Title: Prevention of HIV in Health Care Facilities
1Prevention of HIV in Health Care Facilities
- Describe strategies for preventing HIV
transmission in the healthcare setting - Describe universal precautions (UPs) in the
context of PMTCT - Identify key steps and principles involved in the
decontamination of equipment and materials
3Objectives (continued)
- Assess occupational risk and identify
risk-reduction strategies in MCH settings - Describe management of occupational exposure to
HIV - Identify measures to minimize stress and provide
support to healthcare workers and caregivers
4Basic Concepts of HIV Transmission
- Primary source of HIV infection in the healthcare
setting - Blood or body fluids in direct contact with an
open wound, or by needle or sharp stick - High-risk MCH settings
- Obstetric procedures
- Labour and delivery
- Immediate care of the infant
5Blood-borne Pathogens
- In addition to HIV, blood-borne pathogens include
- Hepatitis B and C
- Syphilis
- Malaria
- Bacterial infections like Brucellosis
6Prevention of HIV Transmission
- Healthcare worker to patient and patient to
healthcare worker or another patient - Apply Universal Precautions
- Patient to patient
- Sterilize contaminated equipment and devices
7Infection Control Measures
- Universal Precautions
- Management of the work environment
- Ongoing education of employees in all aspects of
infection prevention
8Universal Precautions Definition
- Safe or good clinical practices
- applied universally in caring for all
- patients, regardless of the
- diagnosis in order to minimise or
- avoid exposure to infection
9Universal Precautions
- Applied universally in caring for all patients
- Hand washing
- Decontamination of equipment and devices
- Use and disposal of needles and sharps safely
(no recapping) - Wearing protective items
- Prompt cleaning up of blood and body fluid spills
- Systems for safe collection of waste and disposal
10Promotion of a Safe and Supportive Work
- Management of the work environment to
- promote safety includes
- Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of use
of UPs - Procedures for reporting and treating
occupational exposure to HIV infection - Attaining and maintaining appropriate staffing
levels - Providing protective equipment and materials
- Providing appropriate disinfectants
11Education in Infection Prevention
- Education of HCWs includes
- Making all staff aware of established infection
control policies - Ongoing training to build skills in safe handling
of equipment and materials - Monitoring and evaluation of practices to remedy
12Handling of Equipment and Materials
- Risk reduction strategies
- Hand washing
- Assessment of condition of protective equipment
- Safe disposal of waste materials
- Ensuring that appropriate cleaning and
disinfecting agents are available - Decontamination of instruments and equipment
- Monitoring of integrity of skin
13Handling and Disposal of Sharps
- Use syringe or needle once only
- Avoid recapping, bending, or breaking needles
- Use puncture-proof container for disposal
- Clearly label container SHARPS
- Never overfill or reuse sharps containers
- Dispose of sharps so people cannot access them
14Hand Hygiene
- Recommended Practice
- Soap and water hand washing using friction under
running water for at least 15 seconds - Using alcohol-based hand rubs (or antimicrobial
soap) and water for routine decontamination
15Personal Protective Equipment
- Basic personal protective equipment
- Glovescorrect size
- Apronsas a waterproof barrier
- Eyewearto avoid accidental splash
- Footwearrubber boots or clean leather shoes
16Safe Decontamination of Equipment
- Cleaning
- Removes high proportion of micro organisms and
contaminants - Disinfection
- Eliminates most recognized pathogenic micro
organisms, inactivates HIV - Sterilization
- Destroys all micro organisms, inactivates HIV
17Safe Work Practices
- To reduce occupational risks
- Assess high-risk situations and areas
- Develop safety standards and protocols
- Institute measures to reduce occupational stress
- Orient new staff to safety protocols
- Provide ongoing staff education and supervision
- Develop protocols for post-exposure prophylaxis
(PEP) and general first aid
18Risk Reduction in the Obstetric Setting
- Minimize high risk of exposure to HIV-infected
blood and body fluids in labour room - Cover broken skin with watertight dressing
- Practice universal precautions
- Wear proper protective clothing
- Double-glove during procedures
- Long-cuffed gloves during manual removal of
placenta - Dispose of solid waste according to recommended
19Managing Occupational Exposure to HIV Infection
- Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP
- PEP Following occupational HIV exposure,
short-course of ARV drugs can be used to reduce
the likelihood of infection - Register occupational exposures
- Ensure that HIV counselling, testing,and ARV
drugs are available - Educate healthcare workers
20Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
- Immediate steps post- exposure
- Wash exposed wound or skin with soap and water
- For needle or sharp injury, allow to bleed for a
few seconds before washing - Inform supervisor of type of exposure and the
actions taken - Assure confidentiality to the HCW
- Ensure support and referral for treatment
21Guidelines for PEP
- Ideally, initiate PEP treatment within 2 hours of
exposure - If source patient is HIV negative, discontinue
PEP and retest at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months - If source patient is HIV positive, counsel,
support, and refer the HCW for continued
22Guidelines for PEP (continued
- Follow approved PEP regimen
- Examples
- ZDV 200 mg 3 times daily for 4 weeks
- Combivir tablet (300 mg ZDV and 150 mg
lamivudine) twice daily - Indinavir 800 mg 3 times daily for 4 weeks
23Key Points
- Universal precautions apply to all patients,
regardless of diagnosis - Key components of UPs include
- Hand washing
- Safe handling and disposal of sharps
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Decontamination of equipment
- Safe disposal of infectious waste materials
- Safe environmental practices
24Key Points (continued )
- Needle-stick injuries from HIV-infected patients
are the most common source of HIV transmission in
the workplace - During labour and delivery, safe care reduces the
risk of occupational exposure - Short-term ARV treatment reduces risk of HIV
infection after occupational exposure
25Key Points (continued)
- Clean, disinfect, and sterlise al instruments
used in invasive procedures - Burnout syndrome is related to intense, prolonged
job stress