- Definitions and workshop objectives
- Jeffrey T. Morisette, Ph.D.
- jeff.morisette_at_nasa.gov, (301) 614-5498
- Missoula Montana7 August 2006
2(No Transcript)
3CEOS WGCV Definition
- Validation
- the process of assessing by independent means the
quality of the data products derived from the
system outputs - (LPV will operates under this definition, but
also with the understanding that validation
activities should consider user accuracy needs
and feedback to algorithm improvements.)
Justice, C., Belward, A., Morisette, J., Lewis,
P., Privette, J., Baret, F., 2000, Developments
in the validation of satellite products for the
study of the land surface, International Journal
of Remote Sensing, v. 21 (17) 3383 3390
4CEOS validation hierarchy
- Stage 1 Validation Product accuracy has been
estimated using a small number of independent
measurements obtained from selected locations and
time periods and ground-truth/field program
effort. - Stage 2 Validation Product accuracy has been
assessed over a widely distributed set of
locations and time periods via several
ground-truth and validation efforts. - Stage 3 Validation Product accuracy has been
assessed and the uncertainties in the product
well established via independent measurements
through a systematic and statistically robust
sample representing global conditions.
5LPV Objectives
- providing a forum for discussion of current
issues and for exchange of technical information
on efficient approaches to global land product
validation - increasing the quality and economy of land
product validation by developing standards and
protocols for field sampling, error budgeting,
data exchange, and product evaluation - facilitating international cooperation and
coordination of validation activities by sharing
information on instruments, analyses, and field
6LPV Publications
- Special Issue on Global Land Product Validation
(Morisette, Baret, and Liang guest editorsIEEE
TGARS July 2006, vol. 44, no. 7
- Best Practicies for Global Land Cover
Validation - Strahler Boschetti, Foody, Friedl, Hansen,
Herold, Mayaux, Morisette, Stehman, Strahler,
Matches WGCV page layout and graphic
- Pull-down menu for main topical areas
- Land cover
- Biophysical
- Fire/Burn
- Surface Radiation
- Each pull-down lists
- Background
- Producers
- Meetings
- Case studies
- Intercomparisons
- input needed
- Quick links to
- Listserves
- Announments
- CEOS and
- CEOS calendar
web curator Jaime Nickeson, NASA GSFC
8Why validate global land products
- Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS)
definition validation Estimating
Uncertainty - Good science and resource management require
understanding of product accuracy/uncertainty - Explicit statements of uncertainty fosters an
informed user community and improved use of data - Use of products for policy analysis implies
products may be independently evaluated and
possibly challenged - As more, and similar, global products are
produced by NASA other CEOS members, inter-use
will require characterization of each products
9Current Validation Framework
Field data
High resolution imagery
Aggregate Relate
High resolution Product
Moderate resolution Product
Accuracy Assessmentfor one product, at one site,
at one point in time
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11Time-series data
Year close up 2000 - 2004
12Phenology parameters TIMESAT
- Beginning of season
- End of season
- Length of season
- Base value
- Peak value
- Time of peak
- Amplitude
- Left derivative
- Right derivative
- Integral over season (absolute)
- Integral over season (scaled)
TIMESAT - a program for analyzing time-series of
satellite sensor dataPer Jonsson Lars Eklund,
Computers Geosciences 30833-845, 2004.
13Considering the time component
Current validation activities address the
accuracy of a specific parameter at one or more
points in time.
Validation of phenological parameters requires
quantifying the uncertainty in the time domain.
14Meeting Objectives
- Assess the current state of global vegetation
index time series data accuracy - and
- methods used to quantify the uncertainties in
seasonal/phenology metrics and long-term land
surface process studies
15Meeting Approach
- Existing validation studies
- New Opportunities for time-series validation
- Requirements from the users perspectives
- Discussion on steps forward