Title: ISUComm
1(No Transcript)
4Assessment Instruments and Results
Foundation Courses pre- and post-course
examinations pre- and post-course student
surveys ISUComm -across-the-curriculum
written survey of faculty involved in
communication instruction videotaped
interviews with faculty involved with ISUComm
consultants (4)
Faculty Senate Report Fall 2004
5Assessment Instruments and Results
Foundation Courses pre- and post-course
examinations pre- and post-course student
surveys ISUComm -across-the-curriculum
written survey of faculty involved in
communication instruction videotaped
interviews with faculty involved with ISUComm
consultants (5)
Faculty Senate Report Fall 2004
- Non-resident tuition isnt responsive to price
increases - A 10 increase in the number of HS grads from a
state will likely decrease first time enrollment
at ISU - A 10 increase in a states alumni base will
cause a 19 increase in first time enrollment at
7Examining Elasticities Yielded Several Insights
- Non-resident tuition isnt responsive to price
increases - A 10 increase in the number of HS grads from a
state will likely decrease first time enrollment
at ISU - A 10 increase in a states alumni base will
cause a 19 increase in first time enrollment at
8Examining Elasticities Yielded Several Insights
- Non-resident tuition isnt responsive to price
increases - A 10 increase in the number of HS grads from a
state will likely decrease first time enrollment
at ISU - A 10 increase in a states alumni base will
cause a 19 increase in first time enrollment at
9Proposed Catalog Copy on ISUComm
10Proposed Catalog Copy Reflects ISUComm Principles