Title: 20 SN 1987A
1Conformity of Theory and Observations for SN
D.K. Nadyozhin and V.S. Imshennik
A.I. Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and
Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia
20 ??? ?????????? SN 1987A 2022 ??????? 2007 ?.,
??????, ????
2Small Magellanic Cloud
Milky Way
Large Magellanic Cloud
Southern Cross
SN1987A 23.02.1987
Cerro Tollolo Inter-american Observatory, Chile
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6SN visible debris
Circumstellar Ring
SN 1987A 16 years old (HST Nov. 28, 2003)
Interaction of shock wave with the circumstellar
7 Debris size (mas)
Debris size (mas)
Days since outburst
Days since outburst
astro-ph/0103237v1 15 Mar 2001
R. Jansen, P. Jakobsen AA 370, 1056 (2001)
The resonance lines of Mg I, Mg II and Fe II
8 Days since outburst
Days since outburst
astro-ph/0103237v1 15 Mar 2001
R. Jansen, P. Jakobsen AA 370, 1056 (2001)
9Compact object with a kick velocity 1000
uncertainty in determining the centerpoint.
G. Graves, P. Challis, R. Chevalier et al. ApJ
629, 944 (2005) astro-ph/055066
HST (2003 November)
log LX (ergs/s)
log Lopt (ergs/s) Age (yr) SN 1987A
(PS) 33.74 33.9
16.75 Crab (PSR)
36.2 33.8
950 Cas A ( PS) 33.8-34.6
29.1 400
10L. Wang, J. Wheeler, P. Höflich et al. ApJ 579,
671 (2002)
?. ?????, ?????? ? ?? 17, 942 (1991)
11Curve 5 is a mixture of 0.075 M? 56Ni and of
some 57Co 44Ti
N. Suntzeff et al. Astron. J. 102, 1118 (1991)
P. Bouchet, J. De Buizer, N. Suntzeff et al.,
ApJ 611, 394 (2004)
130.30.8 keV with HST
0.81.2 keV with HST
0.81.2 keV with ATCA
(9 GHz)
S. Park, S. Zhekov, D. Burrows et al.
(astro-ph/0308220 v1 12 Aug 2003)
14Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) near
Five elements of the Australia Telescope Compact
Array in H75 configuration October 2006
Six 22m-Dishes maximum baseline 6 km
15ATCA 1992 2001
16Supernova 1987A remnant at 18.5 GHz (16mm)
1 August 2003
17Nonthermal ?e
The cumulative neutrino light curve
(based on Nadyozhin 1978)
18Theoretical prediction of the neutrino
burst versus the neutrino signal as detected from
SN 1987A by KamiokaNDE II 23 February 1987
For the antineutrino energies ? 20 Mev there is a
strong correlation of e with the direction to
SN1987 in disagreement with the above reaction. A
great puzzle cannot be resolved in a standard
Ryazhskaya, Ryasnyi (1988) Dadykin, Zatsepin,
Ryazhskaya (1989)
19Events 3 and 6 are omitted (being attributed to
M. Costantini, A. Ianni, G. Pagliaroli, F.
Vissani (2006)
2014 Feb 1992 Through 7 Feb 1996
1,000 s modulation
B 109 gauss
J. Middleditch 11 coauthors, New Astronomy 5,
243283 (2000)
21Theory Before and After SN 1987A
Hydrodynamic models of supernova light curves
? dynamical and radiative properties of the SN
envelopes ? physics of the plateau light curve
phase (cooling recombination wave) ? physics
of the shock wave breakout ? possible importance
of radioactivities (56Ni) ? crucial role of
presupernova radius (red supergiant vs blue
Hydrodynamic models of gravitational collapse of
stellar cores (1967 1987)
? Crucial role of Fe decomposition ? Physics of
the neutrino transport (neutrino heat
conductivity) ? supernova explosion mechanism
no explosion in spherical symmetry,
importance of rotation and magnetic feeld
Constructing of evolutionary presupernova models
(1964 1987)
22Main issues of SN 1987 A
? Detection of the neutrino signal ?
Unprecedentedly detailed multi-wavelength
spectra light curves ? First detection and
measuring of radioactive Ni ? Importance of large
scale mixing of composition ? First detailed
structure of medium around the presupernova
(rings, light echo, interaction between RSG and
BSG winds)
New era in supernova study all over the World
! (10 accuracy vs factor of 2 before SN 1987A)
Thank you!