010'141 Engineering Mathematics II Lecture 13 Evolutionary Algorithms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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010'141 Engineering Mathematics II Lecture 13 Evolutionary Algorithms


(x1, x2,..., xN) means visiting city x1 first, then x2, then ... Construct a child tour from the edge map. Choose the initial city at random as the current city ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 010'141 Engineering Mathematics II Lecture 13 Evolutionary Algorithms

010.141 Engineering Mathematics IILecture
13Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Bob McKay
  • School of Computer Science and Engineering
  • College of Engineering
  • Seoul National University

  • Feedback
  • Simple example of applying an evolutionary
  • Variants of the classical evolutionary algorithm
  • Realistic evolutionary algorithm example

Reminder Evolutionary Algorithm
  • Pop(0)random t0
  • While not (solution ? Pop(t)) do
  • while size(Pop(t1)) lt size(Pop(t)) do
  • randomly select Ind1, Ind2 ? Pop(t)
  • with probability p1
  • Newrandom_mutate(Ind1)
  • else with probability p2
  • Newrandom_combine(Ind1, Ind2)
  • else New Ind1
  • add New to Pop(t1)
  • end while
  • tt1
  • End while

Genetic Algorithm Example
  • We will use the simple GA to maximise the
    function f(x) x2, with x in the integer
    interval 0 31, i.e., x 0 1 30 31
  • Of course, the maximum at x31, but pretend we
    dont know this
  • The first step of EA applications is encoding
  • i.e., the representation of chromosomes
  • We adopt binary representation for integers.
  • Five bits are necessary for integers up to 31
  • Suppose the population size is 4

Generate initial population at random
  • e.g., 01101, 11000, 01000, 10011

Calculate fitness value for each individual
  • Decode the individual into an integer,
  • 01101 ?13 11000 ?24 01000 ?8 10011 ?19
  • Evaluate the fitness according to f (x) x2,
  • 13 ?169 24 ?576 8 ?64 19 ?361

Selection Probabilities
  • p1(13) 169/1170 0.14
  • p2(24) 576/1170 0.49
  • p3(8) 64/1170 0.06
  • p4(19) 361/1170 0.31

Select individuals for crossover
  • Select two individuals (with replacement)
    according to the above probabilities for
  • Say we have crossover(01101 11000) and
    crossover(10011 11000)
  • We obtain offspring 01100 and 11001 from
    crossover(01101 11000) by choosing a random
    crossover point at 4
  • We obtain 10000 and 11011 from crossover(10011
    11000) by choosing a random crossover point at 2
  • Now we have 01100 11001 10000 11011

Select individuals for mutation
  • in the newly formed (intermediate) population
    with a small probability
  • i.e., randomly change 0(1) to 1(0) in 01100
    11001 10000 11011
  • Now we have the new population P (1) 01101
    11001 00000 11011

Repeat if the population has not converged.
  • P (1) 01101 11001 00000 11011
  • P (2) 00001 11101 00011 11010
  • P (3) 00001 11111 11110 11001
  • P (4) 11111 11110 11101 11101
  • P (5) 11111 11101 11111 11110
  • Etc

  • There is no restriction on the fitness or
    objective function
  • It can be non-differentiable or even
  • There is no need to know the exact form of the
    objective function
  • If the objective function is too complex to
    express explicitly, it can still be simulated
    since EAs only use function values
  • In fact, more modern selection algorithms just
    use solution ordering, so objective values just
    have to be orderable
  • There can be many different genetic operators and
    selection mechanisms
  • The initial population does not have to be
    generated at random.
  • The representation of chromosomes does not have
    to be binary.
  • Domain knowledge can be incorporated into
    representation and genetic operators.

Variants Crossover
  • One-point crossover
  • 011011 ? 011101
  • 101101 101011
  • k-point crossover (k gt 1)
  • xxxxxxxxxx ? xxoooxxxxo
  • oooooooooo ooxxxoooox
  • Uniform crossover
  • xxxxxxxxxx ? xooxxoxoxx
  • 1001101011
  • oooooooooo oxxooxoxoo

Variants Crossover
  • Intermediate crossover (
  • for continuous representation of chromosomes only
  • xoffspring x2 r(x1 - x2)
  • where r is a uniformly distributed random number
    in 0 1
  • Other crossover, e.g., order-based crossover

Variants Mutation
  • Mutation on binary strings (bit-flipping)
  • Mutation on real values (Gaussian mutation)
  • Adaptive Mutation
  • Gaussian mutation with varying ?
  • or ? may be part of the chromosome
  • Problem-specific mutation

Variants Selection
  • Truncation selection
  • Select the k fittest individuals
  • Roulette wheel selection
  • Fitness-proportionate selection
  • Likelihood of selection is proportional to
  • Rank-based selection
  • Likelihood of selection is proportionate to rank
  • Tournament selection (size k)
  • Randomly choose k individuals
  • Select the fittest of them

Variants other mutation operators
  • Problem-specific operators
  • You can design operators to match the problem
  • Biologically inspired operators
  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Replication
  • Transposition
  • Correspond to the real mutations that occur in

Variants other recombination operators
  • Differential evolution
  • A kind of 3-way crossover given x1, x2, x3
  • xnew x3 r(x1 - x2)
  • Multi-parent crossover
  • given x1, x2, , xr
  • xnew a1x1 a2x2 arxr
  • a1, a2, , ar ? -?, 1 ?
  • ? usually chosen as 0.5

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
  • Find the (a) shortest tour of N cities visiting
    each city exactly once and returning to the
    starting city
  • Or expressed mathematically
  • Given N cities, 1, 2,..., n, and distances
    dij, 1 i, j N, among them
  • Find a permutation (x1, x2,..., xN ) of (1,
    2,..., N )
  • Such that D ?I1N dxixi1 is minimum
  • (where xN1 x1)
  • An NP-Complete Problem

TSP Representation
  • Represent each tour as a tuple
  • (x1, x2,..., xN) means visiting city x1 first,
    then x2, then ..., , then xN, and finally going
    back to x1

TSP Mutation
  • Reverse any segment of the tour
  • Similar to Lin's 2-opt neighbourhood system

TSP Recombination
  • Construct an edge map from 2 parental tours

TSP Recombination
  • Construct a child tour from the edge map
  • Choose the initial city at random as the current
  • Determine which of the cities in the edge list of
    the current city has the fewest entries in its
    own edge list
  • City with the fewest entries becomes current city

Some Variants Selection
  • Fitness can be defined as inverse of tour length
  • f 1 / D
  • Roulette Wheel Selection
  • Let fitness of solution j in a population, G(j),
    be fj, 1 j M
  • Then solution j's reproduction probability is
  • PGA5 (j) fj / ?k1M fk

Some Variants Selection
  • Rank-Based Selection
  • Tours in a population are first sorted in a
    non-descending order according to their lengths
  • Let the M sorted tours be numbered as 0, 1,...,
  • Then the Mjth tour is selected with probability
  • PGA6 (M - j) j / ?k1M k
  • Competition
  • The probability of attaining a win over the
    opponent is the opponent's fitness divided by the
    sum of the two competing solutions' fitness
  • For example, if solution i's fitness is 100 and
    solution j's fitness is 200, then solution i wins
    with probability 2/3

We look at six Approaches
  • GA1, GA2, and GA3 use recombination only, no
  • GA4, GA5, and GA6 use mutation only, no
  • GA1 Recombination as described above
  • GA2 Favour the nearest neighbour
  • GA3 Tie is broken in favour of a nearer
  • GA4 Competition
  • GA5 Roulette wheel selection
  • GA6 Rank-based selection

  • We compare GA1 to GA6 on a TSP
  • Ten randomly generated TSPs with 100 cities
  • The expected minimum tour length is 100
  • Performance Metrics
  • Best (found so far)
  • Mean (in a population)
  • Entropy (in a population)
  • H 1 / N ?i1N H i
  • where N is the number of cities and
  • H i -1 / log(N) ?j1N (nij / 2P) log (nij /
  • P is the population size, nij is the number of
    edges connecting city i and city j in the

ResultsBest Tour Length vs of generations
ResultsMean Tour Lgth vs of generations
ResultsEntropy vs of generations
Analysis of Results
  • GA2 looks best
  • But is it
  • If we look early, GA3 looks better
  • But it stops searching effectively
  • Because it loses diversity
  • Crossover becomes ineffective
  • Notice GA1, 4, 5, 6 retain more diversity
  • Maybe they will get better if we search longer

Exploration vs Exploitation
  • An evolutionary algorithm has a trade-off between
  • Exploitation
  • Looking very carefully near already good points
  • Hill-climbing is the extreme case
  • Exploration
  • Looking very widely at good points
  • Random search is the extreme case

Exploration vs Exploitation
  • The right trade-off is problem-specific
  • If the fitness landscape is very smooth
  • Find the maximum of f(x)x2
  • Then the algorithm should emphasise exploitation
  • Stochastic hillclimbing will out-perform any
    evolutionary algorithm
  • Deterministic hillclimbing (gradient descent)
    will do even better

Exploration vs Exploitation
  • If the fitness landscape is very rough
  • Find good paths in TSP
  • Then the algorithm should emphasise exploration
  • Stochastic hillclimbing will perform very poorly
  • Methods to increase diversity (fitness sharing)
    may be very important

Fitness Landscapes
  • Sometimes we can know about the fitness landscape
    before we start
  • More commonly, we have to discover about the
    fitness landscape
  • By experimenting with the performance of
  • By directly measuring
  • Fitness - distance correlation
  • The better the correlation, the smoother the

  • Simple example of applying an evolutionary
  • Variants of the classical evolutionary algorithm
  • Realistic evolutionary algorithm example

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