Title: Project Management and Exam Review
1Project Management and Exam Review
- Lab 3 Today Random Teams
- Where are we?
- Project Management Lecture
- Exam Review
3Project Management
- Meeting Management
- Decision Making
- Scheduling
- Estimation
4Meeting Management
- Have an agenda
- Start/Stop on time
- Make decisions
- Have a strawman
- Keep on topic
- Have recorder and timekeeper
5Sample Agenda
Review Previous Decisions 5 minutes
Analyze Requirements 15 minutes
Create WBS 20 minutes
Summarize Decisions 5 minutes
6Making Decisions 9 Step Plan
- Define Problem
- Decide on method of attack
- Generate alternatives
- Test alternatives for reality
- Choose alternative
- Plan for action
- Implement plan
- Evaluate effectiveness
- Determine next steps
- Realistic Schedule
- Overly Optimistic Schedules
- Impossible Schedules
Completion P
- Forward Plan
- Backwards Plan
What do we have to do?
What has to be done first?
How long does it take?
9Determining Tasks
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) avoid
design to organization
Mail Utilities
1. Preparation
2. Design
3. Implementation
4. Test
1.1 Mail Formats
2.1 Module ID
4.2 UT
4.1 Plan
4.3 IT
3.1 Code Modules
3.2 Create Make
10Determine Dependencies
11Determine Durations
12PM Wed
6 PM Wed
12Project Management for Labs
- New this semester
- First Lab
- Team meets and analyzes NFO
- Before leaving lab show your TA
- Team member names, mail ids
- Team name
- Preliminary WBS (Doesnt have to be formal)
- Preliminary Design Ideas
- CVS Plan
- Date of next meeting
13Project Management for Labs
- Second Lab (for multi-week labs)
- Before Leaving lab show TA
- Revised WBS
- Task Progress (Person-Hours Worked)
- Current Design
- Estimate of of code completed
- Problems/Issues
- ID design components that are not started
14Exam Review
Quality Process Product Relationship
Error Lifecycle
Defns Error, Fault(Defect/Bug), Failure
Code Standards / Reviews
Team vs Groups
Communications Modes Noise Channels
Active Listening Feedback
Team Lifecycle
Team Roles
Importance of Team Rules
MBTI in situation
Problem Team Members
Do WBS for small example