Projectile Motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Projectile Motion


Be prepared to present to the class. History of Inertia. A tale of projection ... vy = voy gt. y = yo voyt - gt2. vy2 = voy2 2g(y-yo) x = voxt. Equations: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: benjaminjb


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Projectile Motion

Projectile Motion
  • Materials
  • Two different balls.
  • Sheet of butcher paper.
  • Markers.
  • Procedures (with your lab group)
  • Each group needs two DIFFERENT balls and a sheet
    of butcher paper.
  • Fold your butcher paper to make two different
  • Spend a few minutes throwing your balls between
    partners to determine what the flight path looks
    like. Be sure to observe the flight path from at
    least two different reference points.
  • Sketch the flight path of your balls on the
  • Determine what factors affect the shape and
    duration of the flight.
  • List factors on your sheet.
  • Be prepared to present to the class.

History of Inertia
  • A tale of projection

Aristotle 384-322 BC
Proposed that everything must have a continuous
motive force in order to keep an object in
motion. Also believed that the natural place
for an object is resting on the ground, and any
force which opposes this position is known as a
violent force and is eventually overcome.
Suggested the motion of an arrow was such,
because air rushes from the front to fill the
possible vacuum at the rear this then causes
turbulence which pushes on the arrow to keep it
in motion. But also the air resists this forward
motion and eventually slows down the arrow. The
natural force then is able to take over and
return the arrow to its natural position on the
ground. Ignored celestial motion because this
motion was also seen as natural.
John Philoponus600 AD
Impressed force
  • About 500AD he challenged Aristotles beliefs
    about motion (To be fair, Aristotle also had
  • Suggested an impressed force kept the arrow in
    motion, but any impressed force eventually dies
    out, even in a void
  • The idea that motion can go on forever did not
    occur to him.

Jean Buridan 1300 AD
  • Proposed that the arrow is given an impetus by
    the bow an impetus was not expected to die out
    if it were not expended in overcoming air
  • His thinking marks an important shift from
    external agents propelling the object to some
    acquired internal property or state.

Galileo 1564-1642
  • Defended the Copernican belief that the earth
    rotates. Some said that if the earth rotates, an
    arrow shot directly upward would then land some
    distance to the west. For there was nothing to
    keep it moving horizontally with the spin of the
  • Did experiments with pendulums and in inclined
    planes which helped him to come up with, A body
    will continue to move with constant speed on a
    frictionless infinite horizontal plane.
  • Also continued to ignore celestial motion because
    he thought it was natural and needed no

René Descartes 1596-1650
  • Extended the idea of inertia to all bodies
    including celestial bodies.
  • Pointed out circular motion is constrained motion
    (always pulling inward) Therefore celestial
    bodies motion must be explained is not natural
  • A vertical fall does not happen at a constant
    speed and therefore must be caused by some
    external influence.
  • He did not go beyond his statements about inertia
    so most of the credit goes to Sir Isaac Newton,
    who used them to build a foundation for mechanics.

Galileos Experiments
Galileos Thought Experiment
  • Prior to the 16th century the path of a
    projectile was assumed to consist of an initial
    violent force in a straight line, followed by a
    region of mixed motion and finally ends
    returning to natural motion, vertically down.

Galileos Thought Experiment
Galileos Insight
  • A projectile near the earths surface has
  • HORIZONTAL Constant velocity (Doesnt change)
  • VERTICAL Subject to acceleration due to gravity
    (Varies over time)

  • Two baseballs are pitched horizontally from the
    same height but at different speeds. The faster
    ball crosses home plate within the strike zone,
    but the slower ball is below the batters knees.
    Why does the faster ball not fall as far as the
    slower one?

Projectile Motion
  • What are the two factors that affect projectile

Angle and Velocity
g Acceleration due to gravity 9.8m/s2 x
distance in the x direction, vox initial
velocity in x direction t is time
vy final velocity in y direction voy, vy
initial and final velocity in y direction yo, y
initial and final distance in y direction
Off the table
Important Concept
  • Treat the x component and the y component

2D Motion Example I
  • A stone is thrown horizontally 15-m/s from the
    top of a 44-m cliff.
  • How far from the base of the cliff does the stone
    hit the ground?
  • How fast is it moving the instant before it hits
    the ground?
  • While it seems we are given very little
    information, this is enough to solve.

2D Motion Example I cont.
  • How far from the base of the cliff does the stone
    hit the ground?
  • We need to know how long it stays in the air for.
    This is determined by gravity y axis.

dy -44m v0y 0m/s ay -9.8m/s2 t x
dy v0yt ½at2 -44-m 0 -4.9 m/s2t2 t2
9.0s2 t 3.0s
2D Motion Example I cont.
  • How far from the base of the cliff does the stone
    hit the ground?
  • Time is the only variable that can and will be
    the same in both x and y axis.

v0x dx/t 15 m/s dx/3.0s dx 45.4m
dx x v0x 15m/s t 3.0s
2D Motion Example I cont.
  • How fast is it moving the instant before it hits
    the ground?
  • The final velocity is the addition of the x and y
    vector. Since the x is constant we need to find
    the y.

vfy2 voy2 2ad vfy2 0 2 -9.8m/s2
-44m vfy2 862.4m2/s2 vfy 29.4m/s
v0y 0m/s vfy x m/s ay -9.8m/s2 d -44m
2D Motion Example I cont.
  • How fast is it moving the instant before it hits
    the ground?
  • Add the vectors. (Pythagorean theory)

vfx 15m/s vfy 29.4m/s
vfy2 vfx2 vf2 (29.4-m/s)2 (15 m/s)2
vf2 vf2 1087.4m2/s2 vf 33.0-m/s
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