Title: Robotic Electrolocation: Active Underwater Target Localization with Electric Fields
1Robotic ElectrolocationActive Underwater Target
Localization with Electric Fields
- James R. Solberg Kevin M. Lynch
Malcolm A. MacIver
2Inspiration Weakly Electric Fish
Dielectric Object
E-field Flux
black ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons)
Voltage Detectors
- Self-generated electric field (1 mV/cm near its
skin) - Detect perturbations in field due to nearby
3Active Sensing in Weakly Electric Fish
- Weakly electric fish utilize both definitions of
the term active sensing - Active Sensing 1 Transduce self-generated
energy. - Active Sensing 2 Move sensors to gather better
information. - In this talk we investigate the latter
42-DOF Robotic Active Electrolocator
x linear slide
generated electric field
voltage detectors
y linear slide
5Possible Electrosense Application Close-Range
Sensing for AUVs
- Short range (lt 1m)
- High resolution (lt 100 µm)
- Omnidirectional
- Well suited for low-speed, highly-maneuverable
- Estimate target location from voltage
measurements --- Electrolocation - Implement an active control scheme on an XY robot
with the task of electrolocation.
7Simple 2-D Example
Define observation w V1 V2
V 0 volts
w 0 mV
8Target in Electric Field
At x 20mm,-20mm, w -44 mV
Contours at 50mV
electrical conductor
V 0 volts
9Observation, w, as a function of target location,
w -44mV
voltage detector
x 20,-20, w -44 This is the data point
found from the previous slide.
voltage detector
10Probabilistic Sensor Model, p(wx)
- For real data must explicitly account for sensor
noise. - Collect many ws at each x to construct empirical
sensor model. - Parameterize with mean, µw, and variance,
sw2(noise is Gaussian), for all possible target
locations, x
2-D slice
10 V
p(w x)
w likelihood for this x
x is the position of the target relative to the
center of the robot
µw as a function of x
-10 V
11Detection Range
µw as a function of x
- Yellow contour is 95 confidence detection
12Sensor Fusion via Particle Filter
- Represent belief of target location as set of
particles. - Each particle is a possible location of the
target. - Recursive Bayes filter updates the particles.
- The spatial variance of the particles is a
measure of the uncertainty of the target location
region of highest probability
Each particle is an instance (hypothesis) in
state space
13Active Control of Robot
- Controller objective Minimize expected particle
spatial variance at next time step (greedy). - Simulate each control option forward one time
step. - Choose control option that yields the expected
belief with the lowest uncertainty - Robot ends trial when belief (particles)
uncertainty is sufficiently low. Our metric is
the square root of the trace of the covariance
Trial stopping condition
(uncertainty metric)
14Electrolocation Experiments
- XY robot moves to estimate location of spherical
target - 8 experimental conditions
- 2 diameters 12.7mm (½) and 38.1mm (1-½)
- 2 target materials metal plastic
- 2 water salinities fresh and salt
- No motion uncertainty
- Robot moves at constant z above the target.
15Electrolocation Workspace
- Visits each grid point to construct sensor model
- Starting positions are randomly sampled from blue
box - Blue Gray box are permissible locations for the
center of the robot - Control options are randomly sampled from orange
white is robot position
small target workspace
top view of workspace
large target workspace
16Active Controller in Electrolocation
Controller minimize expected particle spatial
variance at next time step
(1) Initial belief
(1) observation update
(2) move
(2) observation update
w2 4 V
w1 0 V
(3) observation update
(4) move
(4) observation update
(3) move
w4 -4 V
w3 -2 V
17Final Belief of Trial
Centroid of 2000 particles (red x) is the
estimate of the target
Actual location of target is x0, y0.
Orange asterisks are the four locations visited
by the center of the robot
18Choosing Next Prospective Greedy vs. Random
- Compare active controller with choosing control
option randomly (random walk) - For each of the 8 experimental conditions, 50
electrolocation trials were performed for each of
the two controllers (800 trials total) - A trial has failed if either of the following
conditions are met - Trial takes more than 35 steps to locate the
target - - or -
- The difference between the estimate (centroid of
particles) and actual position is greater than 15
19Comparison of Controllers
Number of failed trials (out of 50)
Fresh Water
Salt Water
metal plastic
Median number of steps for completion
- Implemented a sensing modality (inspired by
weakly electric fish) capable of estimating the
location of a target based on voltage
measurements from a self-generated electric field - This electrosense was used to control an XY robot
to actively locate the position of the target. - The active control scheme performed better than a
random walk.