Title: Virtual Office
1Virtual Office
2003 NSA Convention
2003 NSA Convention
J. Mike Moye Jarvis Windom
Tools to Use
2How to Use the Virtual Office
- Calendars Payroll Tools Bookkeeping Tools
Tools (Tools for Accountants) Task
Managers Forms Financial and Estate
3How to use the Links 2
- Federal Links (Various Agencies)
- State Links (Departments of
Revenue) etc. - How to BUY For your office at lower costs !
4Calculators Portals
- Calculators Portals
- Other links Resources
5A new way to make money
- Partnering Programs Designed to add services to
your web page. - This should make a steady income stream.
6What is Shoebox Records?
Shoebox RecordsTM is an online record tracking
solution for your clients. It is simple,
single entry record tracking software think of
it as your clients digital shoebox.
7The Virtual Office Visit
You can now conduct a virtual office
visit. Shoebox Records becomes your platform,
and thats a great money maker for your office.
8You the Accountant can watch your Client Post
Shoebox RecordsTM is an online
9Links to other Organizations
- Organizations
- Tax Associations
- Firms and Career Search
- Accounting Sites
10 Free or Low Cost Education
11Education in every way
On line CDs that will play in every
computer DVDs that will play on the TV Computer
12Virtual Office
- Goes On On
- Remember
- Go to www.nsaservice.com/presentation.htm to
get to the notes on this entire presentation. - Presented by the NSA Technology Committee and