Title: Review of Budget Cuts from Lansing
1Review of Budget Cutsfrom Lansing
2Foundation Allowance Reductions
- 2008-2009
- Reduction of 372
- Covered by ARRA funds
3Foundation Allowance Reductions
- 2009-2010
- Reduction of 165
- Anticipated by reducing budget by 95
- 70 covered by ARRA funds
- Additional reduction of 127
- (Awaiting legislative action)
- Covered by categorical funds and fund balance
- Another reduction of 100 proposed for January
2010 - Covered by fund balance
4Foundation Allowance Reductions
- 2010-2011
- Projected reduction of 500-600
- No ARRA funds available
5Possible Budget Implications
- Retirement increase
- Health care increases
- Declining enrollmentMiddle Cities projects loss
of 100-150 students - Reinstatement of LEA/LEAO concessions
6Facility Technology Survey
December 9, 2009
7Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Lincoln Consolidated Schools
is exploring the possibility of upgrading its
facilities and enhanci ...
8Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Lincoln Consolidated Schools
is exploring the possibility of upgrading its
facilities and enhanci ...
9Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey What types of technology do
you feel are important to your child's achievement
10Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey What types of technology do
you feel are important to your child's achievement
11Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a no-tax
increase bond proposal for renovations to the
west end of the high sch ...
12Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a no-tax
increase bond proposal for renovations to the
west end of the high sch ...
13Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a
no-tax-increase bond proposal to replace the
aging band instruments and equip ...
14Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a
no-tax-increase bond proposal to replace the
aging band instruments and equip ...
15Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a
no-tax-increase bond proposal that would allow
for expansion and renovation t ...
16Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a
no-tax-increase bond proposal that would allow
for expansion and renovation t ...
17Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a
no-tax-increase bond proposal that would allow
for expansion and renovation t ...
18Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a no-tax
increase bond proposal that allows for expansion
of the current middle ...
19Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Would you support a no-tax
increase bond proposal that allows for expansion
of the current middle ...
20Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey In an effort to reduce the
costs of maintaining the football field, would
you support a no-tax in ...
21Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey In an effort to reduce the
costs of maintaining the football field, would
you support a no-tax in ...
22Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Many people believe that the
Lincoln Consolidated Schools facilities need to
be renovated and new ...
23Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Many people believe that the
Lincoln Consolidated Schools facilities need to
be renovated and new ...
24Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Since the beginning of the
school year how many times have you or another
adult in your household ...
25Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Since the beginning of the
school year how many times have you or another
adult in your household ...
26Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Please share which school
your child(ren) currently attend(s)
27Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Please share which school
your child(ren) currently attend(s)
28Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Please indicate your age from
the following options
29Lincoln Consolidated Schools Facility
Technology Survey Please indicate your age from
the following options
30LCS High School
- Confirmed Critical Needs at the High School
include - Replace parking lot and drives, improve site
lighting - Enhancements at athletic facilities
- Conversion of interiors for a split high school
set-up (Upper and Lower) - Update science rooms (west end) and replace roof
- New classroom furniture to complement technology
- Auditorium renovation/expansion to accommodate
student body possible separate bond proposal
due to potential construction cost?
31LCS Middle School
- Critical Needs at the Middle School include
- Relocate student drop off area to provide
improved bus/car separation - New VCT flooring throughout for improved air
quality and maintenance - New lockers in hallways where damaged
- Enhancement at athletic facilities
- Improved MEP systems to accommodate technology
and ease operational costs - New classroom furniture to complement technology
32LCS Middle School
- Optional Multi-age Program
- New classroom wings with support and office areas
for multi-age program - Address critical items identified with existing
facility - Need to discuss educational goals in relation to
facility configuration due to potential
construction costs.
- Pros
- Possible room for magnet school
- Cons
- Still empty rooms at middle school
34Bessie Hoffman, Brick, Childs, Model Redner
Elementary Schools
- Critical Needs at the Elementary Schools include
- Reconfigure main entrances for security / control
point - Replace exterior concrete around perimeter of
buildings and repave lots - New VCT flooring throughout for improved air
quality and maintenance - Improved MEP systems to accommodate technology
and ease operational costs - New classroom furniture to complement technology
35Technology Assessment
- Evaluated technology and instructional
considerations - Met with LCS Administration to review and discuss
overall district needs - Conducted site visit to tour district facilities
and review current technology - Sent draft of technology survey to superintendent
for review and feedback - Created program of service based on initial
discussion and site visit review
36Typical Classroom Preliminary Plan
- Teacher workstation replacement
- Student workstations replacement at elementary
and middle school - Projection system with sound amplification
- Interactive whiteboards (e.g., SmartBoard,
Promethean) - Document cameras (e.g., Elmo)
37Additional Projects- Preliminary Plan
- Classroom sets of netbooks to share
- Classroom sets of laptops to share
- Student response systems to share
- Replacement workstations in computer labs and
media centers - Curriculum specific allocations (e.g., science
probes, Project Lead the Way, video production)
38Additional Projects- Preliminary Plan
- Copiers and Telephone system replacement
- Video surveillance to supplement existing system
- Video distribution
- Wireless networks
- Network upgrades
- Cabling where necessary as a result of