • In particular they loose energy through medium
    induced gluon radiation and this so called jet
    quenching has been suggested to behave very
    differently in cold nuclear matter and in QGP.
  • The properties of the QGP can be studied through
    modification of the fragmentation behavior
  • Hadron suppression
  • Jet structure.

Jet Physics at RHIC
pp _at_ ?s 200 GeV STAR
AuAu _at_ ?sNN 200 GeV
In central Au-Au collisions standard jet
reconstruction algorithms fail due to the large
energy from the underlying event (125 GeV in Rlt
0.7) and the relatively low accessible jet
energies (lt 20 GeV). Use leading particles as a
Quantities studied
Hadron Suppression
Similar RCP Ratio central to peripheral
away side
Hadron Correlations pT(trig)
pT(assoc) Df(trig, assoc)
same side
pT (trig)
Evidence for Jet Quenching
  • In central AuAu
  • Strong suppression of inclusive hadron yield in
    Au-Au collisions
  • Disappearance of away-side jet
  • No suppression in dAu
  • Hence suppression is final state effect.

Surface emission bias
  • RHIC measurements are consistent with pQCD-based
    energy loss simulations. However, they provide
    only a lower bound to the initial color charge

Jet Physics at LHC Motivation
  • Study of reconstructed jets increases sensitivity
    to medium parameters by reducing
  • Trigger bias
  • Surface bias
  • Using reconstructed jets to study
  • Modification of the leading hadron
  • Additional hadrons from gluon radiation
  • Transverse heating.

x ln(Ejet/phadron)
Jet Physics at LHC New perspectives
  • Jet rates are high at energies at which they can
    be reconstructed over the large background from
    the underlying event.
  • Reach to about 200 GeV
  • Provides lever arm to measure the energy
    dependence of the medium induced energy loss
  • 104 jets needed to study fragmentation function
    in the z gt 0.8 region.

ET gt Njets
50 GeV 2.0 ? 107
100 GeV 1.1 ? 106
150 GeV 1.6 ? 105
200 GeV 4.0 ? 104
O(103) un-triggered (ALICE) gt Need Trigger
Jet Physics at LHC New challenges
  • More than one jet ETgt 20 GeV per event
  • More than one particle pT gt 7 GeV per event
  • 1.5 TeV in cone of R ?Dh2Df2 lt 1 !
  • We want to measure modification of leading hadron
    and the hadrons from the radiated energy. Small
    S/B where the effect of the radiated energy
    should be visible
  • Low z
  • Low jT
  • Large distance from the jet axis
  • Low S/B in this region is a challenge !

New Challenges for ALICE
  • Existing TPCITSPID
  • h lt 0.9
  • Excellent momentum resolution up to 100 GeV
  • Tracking down to 100 MeV
  • Excellent Particle ID
  • New EMCAL
  • Pb-scintillator
  • Energy resolution 15/vE
  • Energy from neutral particles
  • Trigger capabilities

ALICE Set-up
Size 16 x 26 meters Weight 10,000 tons
Muon Arm
Di-hadron Correlationsfrom RHIC to LHC
  • Di-hadron correlations will be studied at LHC in
    an energy region where full jet reconstruction is
    not possible (E lt 30 GeV).
  • What will be different at LHC ?
  • Number of hadrons/event (P) large
  • Leads to increased signal and background at LHC
  • Background dominates, significance independent of
  • Increased width of the away-side peak (NLO)
  • Wider h-correlation (loss of acceptance for fixed
  • Power law behavior ds/dpT 1/pTn with n 8 at
    RHIC and n 4 at LHC
  • Changes the trigger bias on parton energy

See also, K. Filimonov, J.Phys.G31S513-S520
Scaling From RHIC to LHC
  • S/B and significance for away-side correlations
  • Scale rates between RHIC and LHC
  • Ratio of inclusive hadron cross-section
  • N(pT) pT4

From STAR pTtrig 8 GeV/c
pTtrig gt 8 GeV
Di-hadron Correlations
LHC, ALICE acceptance HIJING Simulation
4 105 events
M. Ploskon, ALICE INT-2005-49
Peak Inversion
The biased trigger bias
ltpTpartgt is a function of pTtrig but alsp
pTassoc, ?s, near-side/away-side, DE
See also, K. Filimonov, J.Phys.G31S513-S520,2005
From di-hadron correlations to jets
  • Strong bias on fragmentation function
  • which we want to measure
  • Low selectivity of the parton energy
  • Very low efficiency, example
  • 6 for ET gt 100 GeV
  • 1.1 106 Jets produced in central Pb-Pb collisions
    (h lt 0.5)
  • No trigger 2.6 104 Jets on tape
  • 1500 Jets selected using leading particles

Reduction of the trigger biasby collecting more
energy from jet fragmentation
Unbiased parton energy fraction production
spectrum induced bias
Reconstructed Jets Objectives
  • Reduce the trigger bias as much as possible by
    collecting of maximum of jet energy
  • Maximum cone-radius allowed by background level
  • Minimum pT allowed by background level
  • Study jet structure inclusively
  • Down to lowest possible pT (z, jT)
  • Collect maximum statistics using trigger.

Jet Finder in HI EnvironmentPrinciple

Loop1 Background estimation from cells outside
jet cones Loop2 UA1 cone algorithm to find
centroid using cells after background
Jet Finder based on cone algorithms
  • Input List of cells in an h-f grid sorted in
    decreasing cell energy Ei
  • Estimate the average background energy Ebg per
    cell from all cells.
  • For at least 2 iterations and until the change in
    Ebg between 2 successive iterations is smaller
    than a set threshold
  • Clear the jet list
  • Flag cells outside a jet.
  • Execute the jet-finding loop for each cell,
    starting with the highest cell energy. If Ei
    Ebg gt Eseed and if the cell is not already
    flagged as being inside a jet
  • Set the jet-cone centroid to be the center of the
    jet seed cell (hc, fc) (hi, fi)
  • Using all cells with ?(hi-h)2(fi-f)2 lt Rc of the
    initial centroid, calculate the new energy
    weighted centroid to be the new initial centroid.
  • Repeat until difference between iterations shifts
    less than one cell.
  • Store centroid as jet candidate.
  • Recalculate background energy using information
    from cells outside jets.

Optimal Cone Size
Jet Finders for AA do not work with the standard
cone size used for pp (R 0.7-1). R and pT cut
have to be optimized according to the background
E R2
Background Fluctuations
  • Background fluctuations limit the energy
  • Fluctuations caused by event-by-event variations
    of the impact parameter for a given centrality
  • Strong correlation between different regions in
    h-f plane
  • R2
  • Can be eliminated using impact parameter
    dependent background subtrcation.
  • Poissonian fluctuations of uncorrelated particles
  • DE ?N ?ltpTgt2 DpT2
  • R
  • Correlated particles from common source (low-ET
  • R
  • Out-of-cone Fluctuations

Background Fluctuations
Evt-by-evt background energy estimation
Signal fluctuationsResponse function for
mono-chromatic jets
ET 100 GeV
DE/E 50
DE/E 30
Putting things togetherIntrinsic resolution
Ejet 100 GeV
Background included
pT gt 0 GeV 1 GeV 2 GeV
Resolution limited by out-of-cone fluctuations
common to all experiments !
Expected resolution including EMCAL
Jet reconstruction using charged particles
measured by TPC ITS And neutral energy from
Trigger performance
Trigger on energy in patch Dh x Df Background
rejection set to factor of 10 gtHLT
Centrality dependent thresholds
Reference systems
  • Compare central PbPb to reference measurements
  • PbPb peripheral vary system size and shape
  • pA cold nuclear matter effects
  • pp (14 TeV) no nuclear effects, but different
  • pp (5.5 TeV) ideal reference, but limited

All reference systems are required for a complete
systematic study
Includes acceptance, efficiency, dead time,
energy resolution
Jet yields one LHC year
Large gains due to jet trigger Large variation
in statistical reach for different reference
Resolution buys statistics
ALICE performanceWhat has been achieved so far ?
  • Full detector simulation and reconstruction of
    HIJING events with embedded Pythia Jets
  • Implementation of a core analysis frame work
  • Reconstruction and analysis of charged jets.
  • Quenching Studies on fragmentation function.

Energy spectrum from charged jets
Cone-Algorithm R 0.4, pT gt 2 GeV
Selection efficiency 30 as compared to 6 with
leading particle ! No de-convolution, but
Gauss?E-n E-n
Jet structure observables
Low z (high x) Systematics is a challenge,
needs reliable tracking. Also good statistics
(trigger is needed)
Hump-back plateau
Bias due to incomplete reconstruction.
Statistical error
104 events
Erec gt 100 GeV
2 GeV
Systematics of background subtraction
Background energy is systematically
underestimated (O(1 GeV)) Corrections under study
(thesis work of R. Dias Valdez)
Bias due to incomplete reconstruction.
Statistical error
104 events
Erec gt 100 GeV
Quenching Studies
Compare distributions with and without
quenching The measurement ratio of dashed over
solid PbPb(central)/pp
Toy Models
Nuclear Geometry (Glauber)
Jet (E) ? Jet (E-DE) n gluons (Mini Jets)
  • Two extreme approaches
  • Quenching of the final jet system and radiation
    of 1-5 gluons. (AliPythiaQuench using
    Salgado/Wiedemann - Quenching weights)
  • Quenching of all final state partons and
    radiation of many (40) gluons (I. Lokhtin

)I.P. Lokhtin et al., Eur. Phys. J C16 (2000)
527-536 I.P.Lokhtin et al., e-print
hep-ph/0406038 http//
ALICEEMCal in one LHC year
Benchmark measurementpPb reference
With EMCal jet trigger improved jet
reconstruction provides much greater ET reach
Benchmark measurementPeripheral PbPb reference
Without EMCal, significant quenching measurements
beyond 100 GeV are not possible
Summary of statistical reach
Large ? 10 error requires several hundred
signal events (Pb central) and normalization
events (pp,pA). Large zgt0.5 requires several
thousand events
Ratio ?gt4 With EMCAL W/O EMCAL
RAA 225 165
RpA 225 125
RAA(5.5 TeV) 225 100
RAA(f) 150 110
RCP 150 (70)
  • The EMCAL
  • extends kinematic range by 40125 GeV
  • improves resolution (important at high z)
  • Some measurements impossible w/o EMCAL

Ratio zgt0.5 With EMCAL W/O EMCAL
RAA 150 100
RpA 150 (70)
RAA(5.5 TeV) 140 (60)
More to come
  • Dijet correlations
  • Sub-jet Suppression ?
  • Look for hot spots at large distance to jet
  • 10 GeV parton suppression within 100 GeV jets ?

R0 1fm
Photon-tagged jets
  • g-jet correlation
  • Eg Ejet
  • Opposite direction
  • Direct photons are not perturbed by the medium
  • Parton in-medium-modification through the
    fragmentation function

Identifying prompt g in ALICE
Statistics for on months of running 2000 g with
Eg gt 20 GeV Eg reach increases to 40 GeV with
Fragmentation function
Pb-Pb collisions
  • Copious production of jets in Pb-Pb collisions at
    the LHC
  • lt 20 GeV many overlapping jets/event
  • Inclusive leading particle correlation
  • Background conditions require jet identification
    and reconstruction in reduced cone R lt 0.3-0.5
  • At LHC we will measure jet structure observables
    (jT, fragmentation function, jet-shape) for
    reconstructed jets.
  • High-pT capabilities (calorimetry) needed to
    reconstruct parton energy
  • Good low-pT capabilities are needed to measure
    particles from medium induced radiation.
  • EMCAL will provide trigger capabilities which are
    in particular needed to perform reference
    measurements (pA, pp, ..)
  • ALICE can measure photon tagged jets with
  • Eg gt 20 GeV (PHOS TPC)
  • Eg gt 40 GeV (EMCALTPC)
  • Sensitivity to medium modifications 5
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