Class: Business Law Bus' 02 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Class: Business Law Bus' 02


What is the difference between remedies at law and remedies in equity? ... clause: no state-sponsored religion or preference for one religion over another. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Class: Business Law Bus' 02

  • Class Business Law (Bus. 02)
  • Instructor Carolyn Johnson
  • Directions
  • As you enter, please tell me your name.
  • Then pick up a student information form and a
    folder from the entrance table.
  • Write your name on the tab of the folder, (last
    name first, then first name).
  • Complete the student information card while you
    wait for class to start.

  • Welcome and Instructor Introduction
  • Class Administration Office Hours, Folder and
    Box System
  • Student Introductions
  • Class Expectations
  • Ground Rules
  • Small Group Formation
  • Study Tips
  • QA
  • Mini-lecture
  • Class Review
  • Student Feedback
  • Preparation for Next Class

BUSINESS LAW TODAY Essentials 8th Ed.Roger
LeRoy Miller - Institute for University Studies,
Arlington, TexasGaylord A. Jentz - University of
Texas at Austin, Emeritus
The Historical and Constitutional Foundations
Chapter 1
Learning Objectives
  • What is the common law tradition?
  • What is a precedent? When might a court depart
    from precedent?
  • What is the difference between remedies at law
    and remedies in equity?
  • What constitutional clause gives the federal
    government the power to regulate commercial
    activities among the various states?
  • What is the Bill of Rights? What freedoms are
    guaranteed by the First Amendment?

Sources of American Law
  • Constitutional Law.
  • Found in text and cases arising from federal and
    state constitutions.
  • U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
  • Statutory Law.
  • Laws enacted by federal and state legislatures.
  • Local ordinances.
  • Uniform Laws (e.g.,Uniform Commercial Code).

Sources of American Law
  • Administrative Law.
  • Rulemaking--Rules, orders and decisions of
    administrative agencies, federal, state and
  • Administrative agencies can be independent
    regulatory agency such as the Food and Drug
  • Adjudication--agencies make rules, then
    investigate and enforce the rules in
    administrative hearings.

The Common Law Tradition
  • Early English Courts of Law.
  • Kings courts started after Norman conquest of
  • Established the common lawbody of general legal
    principles applied throughout the English empire.
  • Kings courts used precedent to build the common

Stare Decisis
  • Stare Decisis
  • Practice of deciding new cases based on
  • A higher courts decision based on certain facts
    and law, is a binding authority on lower courts.
  • Helps courts stay efficient.

Equitable Remedies Courts
  • Remedy means to enforce a right or compensate
    for injury to that right.
  • Remedy at Law in kings courts, remedies were
    restricted to damages in either money or
  • Equitable Remedy based on justice and fair
    dealing a chancery court does what is right
    specific performance, injunction, rescission.
  • Plaintiffs (injured party initiating the
    lawsuit), Defendants (allegedly caused injury).

Exhibit 1-1
Classifications of Law
  • Substantive vs. Procedural Law
  • Substantive laws that define and regulate rights
    and duties.
  • Procedural laws that establish methods for
    enforcing and protecting rights.
  • Civil Law and Criminal Law
  • Civil private rights and duties between persons
    and government.
  • Criminal public wrongs against society.

Classifications of Law
  • National and International Law
  • National laws of a particular nation.
  • Civil vs. Common Law Civil law countries based
    on Roman code (e.g., Latin America).
  • International body of written and unwritten laws
    observed by nations when dealing with each other.

Comparision of Legal Systems
Constitutional Powers of Government
  • A Federal Form of Government the federal
    constitution was a political compromise between
    advocates of state sovereignty and central
  • Separation of Powers Executive, Legislative and
    Judicial. Provides checks and balances.
  • Legislative enacts laws
  • Executive enforces laws
  • Judicial declares laws/actions unconstitutional.

The Commerce Clause
  • U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to
  • regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and
    among the several States, and with the Indian
    tribes. (Art. 1 8)
  • Greatest impact on business than any other
    Constitutional provision.

The Commerce Clause
  • Gibbons v. Ogden (1824).
  • To Chief Justice Marshall, commerce meant all
    business dealings that substantially affected
    more than one state.
  • The national government had the exclusive power
    to regulate interstate commerce.
  • Today commerce clause applies to e-commerce
    internet transactions.

Expansion of National Powers
  • Wickard v. Filburn (1942).
  • Purely local production, sale and consumption of
    wheat was subject to federal regulation.
  • CASE 2.1 Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. (1964).
  • Motel that provided public accommo-dations to
    guests from other states was subject to federal
    civil rights legislation.

Commerce Power Today
  • Theoretically the federal government has
    unlimited control over all business transactions
    since any enterprise (in the aggregate) can have
    a substantial effect on interstate commerce.
  • Practical Limits Supreme Court has curbed
    federal regulatory powers in U.S. v. Lopez (1995)
    and U.S. v. Morrison (2000).

Regulatory Powers of the States
  • Tenth Amendment reserves all powers to the states
    that have not been expressly delegated to the
    national government.
  • State have inherent police powers.
  • Police powers include right to regulate health,
    safety, morals and general welfare.
  • Includes licensing, building codes, parking
    regulations and zoning restrictions.
  • Dormant Commerce Clause ?

Dormant Commerce Clause
  • U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted commerce
    clause to give national government exclusive
    power to regulate.
  • States only have a dormant (negative) power to
    regulate interstate commerce.
  • Dormant power comes into play when courts balance
    states interest vs. national interest, e.g.,
    internet transactions.
  • CASE 2.2 Granholm v. Heald (2005).

The Supremacy Clause
  • Supremacy Clause Article VI of the Constitution
    provides that Constitution, laws and treaties of
    the United States are the supreme law of the
  • Concurrent in few areas, both states and federal
    government share powers.
  • Preemption when Congress chooses to act in a
    concurrent area, federal law preempts state law.

Taxing and Spending Powers
  • Article I Section 8 Congress has the power to
    lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and
  • Today if federal tax has a reasonable
    relationship to revenue production, it will be
    held constitutional.
  • Congress can spend tax revenues on any express or
    implied constitutional power.

Business and the Bill of Rights
  • 1791 Ten written guarantees of protection of
    individual liberties from government
  • Originally Bill of Rights only applied to the
    federal government.
  • Today the Bill of Rights has been
    incorporated and applied to the States as well.
  • Some protections apply to businesses.

First Amendment Freedom of Speech
  • Right to Free Speech is the basis for our
    democratic government.
  • Free speech also includes symbolic speech,
    including gestures, movements, articles of
  • Texas v. Johnson (U.S. 1989).
  • Hodgkins v. Peterson (7th Cir. 2004).

Corporate Speech
  • Commercial speech (advertising) is given
    substantial protection. Government restrictions
  • Seek to implement substantial government
  • Directly advance that interest, and
  • Must go no further than necessary to accomplish.
  • Corporations also have protected political speech
    (although not to the degree of a natural person).

Unprotected Speech
  • U.S. Supreme Court has held that certain speech
    is NOT protected
  • Defamatory speech.
  • Threatening speech that violates criminal laws.
  • Fighting Words.
  • Obscene Speech is patently offensive, violates
    community standards and has no literary,
    artistic, political or scientific merit.
  • CASE 2.3 Lott v. Levitt (2007).

Online (Obscene) Speech
  • Protected or Unprotected?
  • Some of Congress attempts to protect children
    from online pornography have been ruled
    unconstitutional restriction on free speech.
  • Communications Decency Act (1996).
  • COPA (1998-challenged, in court).
  • Childrens Internet Protection Act (2000) which
    requires filters for computers in public
    libraries and public schools). Challenged, in
  • What about hate speech on the web?

Freedom of Religion
  • First Amendment guarantees that Congress shall
    make no law respecting an establishment of
    religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
  • Establishment clause no state-sponsored religion
    or preference for one religion over another.
  • Free Exercise person can believe what he wants,
    but actions may be unconstitutional.
  • What about freedom of religion and illegal drug

Due Process
  • Procedural any government decision to take life,
    liberty or property must be fair. Requires
    Notice and Fair Hearing.
  • Substantive focuses on the content or the
    legislation (the right itself).
  • Fundamental Right requires compelling state
  • Non-Fundamental rational relationship to state

Equal Protection
  • 14th Amendment A state may not deny to any
    person within its jurisdiction the equal
    protection of the laws.
  • Government must treat similarly situated
    individuals (or businesses) in the same manner.
  • Courts apply different tests
  • Minimum scrutiny-economic rights.
  • Intermediate scrutiny.
  • Strict Scrutiny fundamental rights.

Privacy Rights
  • Fourth amendment protects against unreasonable
    search and seizures.
  • Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) found a right to
    personal privacy implied in constitution,
    expanded in Roe v. Wade (1973).
  • Website privacy policies. What about private
    information on the internet?
  • What about USA PATRIOT ACT (2001)?
  • HIPAA (1996) (healthcare privacy).

Appendix to Chapter 1
  • Finding Statutory Law.
  • United States Code (USC).
  • State Statutes.
  • Finding Administrative Law.
  • Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
  • Finding Case Law (Case Citations).

Exhibit 1A-1
  • Reading Understanding Case Law
  • Legal cases are identified by a legal citation
    (or a cite) as the example below
  • Nunez v. Carabbas Italian Grill, Inc., 448 Mass.
    170, 859 N.E.2d 801 (2007).

Title First Party is Plaintiff, second party is
Defendant. The parties are either italicized or
  • Reading Understanding Case Law
  • Legal cases are identified by a legal citation
    (or a cite) as the example below
  • Nunez v. Carabbas Italian Grill, Inc., 448 Mass.
    170, 859 N.E.2d 801 (2007).

This is a 2007 State Supreme Court Case found in
volume 448, page 170 of the Massachussets
Reports, OR volume 859, page 801 of the
NorthEastern Reporter 2nd.
Learning Objectives
  • What is the common law tradition?
  • What is a precedent? When might a court depart
    from precedent?
  • What is the difference between remedies at law
    and remedies in equity?
  • What constitutional clause gives the federal
    government the power to regulate commercial
    activities among the various states?
  • What is the Bill of Rights? What freedoms are
    guaranteed by the First Amendment?

  • Welcome and Instructor Introduction
  • Class Administration Office Hours, Folder and
    Box System
  • Student Introductions
  • Class Expectations
  • Ground Rules
  • Small Group Formation
  • Study Tips
  • QA
  • Mini-lecture
  • Class Review
  • Student Feedback
  • Preparation for Next Class
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