Answer Set Programming: A new Paradigm for Knowledge Representation and Constraint Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Answer Set Programming: A new Paradigm for Knowledge Representation and Constraint Programming


A normal program in ASP is a collection of rules of the form: ... lparse -c colors=3 coloring.lp | smodels. Conditional literals in Smodels. Example ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Answer Set Programming: A new Paradigm for Knowledge Representation and Constraint Programming

Answer Set ProgrammingA new Paradigm for
Knowledge Representation and Constraint
  • Russell and Norvig 10.7
  • Lecture Notes for Cmput 366
  • (Some slides ,especially those with pictures,
    are taken from C. Barals talk at AAAI05)

Intelligent Agent
  • Can acquire knowledge through various means such
    as learning from experience, observations,
    reading, etc., and
  • Can reason with this knowledge to make plans,
    explain observations, achieve goals, etc.

To learn knowledge and to reason with it
  • we need to know how to represent knowledge in a
    computer readable format.
  • McCarthy 1959 in Programs with commonsense
  • In order for a program to be capable of
    learning something it must first be capable of
    being told it.

Importance of KR
  • KR is the starting point of building intelligent
    entities (or AI systems), and leads to the next
    steps of acquiring knowledge and reasoning with

What does KR entail?
  • We need languages and corresponding methodologies
    to represent various kinds of knowledge.

Importance of inventing suitable KR languages
  • Development of a suitable knowledge
    representation language and methodology is as
    important to AI systems
  • as
  • Calculus is to Physics and Engineering.

Historical perspective
  • AI pioneers (especially McCarthy and Minsky)
    realized the importance of KR to AI.
  • McCarthy 1959 Programs with commonsense
  • (perhaps the first paper on logical AI).
  • Minsky 1974 A framework for representing

John McCarthy
Marvin Minksy
What are the properties of a good KR language.
  • To start with should be non-monotonic
  • i.e., allow revision of conclusion in presence of
    new knowledge.
  • Hayes 1973 (Computation and Deduction) mentions
    monotonicity (calls it extension property) and
    notes that rules of default do not satisfy it.
  • Minsky 1974 (A framework for representing
  • criticizes monotonicity of logistic

Pat Hayes
Marvin Minsky
Inadequacy of first order logic
  • They are monotonic More information one has,
    more consequences one gets.
  • Human communication is typically based on closed
    world assumption.

An Example of Closed World Assumption
  • ground-wet ? watering.
  • ground-wet ? raining.
  • In an open world, there could be others that
    cause ground-wet (we simply dont know, or have
    not said).
  • But in a closed world, what we said is all that
    we know, for Horn clauses, this is called Clark
  • Ground-wet ? watering ? raining

Problem with Clark Completion
  • a ? a.
  • When completed, it becomes
  • a ? a
  • Two models a and . The first model doesnt
    seem to make sense (how can we have a?)
  • The desired model should be since there is
    no way to establish a, hence a is (believed to
    be) false.

Transitive Closure graph reachability
  • reach(a).
  • reach(X) ? reach(Y), edge(Y,X).
  • a and b are reachable but c and d are not.
  • But c is not reachable, neither is d. Can we
    infer these?

edge(c,d). edge(d,c)
Reachability Clark completion (cf. page 355 of
  • ?XY edge(X,Y) ? ((Xa ?Y b) ? (X c ? Yd) ?
    (X d ? Y c))
  • ?X reach(X) ? (X a or ?Y (reach(Y) ?
  • Equality axioms.
  • edge(a,b), edge(c,d), edge(d,c), reach(a),
    reach(b) is a model.
  • But so is edge(a,b), edge(c,d), edge(d,c),
    reach(a), reach(b), reach(c), reach(d) .
  • Hence one can not conclude reach(c), reach(d).
  • Need to go beyond first order logic.

Pre-1980 history of non-monotonic logics from
Minkers 93 survey
  • THNOT in PLANNER Hewitt in 1969
  • Prolog Colmerauer et al. 1973
  • Circumscription McCarthy 1977
  • Default Reasoning Reiter
  • Closed World Assumption (CWA) Reiter 1978
  • Negation as failure
    Clark 1978
  • Truth maintenance systems Doyle
  • AIJ Volume 13, 1980, a special issue

  • Only consider minimal models for the
    circumscribed predicates
  • E.g.
  • bird(X) ? ab(X) ? flies(X)
  • To circumscribe predicate ab, we can assume
  • unless ab(X) is known to be true. Thus, in lack
  • information about a bird being abnormal, we
    conclude it
  • flies.

  • bird(X) ? ab(X) ? flies(X)
  • bird(tweety)
  • Models (after propositionalizing)
  • M1bird(tweety), ab(tweety),flies(tweet
  • M2bird(tweety), ab(tweety)
  • M3bird(tweety), flies(tweety)
  • M3 is smaller than others wrt predicate ab.
  • flies(tweety) follows from the given formulas
    under circumscription.

Default Logic
  • We write default rules.
  • E.g.
  • bird(X) ab(X)
  • -----------------------
  • flies(X)
  • Reads if X is a bird, and it can be consistently
  • that it is not abnormal, then it

Have we invented calculus of KR yet?
  • What basic properties should it have?
  • have a simple and intuitive syntax and semantics
  • be non-monotonic
  • allow us to represent and reason with incomplete
    information and
  • allow us to express and answer problem solving
    queries such as planning queries, explanation
    queries and diagnostic queries.

Have we invented calculus of KR yet? -
  • What properties will make it useful?
  • should have building block results
  • should have interpreters for reasoning with the
  • should have existing applications and
  • should have systems that can learn knowledge in
    this language.

Is ASP a good candidate?
  • An ASP program (late 1980s) is a collection of
    rules of the form
  • A0 or or Al ? B1, , Bm, not C1, , not Cn.
  • where Ais, Bjs and Cks are literals.

Michael Gelfond
Jack Minker
Vladimir Lifschitz
Ray Reiter
Is ASP a good candidate?
  • Its syntax uses the intuitive If-then form.
  • It is non-monotonic.
  • Can express defaults and their exceptions.
  • Can represent and reason with incomplete
  • Can express and answer problem solving queries.
  • Large body of building block results.
  • Various implementations Smodels, DLV, Prolog.
  • Many applications built using it.
  • Learning systems Progol.
  • Its initial paper among the top 5 AI source
    documents in terms of citeseer citation.

How ASP differs from
  • Prolog ordering matters in Prolog can not
    handle cycles with not has extra-logical
    features does not have disjunction and classical
    negation and is not declarative.
  • Logic Programming is a class of languages and
    many different semantics are proposed for not.
  • Classical Logic
  • Classical logic is monotonic.
  • ? in AnsProlog, which helps in expressing
    causality, is not reverse implication.
  • Disjunction symbol or in AnsProlog is
  • The negation as failure symbol not in AnsProlog
    is non-classical.

Normal program
  • A normal program in ASP is a collection of rules
    of the form
  • A ? B1, , Bm, not C1, , not Cn.
  • where A, Bjs and Cks are function-free atoms.
  • If the body is empty, we write
  • A ?.
  • Or simply
  • A.

  • A function-free program can be grounded (called
    propositionalization in textbook)
  • p(X) ? q(X), not s(X) . Function-free
  • p(X) ? q(f(X)), not s(X). Not function-free

  • Suppose we have constants a,b,c in our program,
    the rule
  • p(X) ? q(X), not s(X).
  • is a compact representation of three ground rules
  • p(a) ? q(a), not s(a).
  • p(b) ? q(b), not s(b).
  • p(c) ? q(c), not s(c).

  • Informally, a stable model M of a ground program
    P is a set of ground atoms such that
  • Every rule is satisfied, i.e., for any rule in P
  • A ? B1, , Bm, not C1, , not Cn.
  • if Bjs are satisfied (Bjs are in M) and Cjs
    are also satisfied (not Cj is satisfied if Cj is
    not in M), then A is in M.
  • Every A ? M can be derived from a rule by a
    non-circular reasoning.

  • P1 a ? a.
  • M a is not a stable model but M is.
  • P2 a ? not b.
  • a is the only stable model
  • P3 a ? not a.
  • It has no stable model

  • P4 a ? not b. b ? not a.
  • Two stable models a and b.

  • P4 a ? not b. b ? not a.
  • Two stable models a and b.
  • P5 a ? not b. b ? not a. a ? not a.
  • a is the only stable model.

Does tweety fly?
  • fly(X) ? bird(X), not ab(X).
  • ab(X) ? penguin(X).
  • bird(X) ? penguin(X).
  • bird(tweety).
  • We conclude fly(tweety).
  • But if we add
  • penguin(tweety).
  • We can no longer conclude fly(tweety)
  • and conclude fly(tweety), by virtue of CWA.

Constraints for disallowing
  • The head of a rule may be empty
  • ? B1, , Bm, not C1, , not Cn.
  • It says no stable model may contain all Bjs and
    none of Cjs.

Generate-and-constrain first generate
  • To specify both possibilities a is in a solution
    or not, we can use a dummy a
  • a ? not a.
  • a ? not a.
  • Two stable models a, a the latter
    represents that a is not in solution

Generate-and-constrain first generate
  • To specify all subsets of a,b,c, we can write
  • a ? not a. b ? not b. c ? not
  • a ? not a. b ? not b. c ? not
  • Eight stable models each corresponding to a
    subset, e.g. a, b,c represents that a is in
    it, but not b, nor c.

Generate-and-constrain then constrain
  • Any subset of a,b,c such that a and b cannot be
  • a ? not a. b ? not b. c ? not
  • a ? not a. b ? not b. c ? not
  • ? a ,b.
  • What if we want to say whenever a is in a stable
    model, so is b?

Hamiltonian Cycle
  • Given a set of facts defining the vertices and
    edges of a directed graph and a starting vertex
    v0, find a path that visits every vertex exactly

Hamiltonian Cycle
  • Any edge could be on such a path. We use in(U,V)
    to represent that edge(U,V) is on such a path.
  • in(U,V) ? edge(U,V), not out(U,V).
  • out(U,V) ? edge(U,V), not in(U,V).
  • out(U,V) is a dummy representing edge(U,V) is not
    on such a path.

Hamiltonian Cycle
  • A path must be chained to form a sequence over
    the edges on it
  • reachable(V) ? in(v0,V).
  • reachable(V) ? reachable(U), in(U,V).

Hamiltonian Cycle
  • A vertex cannot be visited more than once.
  • This can be defined as no more than one edge on
    such a path that goes into any vertex (similarly
    out of such an edge)
  • ? edge(U,V),in(U,V), edge(W,V)in(W,V), U ? W.
  • ? edge(U,V),in(U,V), edge(U,W),in(U,W), V ?

Hamiltonian Cycle
  • Dont forget to say that every vertex must be
  • ? vertex(U), not reachable(U).

  • Whether 3 colors, say red, blue, and yellow, are
    sufficient to color a map
  • A map is represented by a graph, with facts about
    nodes and arc as given, e.g,
  • vertex(a).
  • vertex(b).
  • arc(a,b).

  • Every vertex must be colored with exactly one
  • color(V,r) ? vertex(V), not color(V,b), not
  • color(V,b) ? vertex(V), not color(V,r), not
  • color(V,y) ? vertex(V), not color(V,b), not
  • No adjacent vertices may be colored with the same
  • ? vertex(V), vertex(U), arc(V,U),col(C ),
  • color(U,C).
  • Of course, we need to say what colors are
  • col(r). col(b). col(y).

  • A different encoding
  • color(V,C) ? node(V), col(C), not
  • otherColor(V,C) ? node(V), col(C), not
  • ? node(V), col(C1), col(C2), color(V,C1),
    color(V,C2), C1? C2.
  • ? node(V), col(C), not color(V,C).
  • ? node(V), node(U), V ? U, arc(V,U), col(C ),
    color(V,C), color(U,C).

So, what exactly is a stable model of a normal
program P
  • Idea you guess a set of atoms and verify it is
    indeed exactly the set of atoms that can be
    derived (page 357 of textbook)
  • Reduct of P w.r.t. M h ? b1, , bm
  • h? b1, , bm, not c1, , not cn is in P
  • and no ci is in M
  • M is a stable model of P iff the set of (atomic)
    consequences of the reduct of P is precisely M

Stable model
  • P
  • a ? not b.
  • b ? not a.
  • M a is a stable model, since the reduct of
    P wrt. M is
  • a ?.
  • its set of (atomic) consequences is precisely M

Stable model
  • Why
  • a ? not a.
  • has no stable model?
  • The empty set is not a stable model. (Why?)
  • If Ma were a stable model, the reduct of
    program wrt a is the empty set, whose (atomic)
    consequences is also empty, not the same as M.

Extensions Cardinality constraint
  • A cardinality constraint is of form
  • L a1, , am, not b1, , not bk U
  • The constraint is satisfied in a model if the
    cardinality of the subset of the literals
    satisfied by the model is between integers L and
    U, inclusive.
  • A cardinality constraint can be used anywhere in
    a rule.
  • E.g. P 0a, b, not d2 ?.
  • a is a stable model, but is a,b a stable

Cardinality constraint
  • Generate all subsets of a,b,c,d such that
    whenever a is in it so is b
  • 0a, b, c, d4 ?.
  • b ? a.
  • As 4 is the max number of literals that may be
    satisfied, you may omit it for simplicity
  • 0a, b, c, d ?.

Cardinality constraint
  • Generate all subsets of a,b,c,d such that if a
    is not in it, then b is in it.
  • 0a, b, c, d ?.
  • b ? not a.
  • Are they stable models?
  • M1 a,b,c M2 b,c,d,e

ASP Systems
  • Smodels (Helsinki Univ. of Tech.)
  • DLV (Vienna Univ. of Tech.)
  • ASSAT (HK Univ. of Sci. and Tech.)
  • Cmodel (U. of Texas at Austin)

The Smodels System
  • An efficient system for computing answer sets of
    normal programs (later exteneded for disjunctive
  • Consists of two parts
  • Lparse ground a program
  • Smodels compute the stable models of the
    grounded program, based on DPLL.

  • Syntax largely borrowed from Prolog.
  • a - not b.
  • b - not a.
  • - a.
  • A number of language constructs for convenience

Conditional Literals in Smodels
  • A short hand to express a set take the form
  • l d
  • where l is an atom and d a domain predicate.
  • E.g. Set a vertex v to exactly one color among
  • red, blue and yellow
  • 1 setColor(v,C) color(C)1.
  • color(red). color(blue). color(yellow).
  • is equivalent to
  • 1setColor(v,red), setColor(v,blue),
    setColor(v,yellow) 1.

  • every vertex is colored with exactly one color.
  • 1 setColor(V,C) col(C) 1 - vertex(V).
  • facts representing colors
  • col(1..colors).
  • no adjacent vertices are colored with the same
  • - vertex(V), vertex(U), arc(V,U), col(C ), U?V,
    setColor(V,C), setColor(U,C).
  • Typical command line
  • lparse -c colors3 coloring.lp smodels

Conditional literals in Smodels
  • Example
  • 1 p(I,J) d(I,J) 1.
  • d(I,J) - d(I),d(J).
  • d(1..2).
  • The first rule above is equivalent to
  • 1 p(1,1),p(1,2),p(2,1),p(2,2) 1.

Conditional literals in Smodels
  • Note the difference with the following program
  • 1 p(I,J) d(I) 1 - d(J).
  • d(1..2).
  • The first rule above is equivalent to
  • 1 p(I,1) d(I) 1 - d(1).
  • 1 p(I,2) d(I) 1 - d(2).
  • which are equivalent to
  • 1 p(1,1),p(2,1) 1 - d(1).
  • 1 p(1,2),p(2,2) 1 - d(2).

Hamiltonian Cycle Revisited
  • Any subset of edges can be on such a path
  • in(U,V) ? edge(U,V), not out(U,V).
  • out(U,V) ? edge(U,V), not in(U,V).
  • Now can be programmed as
  • 0 in(U,V) edge(U,V) .

Wumpus World
  • There is exactly one wumpus
  • 1 at(I,J,wumpus) room(I,J) 1.
  • room(I,J) - col(I), row(J).
  • For a 4 by 4 grid, this is equivalent to exactly
    one atom being true in the set of 16
  • 1 at(1,1,wumpus), at(1,2,wumpus),. 1.

Wumpus World
  • One or more adjacent rooms has a pit if breeze at
    current room (cf. Assignment 3)
  • 1 at(Ni,Nj,pit) adjacent(I,J,Ni,Nj) -
  • room(I,J),
  • sensor(I,J,none,breeze).

N-queens problem
  • hide.
  • show q(X,Y).
  • d(1..queens).
  • 1 q(X,Y)d(Y) 1 - d(X).
  • - d(X), d(Y), d(X1), q(X,Y), q(X1,Y), X1 ! X.
  • - d(X), d(Y), d(Y1), q(X,Y), q(X,Y1), Y1 ! Y.
  • - d(X), d(Y), d(X1), d(Y1), q(X,Y), q(X1,Y1),
  • X ! X1, Y ! Y1, abs(X - X1) abs(Y - Y1).
  • - d(X), not hasq(X).
  • hasq(X) - d(X), d(Y), q(X,Y).
  • Typical command line
  • lparse -c queens8 queens.lp smodels

Weight constraints
  • We can replace cardinality by weights
  • L l1, w1 , lm wm U
  • where each li is an atom or a not_atom. Its
    satisfied when the sum of the satisfied lis is
    between L and U.
  • When all wi 1, it becomes a cardinality
  • (We dont need to use weight constraints in this

Classic Negation
  • safe ? ? train. vs. safe ? not
  • Use a new name e.g., no_train, to represent it
  • safe ? no_train.
  • of course, they cannot be both in a stable model.
  • ? train, no_train.
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