Disease Suppressive Soils: Fact or Fiction

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Disease Suppressive Soils: Fact or Fiction


Only with high level of Mycorrhiza colonization ... Competition between the pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains did not limit establishment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Disease Suppressive Soils: Fact or Fiction

Disease Suppressive Soils Fact or Fiction?
  • Hida Manns
  • March 26, 2007

  • Definition
  • Natural controls on plant pathogens
  • General Suppression
  • Organic Matter
  • Microbial Biomass
  • Actinomycetes
  • Specific Suppression
  • Antagonism
  • Example Systems
  • Potato Common scab
  • Fusarium in France
  • Take-all of Wheat
  • Sugar beet cyst nematode in California
  • Steps to building suppressive soils
  • Composted Bark
  • Ecological Equilibrium

  • Disease suppressive soils
  • Pathogen is added to soil but does not persist
  • Pathogen exists in soil but does not establish in
    plants or does not produce disease
  • There is a decline in disease severity over time
  • (Lyda, 1982, Weller et al., 2002).

Disease Suppression
  • General Disease Suppression
  • Controls levels of most plant pathogens
  • Increased microbial activity
  • Greater microbial diversity
  • Exists over time, regardless of crop
  • Fungistasis
  • Inhibition of germination or growth of fungi
  • Lyda, 1982

General Suppression
  • Abiotic
  • pH
  • N, C, Mg, K
  • Sand/clay
  • CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity)
  • Organic matter
  • Biotic
  • Microbial biomass
  • Actinomycetes

  • When chemicals are substituted for organic matter
    in agriculture, plant diseases soon develop
  • Bailey Lazarovits, 2003
  • Biologic Vacuum
  • Reduce disease in crops from
  • cover crops
  • compost
  • tillage
  • crop rotation
  • Garbeva et al., 2004

Organic Matter
  • Organic matter associated with higher
  • Cation exchange (CEC)
  • Soil moisture
  • Available nutrients (e.g. nitrogen)
  • Activity and diversity of soil microorganisms
  • Bailey Lazarovits, 2003

Biological stresses
  • Diversity of organisms
  • Degradation of plant residues and also resting
  • Releasing different products into soil solution
  • Antibiotics
  • Fungistatic/biostatic compounds (2nd metabolites)
  • Competition for nutrients
  • Competition for space
  • Predation

  • Celluloytic activity of Fungi (enzymes)
  • ß glucosidase and Cellobiohydrolase
  • Correlated with carbon and CEC
  • Seedling blight of barley
  • Ratio of oligotrophic/copiotrophic species
  • Mycorrhiza
  • Diversity
  • Janvier et al. 2007

  • Mycorrhiza reduced the negative effect of
    take-all on plant growth of wheat at 5 weeks.
  • (Khaosaad 2007)
  • AMF was found to actively reduce pathogen
    infections in plant roots
  • Only with high level of Mycorrhiza colonization
  • Substitution of P fertilizer for mycorrhiza did
    not exhibit disease resistance
  • (Fritz, 2006)

  • Large, diverse group, active residue decomposers
  • Streptomyces produce anti-fungal compounds
  • Mazzola, 2002
  • Non-Streptomyces
  • Endophytes
  • Rhizosphere competent
  • Slower growing in culture
  • Cell wall-degrading enzymes
  • El-Tarabily Sivasithamparam, 2006

Specific Disease Suppression
  • Individual, rather than most pathogens do not
    produce disease
  • Often, antagonism by a certain species of
    organisms is the reason
  • These can be tested and utilized by inoculation
  • eg. Flourescent Pseudomonads (Mazzola, 2002)
  • Does not exist without specific crop host
  • Agrawal et al., 1999

Specific Suppression
  • Antagonistic bacteria
  • Non-pathogens the same species as pathogen
  • SAR Systematic Acquired Resistance
  • Activated by biotic and abiotic agents
  • Signal molecule salicylic acid or
  • Jasmonic acid or ethylene
  • Pathogen itself
  • ISR Induced Systemic Resistance
  • Hypersensitivity response
  • Requires salicylic acid in process
  • Agrawal et al., 1999

Fo47 Experiment
  • F. oxysporum strain Fo47 isolated from
    Chateaurenard by Alabouvette antagonist
  • F. oxysporum f.sp. Lycopersici Fo18 pathogenic
  • Tomato plants (Bonny Best)
  • susceptible to Fusarium
  • Tested with hydroponic, potting mix, sterile soil
  • One side subjected to pathogen, other to
  • Fuchs et al., 1997

Split-root system
  • Split root system
  • Roots grown in 2 parts
  • 1 side inoculated with Fo47
  • 10 days later, plant exposed to Fo18

Fucks et al., 1997
  • Results
  • Inoculation with Fo47 reduced Fusarium wilt from
    37-54 at 4 weeks
  • Fo47 was not found
  • Protective effect disappeared after 2 weeks
  • Fucks et al., 1997
  • Plant responded to both stimulus on both sides.
  • Antagonist Pathogen
  • ISR small volume
    large response (1000 x)
  • Competition large volume (10-100x)
    small response
  • Fravel et al., 2003

  • Potato Wheat
    Sugar Beets
  • Common scab Fusarium
    Take-all Cyst Nematode
  • General
  • Suppression
  • Abiotic
  • Biotic
  • Specific
  • Suppression
  • Antagonist
  • SAR
  • ISR

Potato Common Scab
Cornell University Vegetable MD Online Potato
Common Scab http//vegetabledonline.ppath.edu/phot
Common Scab
  • Potato scab (Streptomyces scabies)
  • 1950 old potato fields scab free
  • new potato fields, scab existed
  • Tested old and virgin soil
  • Scab developed in all soils in the first year
  • Increased in virgin soil suppressed in old
  • Weller et al., 2002
  • Actinomycetes (Non-streptomycetes) produce
  • Present in scab free soil, and form inoculation
    at 1
  • Weller et al., 2002
  • Soybean cover crop incorporation prevented scab
    in virgin soil

    Weinhold, 1970
  • OM additives dung, wheat straw, saw dust,
  • Mishra Srivastava, 2004

Fusarium Wilt
Fusarium http//ecoport.org/ep?SearchTypepdbPdb
Hwang, S.C., Ko,W.H., Plant Disease cover Images.
  • Chateaurenard Valley in France
  • Soils suppressive to Fusarium (1800s)
  • Melons grown for centuries
  • 2 km away, no effect of soil
  • Only vegetables grown there
  • Cook, 1982

Soil suppressive to Fusarium
  • Fusarium live saprophytically, and persists as
  • Exudates from plant roots overcome fungistasis
  • Interaction of species exerts control (Alabouvett
    e, 1986)
  • Chateaurenard soils
  • high populations of F. oxysporum and F. solani
  • especially non-pathogenic strains (Fravel et
    al., 2003)
  • Soils tested for Non-pathogenic Fusarium using
    Kochs Postulates
  • Heat destroyed suppressive effect
  • Restored with inoculation (Fravel et al., 2003)

F. oxysporum
  • Series of elimination tests
  • soils inhibit all formae speciales of F.
    oxysporum, but allow other soil-borne disease
  • Competition between the pathogenic and
    non-pathogenic strains did not limit
  • independent of the ability of the soil to support
  • colonization on the root surface was not
    inhibited by non-pathogenic Fusarium
  • Alabouvette, 1986

  • Intrageneric competition
  • Occurs in the soil
  • In the immediate vicinity of the roots
  • During saprophytic development that
  • Precedes the establishment of F. oxysporum
  • at the root surface
  • (Alabouvette, 1986)

Take-all of Wheat
Take-all of Wheat http//scarab.msu.montana.edu/Di
jpg Also 0066 and 0067
Take-all (Ggt)
  • (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) (pathogen
    of wheat)
  • Take-all decline only in presence of pathogen
  • Transferrable suppression with 1 soil
  • Affected by biotic and abiotic factors in the
  • Flourescent Pseudomonads (Siderophores)
  • Trichoderma koningii
  • Simon Sivasithamparam, 1989

Antagonist Cause of Disease Decline
Weller et al., 2002
Pseudomonas fluoresens and Ggt
Weller Cook, 1983
Trichoderma koningii
  • T. koningii vs Ggt
  • Seeds grown in tubes
  • 8 different soils
  • 2 replications
  • 2 trials
  • Measured degree of color on roots by PCF
  • T. koningii reduced disease suppression
  • Affect varied with soils
  • Supportiveness of soil to T. koningii
  • Principal components analysis
  • Soil factors -pH, -Phosphorous, NO3,
  • Chemical effects Copper, magnesium
  • Clay effects Boron, clay

Duffy et al.,1997
Principal Components Analysis
Influence of soil factors on disease reduction by
T. koningii
Duffy et al., 1997
Specific effects of soil
  • NH4 decreases pH
  • Increases antagonistic bacteria
  • Trichoderma koningii
  • Production of antibiotics
  • Pseudomonads
  • Production of antibiotics Duffy et al., 1997
  • Phl (DAPG) 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol
  • PH1C phenazine-1-carboxylate
  • Fe chelated by Siderophores
  • Used in production of H2O2 by bacteria
  • Zn used for production of antibiotics
  • High diversity is suppressive soil, Increased by
  • Raaijmakers et al., 1999

Heterodera schachtii
Sugar Beet cyst nematode
  • The sugar beet cyst nematode (Heterodera
    schachtii) was first identified in Utah and
    California in 1907 in areas of intensive
    cultivation of sugar beets
  • In the Imperial Valley, sugar beets were first
    grown in 1938, and the nematode detected in 1957
  • Within 3 years, the nematode was widespread, as
    it can complete up to 5 generations per year
  • As of 1983, 11 of the total cultivated acreage
    in the valley was infested
  • Caswell Thomason, 1985

Geographic distribution of H. schachtii
Cumulative geographic distribution of sugar beet
fields in the Imperial Valley of California that
have not been found to be infested with the sugar
beet cyst nematode during 1961-1983. Major
cities and railroad lines are indicated. Caswell
Thomason, 1985
  • Efforts sought to quarantine the disease
  • The number of fields infected slowly spread to
    the function of planted fields infested
  • 13.12 (0.583 x number of years)
  • Solution cleanliness
  • isolate specific antidote
  • Caswell Thomason, 1985

Fungal parasitism
  • Acremonium strictum Gams and
  • F. oxysporum Schlecht were tested for
  • active parasitic activity on H. schachtii eggs
  • activity of the fungus in females
  • relative plant parasitic activity
  • Nigh et al., 1980

Fusarium on H. schachtii eggs
Nigh et al., 1980
Effects of soil on H. schachtii egg survival
Greenhouse Experiment Suppressive and conducive
soils With swiss chard
Westphal Becker, 1999
Creating suppressive soil
  • Composted Bark
  • Peat /Composted Bark
  • suppresses disease in seedling
  • extensively used in greenhouse/nursery
  • Replaced Peat
  • Sterilization, fungicides, isolation
  • Aeration, antagonists, phagous fugicidal
    properties of composted Bark gave suppressiveness
  • Hoitink, 1980

Microbial Diversity
  • Pythium
  • Rests in low volume in soil
  • Increased disease only with high moisture and
  • Pythium in soil with peat alone (conducive) and
    mature compost mix (suppressive)
  • Increased OM decomposition and microflora
    sustained disease suppression
  • Conducive peat Composted peat
  • Bacteria species that
  • induced suppression 1 23
  • Pseudomonads 0 25-45
  • Arthrobacter 30 3-15
  • Anaerobic bacteria predominant Yes No

Boehm et al., 1993
Change in colonization species with decomposition

Hoitink Boehm, 1999
Soil Food Web
  • Trophic levels
  • Microorganism (Producers)
  • Nematodes (Consumers)
  • Predaceous Nematodes (Predators)

Trophic Forces
  • Bottom-up control (restricted by resource
    limitscarrying capacity)
  • organic matter
  • nutrients
  • microbial processes
  • Top-down control (restriction by consumers)
  • predation

Trophic levels
  • Microcosms 3 trophic levels
  • 10 species bacteria 10 species fungi
  • Microbes bacterial and fungal nematode
  • Microbes microbivores predatory nematode
  • Results
  • 3rd trophic level decreased 2nd trophic level
  • gt Top down control
  • Abundance of bacteria, not affected by food chain
  • Abundance of fungi increased with predation
  • Mikola Satala, 1998

Trophic Cascades vs Bottom up control
  • No evidence of trophic cascades (top-down
    control) that interactions between trophic levels
    regulates microbial biomass and productivity in
    soil food webs
  • Microbial community adjusts growth rate and
    turnover rate
  • Microbial community growth not differentiated by
    trophic level
  • Competition between species with environmental
    conditions and plant exudates determines species
    composition (bottom-up control)
  • Mikola Satala, 1998

Summary of factors
  • General Suppression
  • Species number and diversity
  • Abiotic factors
  • Soil moisture
  • H2O2
  • Specific factors
  • Cultivar specific
  • Antibiotics (Phl)

Biological control
  • Attributes for Biocontrol
  • Non-Streptomycete actinomycetes
  • Antibiosis
  • Hyperparasitic
  • Cell-wall degrading enzymes
  • Plant growth promotant
  • El-Tarabily Sivasithamparam, 2006
  • General Biocontrol agents
  • Active suppression
  • Population density
  • Transferable (inoculation)
  • Functional activity
  • Weller,et al., 2002

Barriers to development of suppressive soil
  • Host-pathogen specificity
  • Soil variables
  • Climate variables
  • Nutrient inputs
  • Crop rotations

  • Multiple methods of control by suppressive soil
  • Biological Interaction between control and
  • Competition for nutrients (Fe)
  • Competition for colonization
  • Production of specific inhibitors (H2O2,
  • Driven by cultivar exudates and response
  • Species specific
  • Modified by environment
  • Organic matter
  • pH
  • Nitrogen form (NH4)
  • Sand/clay

  • References
  • Alabouvette, C., 1986. Fusarium-wilt supp soils
    from the Chateaurrenard region review of 10
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  • Agronomie 6 273-284.
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  • Cook, R.J., 1982. Use of pathogen-suppressive
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