Title: By: Angeline Caroline Betsy and Christine
1Crater Lake National Park
By Angeline Caroline Betsy and Christine
2The Basic Info.
The Geographic location of Crater Lake is that it
is in South Central Oregon. The size of it is
183,224.05 acres (286 sq. mi.)It is also right
next to Diamond Lake and Union Creek. Staying at
Crater Lake Only Costs 10. It is about 100 miles
east of the Pacific Ocean.It lies inside of a
volcanic basin and it is the 7th deepest lake in
the world, but it is the deepest lake in the U.S.
It was also the 7th national park that was
established (1902). On August 22- 26 the Crater
Lake National Park celebrated its 100th
anniversary of establishment. IT is also the
700th oldest national park in the world. When at
Crater Lake the temperatures from July to
September average 40F (4C) at night and 70F
(21C) during the day. 533 inches per year of
snow. Crater Lake lies inside a caldera, or
volcanic basin, filled almost entirely by
snowfall, it is one of the clearest lakes
anywhere in the world. Lake temperature varies
between 32F (0C) and 66F ?
3Wildlife and Plants
90 of Crater lake National Park is wildlife.
Some of the most common animals tracks that are
common at Crater lake are Pine Martin, Douglas
Squirrel, Deer Mouse, bush-tailed wood-rat. In
the summer the black bear, elk, and bald eagles
stay at Crater Lake. Pine Martins, Snowshoe
hares, and Clarks Nutcrackers are the animals
that stay at Crater lake all year round. In the
Crater Lake lake, there were only 6 species from
the very beginning, The rainbow fish
(fingerlings), Brook and Brown Trout, Steelheads,
Coho (Silver) Salmon, and Kokonee Salmon. The
Steelheads and Coho salmons could not survive
long because of the closed system of the Crater
lake and for some reason Brook and Brown Trout
have not been seen since the 1960s. The Rainbow
Trout and Kokonee Salmon are the only survivors
of Crater Lake. Both are well equipped for
Craters cold, deep water. Non-native species 49
Animal species Mammals 52 Birds 151
Amphibians 8 Reptiles 4 Threatened 3
(wolverine, northern spotted owl, American bald
eagle). There are 700 plant species in Crater
Lake and there are 17 rare, endangered, or of
special concerned ones. There are also 49
non-native species.
4Leave no Trace Policy
Our leave no trace principles are to... 1) Plan
ahead -that mean know the rules ,prepare for
extreme weather, visit in small groups, and don't
bring to much food. 2) Travel and camp on durable
surfaces- which include campsites ,gravel, dry
grasses, snow,etc. 3) Dispose waste properly-
make sure you throw away your trash before u
leave. 4) Leave what you find -don't bring home
any artifacts from the park. 5) Minimize campfire
impacts- use lightweight cooking stuff. 6)
Respect wildlife-view wildlife from a distance
don't touch. 7) Be considerate to other
campers-be nice to other campers and avoid loud
noises for other peoples enjoyment.
5Crater Lakes History
William Gladstone Steel devoted his life and
fortune to the establishment and management of
Crater Lake National Park. He started getting
involved with the lake in 1870. In his efforts to
bring recognition to the park, he participated in
lake surveys that provided scientific support. He
named many of the lake's landmarks, including
Wizard Island, Llao Rock, and Skell Head. Steel's
dream was realized on May 22, 1902 when President
Theodore Roosevelt signed the bill giving Crater
Lake national park status. And because of Steel's
involvement, Crater Lake Lodge was opened in 1915
and the Rim Drive was completed in 1918. In 1902
congress decided that Crater Lake and its
surrounding areas would be dedicated forever a
public park for the people of the USA.
6What its Used for
Hiking and camping are popular activities.
Fishing for trout and salmon in the lake is also
a favorite pastime. Also bicycling and going on
bus tours are some stuff that many of the
tourists like to do. During the summer in Crater
Lake many of the tourists who come also go scuba
Diving. During the winter when the lake freezes,
it is used for cross country skiing and hiking.
It is also used for snowmobiling. Many tourists
also come to Crater Lake just to see its
spectacular views.
7Some Interesting Things
Greatest depth 1,943 feet (592 meters)Average
depth 1,148 feet (350 meters)Surface elevation
6,173 feet (1,881 meters) above sea level
Surface area 13,069 acres (20.42 square miles)
Widest point 6.02 miles (9.69 km, Discovery Pt
- Grotto Cove) Narrowest point 4.54 miles (7.31
km, Dutton Cliff - Llao Rock) Average height of
rim 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the
waterHighest point on rim 1,980 feet (604
meters) at Hillman PeakLowest point on rim 507
feet (155 meters) at Palisade PointWizard
Island 764 feet (233 meters) above the water
Volume of water 5 trillion gallons (19 trillion
liters)Total Area 183,224.05 acres (286 square
miles) Cost of cars/transportation Single,
private, non-commercial vehicles
10Pedestrians, single motorcyclists, and
bicyclists 5Commercial buses 25 to 200,
depending on capacity