Title: Interoperability: future-proofing CAA
1Interoperability future-proofing CAA
Heriot-Watt University 6th February, 2002
- Niall Sclater CETIS
- Manager, Educational Systems
- University of Strathclyde
2Why do I need to know about QTI?
- Im authoring a bank of questions in my subject
area - Im involved in the selection of a CAA system for
my institution - I have a general interest in online learning and
3The basics
- IMS QTI is a means for exchanging assessment
information - It uses XML
- 2 key parts of the spec
- Assessment Section Item
- Results Report
- Also QTI lite
- Can be implemented separately
4(No Transcript)
5Response types
- Multiple choice
- True false
- Multiple response
- Image hot spot
- Fill in the blank
- Select text
- Slide
- Drag object
- Drag target
- Order objects
- Match item
- Connect the points
6The concept of rendering
- The same item can be rendered in different ways
to allow for different - delivery platforms
- technical capabilities
- participant challenges (eg visual, audio,
physical etc)
7Rendering example
8Basic response render types
- Response types
- logical identifier
- xy coordinate
- string
- number
- logical group
- Render types
- choice
- hot spot
- fill in blank
- slider
- object
9True false example
10True false example XML
ltquestestinteropgt ltqticommentgt This is a
simple True/False multiple-choice example. The
rendering is a standard radio button style. No
response processing is incorporated. lt/qticomment
gt ltitem ident"IMS_V01_I_BasicExample001a"gt
ltpresentation label"BasicExample001a"gt
ltmaterialgt ltmattextgt Paris is the
Capital of France ? lt/mattextgt
lt/materialgt ltresponse_lid
ident"TF01" rcardinality"Single" rtiming"No"gt
ltresponse_label ident"T"gt
ltmaterialgtltmattextgt True lt/mattextgtlt/material
gt lt/response_labelgt
ltresponse_label ident"F"gt
ltmaterialgtltmattextgt False lt/mattextgtlt/materia
lgt lt/response_labelgt lt/render_choi
cegt lt/response_lidgt
lt/presentationgt lt/itemgt lt/questestinteropgt
11Response processing
ltitemgt ltresprocessinggt ltoutcomesgtltdecvar/gtlt/ou
tcomesgt ltrespcondition title"Correct"gt ltcondit
ionvargt ltvarequal respident"TF01"gtTlt/varequalgt
lt/conditionvargt ltsetvar action"Set"
gt1lt/setvargt ltdisplayfeedback feedbacktype"Respo
nse" linkrefid"Correct"/gt lt/respconditiongt lt/res
processinggt ltitemfeedback ident"Correct"
view"Candidate"gt ltmaterialgtltmattextgtYes, you
are rightlt/mattextgtlt/materialgt lt/itemfeedbackgt
12Multiple choice example
13Multiple choice example XML
ltquestestinteropgt ltitem title"Standard MC Item"
ltpresentation label"BasicExample002"gt
ltmaterialgtltmattextgtWhich one of the listed
standards committees is responsible
for developing the token ring specification ?
ltmattextgt lt/materialgt
ltresponse_lid ident"MC01" rcardinality"Single
" rtiming"No"gt ltrender_choice
shuffle"Yes"gt ltresponse_label
ident"A"gt ltmaterialgtltmattextgt
IEEE 802.3 lt/mattextgtlt/materialgt
lt/response_labelgt ltresponse_label
ident"B"gt ltmaterialgtltmattextgt
IEEE 802.5 lt/mattextgtlt/materialgt
lt/response_labelgt ltresponse_label
ident"C"gt ltmaterialgtltmattextgt
IEEE 802.6 lt/mattextgtlt/materialgt
lt/response_labelgt ltresponse_label
ident"D"gt ltmaterialgtltmattextgt
IEEE 802.11 lt/mattextgtlt/materialgt
lt/response_labelgt ltresponse_label
ident"E" rshuffle"No"gt
ltmaterialgtltmattextgt None of the above.
lt/mattextgtlt/materialgt lt/response_label
gt lt/render_choicegt lt/response_lidgt
lt/presentationgt lt/itemgt lt/questestinteropgt
14Response processing
ltitemgt ltresprocessinggt ltoutcomesgt ltdecvar
vartype"Integer" defaultval"0"/gt lt/outcomesgt lt
respcondition title"Correct"gt ltconditionvargt
ltvarequal respident"MCb_01"gtAlt/varequalgt lt/con
ditionvargt ltsetvar action"Set"
gt1lt/setvargt ltdisplayfeedback feedbacktype"Respo
nse" linkrefid"Correct"/gt lt/respconditiongt lt/res
processinggt ltitemfeedback ident"Correct"
view"Candidate"gt ltmaterialgtltmattextgtYes, you
are right.lt/mattextgtlt/materialgt lt/itemfeedbackgt
15Multiple response example
16Image hot spot example
17Fill in blank (string) example
18Numerical example
19Composite example
20Results reporting
- Specific to a single participant
- 4 constructs
- summary (eg max score, num attempts)
- assessment
- section
- item
- Each construct contains a context which specifies
details such as name of participant
21Where does QTI fit in with other specs?
- IMS Meta-data Specification
- IMS Content Packaging Specification
- IMS Learner Information Packaging Specification
- IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability
22IMS Spec Development Process
IMS Members
Technical Board
Working Group
Base Document
Public Draft
23Whats next with QTI?
- V1.2 currently being approved
- selection and ordering of sections and items
- scoring roll-up in sections and assessments (from
question scores to test scores) - results reporting
- Question and test metadata
- Harmonisation with other specs
- Integration with ADL SCORM
- Implementations now needed
- V1.3 early in 2002
24UK Interoperability Developments
- Strong representation in QTI working group
- meetings
- online discussions
- repository of open source tools
- hosting workshops
- CAA Centre SCAAN
- JISC MLE CAA Project
- e3an
25Products which say they are implementing QTI
- E-Test 3, RIVA Technologies Inc
- Question Mark Perception
- Can studios
- Oracle i-learning
- Blackboard
- WebCT
- Ultimate assessment
- E3AN
26IMS and other initiatives
- IMS Europe
- Open Knowledge Initiative
- Prometeus
- Questionmark -gt Blackboard WebCT
28QTI page
29QTI some problems
- For vendors
- implementing QTI is costly
- stops them from protecting their user base
- Vendors want simple specifications users want
broad, well-defined ones - It is difficult to define specifications which do
not have an effect on functionality
30Finally why bother with QTI?
- Avoid lock in
- allow data to be moved in standard formats
- allow one system to replace another
- Integrate systems from different vendors allow
choice of best assessment tool - Facilitate exchange of questions and tests
between institutions, allow market to develop - Enable separation of content from presentation
- Standard assessment records will facilitate
student mobility
31Further information
- www.sclater.com
- www.imsproject.org
- www.cetis.ac.uk/assessment