Title: Visualization Techniques for Terascale Particle Accelerator Simulations
1Visualization Techniques for Terascale Particle
Accelerator Simulations
- Kwan-Liu Ma Greg Schussman Brett Wilson
- University of California at Davis
- Kwok Ko
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- Ji Qiang Robert Ryne
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
SC2002, Baltimore, MD, November 19
- Advanced Computing for 21st Century Accelerator
Science Technology - A hybrid rendering technique for visualizing
particle beam dynamics data - A scalable hardware-accelerated technique for
visualizing electromagnetic fields and particle
trajectories - Further research
3Advanced Computing for 21st Century Accelerator
Science Technology
- Particle accelerators helped enable some of the
most remarkable discoveries of the 20th century - Given the complexity and importance of
accelerators, it is imperative that the most
advanced HPC tools be brought to bear on their
design, optimization, commissioning, and
operation - The objective of our SciDAC project is to
establish a comprehensive terascale simulation
environment needed to solve the most challenging
problem in particle accelerator design - http//scidac.nersc.gov/accelerator
4Parallel Beam Dynamics Simulations
- Modeling a large number of charged particles as
they move through the accelerator and respond to
various forces - Millions to billions of particles
- How to visualize and
better understand the
time-varying phenomena?
- Each particle consists of spatial coordinates (x,
y, z) and momenta (px, py, pz) - 100-1000 million particles
- 5-48GB per time step
- High density beam and low density halo
(x, Px, y) (x, Px, z)
(Px, Py, Pz)
6Previous Approach
- Convert the particles data into volume data
- Interactive visualization was made possible by
using a graphics supercomputer - The size of the volume that can be visualized
efficiently is limited by the amount of available
texture memory as well as the fill rate of the
available hardware - Uniform subsampling would leave out fine features
in the very low density areas
7512 mapping of 300 million particles
Pat McCormick, LANL
Spatial Coordinates (x, y, z)
Phase Space (x, Px, z)
8Hybrid Rendering
- Texture-based volume rendering for regions of low
interest/detail - Point-based rendering for regions of high
interest/detail - Reduce storage requirements
- Faster data transport
- Better utilization of the
- video memory
9High Performance Preprocessing
- Compute a hybrid representation of the data on
the same parallel supercomputer at NERSC/LBL that
the simulation ran on - Partition step organizing the raw data into an
octree - Extraction step converting the octree data into
the hybrid representation - The preprocessing on average generates under
100MB per distribution per time step for the 100
million particle case
- The more compact data can be interactively
visualized on a graphics-enhanced desktop PC - An image is created by classifying each octant as
belonging to a volume rendered region or a
point-rendered region, depending upon the
transfer function for each region
Extraction threshold
Point density
11Varying Threshold Values
12Selected Time Steps (x, y, z)
13Misaligned Beam (x, y, z)
14Misaligned Beam (x, Px, y)
- Volume rendering alone lacks the spatial
resolution and the dynamic range to resolve
regions with very low density - Point rendering alone lacks the interactive speed
- The hybrid rendering approach allows interactive
exploration of the region of high interest - Parallel preprocessing and parallel rendering
must be used for billion points or more cases - Point-based feature enhancement
- Correlate particles over time
16Hybrid rendernig for Volume Data
17Electromagnetic Fields
- Parallel time domain electromagnetic field solver
using unstructured hexahedral meshes - Modeling of the reflection and transmission
properties of open structures in an accelerator
design - To attain the needed accuracy a very large number
of time steps are required and half million
hexahedral elements are needed to model a 30-cell
18Electromagnetic Fields
- Parallel time domain electromagnetic field solver
using unstructured hexahedral meshes - Modeling of the reflection and transmission
properties of open structures in an accelerator
design - To attain the needed accuracy a large number of
time steps are required and half million
hexahedral elements are needed to model a 30-cell
19Visualization Challenges
- Large time-varying data
- Dense collection of electric and magnetic field
lines - Clear spatial relationships
- Unambiguous global and local details
- Interacting with the field line visualization
20Visualization Requirements
- A compact field line representation
- Perceptually effective
- -- illuminated, textured, semi-transparent,
haloing - Good seeding strategy and a hierarchical
- field line organization
- Interactive visualization
21Visualization Requirements
- A compact field line representation
- Perceptually effective
- -- illuminated, textured, semi-transparent,
haloing - Good seeding strategy and a hierarchical
- field line organization
- Interactive visualization
22Self-Orienting Surfaces (SOS)
- A triangle strip computed on the fly
- Low storage requirements
- Fast rendering
- Hardware accelerated bump mapping
- Haloing for free
- Perceptually correct depth cuing
- Flexible for adding other texturing options
23Self-Orienting Surfaces (SOS)
150 lines 800 lines 10k lines
Polygonal tubes no display list 0.445 3.001 38.2
SOS, Finely tessellated (No HW Bump Map) 0.077 0.512 5.54
Polygonal tubes display list 0.027 0.173 1.82 (628 MB ! )
SOS with Hardware Bump Map 0.019 0.124 1.28 (0 MB ! )
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28Particle tracking (both primary and secondary
29 30Summary
- A new representation for 3D vector field lines
- Scalable
- Excellent texture support
- Fast transfer and low memory requirement
- Perceptually effective visualizations
- An hierarchical field line representation makes
possible interactive exploration - Extreme dense field lines
- One hundred thousands to millions of electron
paths to visualize - Limited resolution of the display
- Abstraction of the field complexity
- User interfaces and interaction to reveal
31Concluding Remarks
- HPC plays an important role in accelerator design
- Appropriate visualization technologies must be
developed to address the challenges introduced by
the large scale accelerator simulations - Current effort must be expanded
- Interactive visualization techniques
- Time-varying data
- New interface technology
- Web-based collaborative visualization
- Parallel visualization
- The visualization group at Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory - Pat McCormick at Los Alamos National Laboratory
33Kwan-Liu Ma
- CIPIC Department of Computer Science
- University of California at Davis
- ma_at_cs.ucdavis.edu
- http//www.cs.ucdavis.edu/ma
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