Title: IDEPs strategic plan for Community Resilience in Indonesia
1IDEPs strategic plan for Community Resilience in
Helping people to help themselves
2YAYASAN IDEP is a local Indonesian NGO
IDEPs Mission is Community Empowerment
Helping people to help themselves through
relevant information, demonstrations and
training Community Resilience Working in
partnership with vulnerable communities to
establish more resilience to local risks
Disaster Relief Supporting communities struck by
disaster to attain safety and empower them to
recover in a sustainable way
3IDEPs program cycle approach
IDEP specializes in community empowerment through
development of training programs and educational
materials in four core areas
As of 2008 IDEP integrates its approaches
intoCommunity Resilience
4IDEPs perspective on Community Resilience (CR)
- Community resilience is the capacity of a
community to adapt to and influence the course of
environmental, social economic change. (US
IOTWS 2007)
- IDEPs Community Resilience approach helps
- To build on communities ability to develop
locally appropriate solutions to current and
future challenges - To improve community ability to withstand
shocks - To reduce community vulnerability
- Changes / shocks include
- Environmental (e.g. natural disaster, climate
change) - Economic (e.g. food in-security, loss of income)
- Social (e.g. social conflict, terrorism)
- Combination (e.g. natural disasters caused by
environmental mismanagement)
5IDEP Lessons learned and Community Resilience
We believe that Community Resilience is an
important and attainable goal that matches our
mandate and mission
- Sustainable development Empowered communities
can design and implement goals that match their
needs and capacities - Disaster preparedness Communities have the
ability to reduce risk factors in their area - In times of emergency Communities need to be
able to help themselves in the critical first
hours, days, weeks after disasters have occurred - For sustainable recovery Empowered communities
can design and implement goals that match their
needs for sustainable recovery
6IDEPs Strategic Plan 2008 - 2013
IDEPs objective is To build the resilience of
Indonesian communities to better manage disaster
- IDEPs strategy for achieving this objective is
- Develop a replicable model and curriculum for
community resilience - Deliver training and media to communities,
especially in disaster prone areas - Facilitate information flow and support advocacy
at the community level - Work with communities to strengthen capacity for
disaster response recovery - Integrate resilience into community recovery
rehabilitation strategies - Capacity build IDEP a network of partners to
implement community resilience
7IDEP CR Program broad scope
- Year One - Bali
- New CR media curriculum development
- 2 pilot communities (community, Gov schools)
- Concurrent school programs in other areas
- Concurrent national trainings in emergency
response - Lessons learned integrated into program modules
- Year Two - Bali 2 Provinces
- Program delivery through partners
- Media design and advocacy capacity building in 6
provinces - Monitoring, evaluation and learning for program
improvement - Identify additional target communities
potential partners - Year Three - Nation wide launch
- Train and support a network of partners to work
with communities - Publishing of key program results national
launch of new curriculum - Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of
8IDEP CR Program roll out in each community
Together with community define program design / M
Participatory Community Needs Assessment (1
Community Resilience Training (CRT) (7 days,
tailored to community capacity needs)
Government Workshop (2 days)
Initial Community resilience Training (CRT),
followed by launching of community program demo
site and series of Technical Trainings (CIT) to
support communities in implementing their
community resilience plans.
Development of community program demo site
Establish CDMG Community Response Plan
Establish Community Disaster Management Group
(CDMG) and create community response plan.
Teacher training for school activities
Schools integrated through teacher trainings and
demonstration activities.
Training of Community Facilitators (1 week)
Min 6 participants from each community who commit
to facilitate their community plans join Training
of facilitators (TOF).
Community Emergency Response Simulation
Community wide simulation of emergency response
Continuous M E throughout process
Community Facilitators coordinate ongoing work
with support from IDEP staff. Linked with
regular monitoring and support visits (every 3
months) to check progress and provide any
technical support required.
Community DRR activities
ME support of community activities (every 3
9Existing IDEP Media for Community Resilience
- CBDM self-help resource kit facilitator
resource DVD
- Permacuture handbooks facilitators resource
- Documentaries, public education training videos
- Educational games, resources activity books for
children their educators
- CBDM environmental awareness campaigning tools
10Development of new IDEP Media for CR program
IDEPs 3-year Community resilience program
includes the development and delivery of a range
of new educational media resources for use by
communities and facilitators Indonesia wide.
- Tools for socializing Community Resilience
- Handbook / Manual Facilitator's flip charts
- Educational games activity book
- 5 x Public education comic books
- Series of training videos
- Public Campaigning tools (Posters, Bags
T-shirts) - Tools for Emergency Response trainings
- Handbook / Manual
- Series of training videos
- Children's trauma self-help book
- Media Advocacy training and reference modules
11Contribution to the Hyogo Framework for Action
- Ensuring DRR is a national local priority with
a strong institutional basis - IDEPs
community-based program will promote community
participation and capacity for DRR. - Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks ad
enhance early warning - Programs trainings
incorporate risk assessment methodologies and
establishment of early warning systems. - Use knowledge, innovation and education to build
a culture of safety and resilience at all levels
- IDEPs innovative and informative tools can be
used for advocacy, to raise stakeholder awareness
deliver school and adult trainings. - Reduce underlying risk factors - Use of
permaculture to ensure environmental protection,
rehabilitation, sustainable livelihoods and food
security. Use of CBDM activities to empower local
disaster management capacity. - Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective
response at all levels - Trainings focus on both
disaster preparedness and first response and
build capacity to respond to emergency and
strengthen local response networks.
12Program partnerships and support
Partnership is an integral aspect of the program
- a diverse range of supporting partners ensures
that the development outcomes of the program
can be widely shared disseminated
- IDEP is still seeking partners to support this
program - Current negotiations with contributing donors,
include - Program/media development Cordaid
- Community outreach Trocaire Oxfam Au
- Media advocacy training Oxfam GB / Surfaid
Intl - Emergency response capacity building
13For more information www.idepfoundation.orginfo_at_