Title: Opportunities Aimed at Chinas Booming Economy
1Opportunities Aimed at Chinas Booming Economy
2 Opportunities aimed at Chinas booming economy
Topics of Discussion
Understand China what happened and why..
The China Opportunity - Business, Career.
How to Do Businesses in China
3China is the hottest spot on earth, China is one
of the hottest topic
4Since Chinas reform started 20 years ago,
global business are restructuring.
The New World Order is here.
Technology Development
5Chinas explosive economic growth is fueled by
the massive growth in quality, low-cost
China The Manufacturing Center of the World
"China is not just another player. It is the
biggest player in the history of man." Lee Kuan
6China has been transforming itself and is now
poised to become the next major world economic
China Transforming Itself into a Major Economic
Shanghai 1990
Shanghai 2000
- China is exhibiting all the signs of becoming the
next major economic world power - To find a precedent for a society comparable to
China in 2002, you would have to go back 40
years, to the Japan of the 1960s, which was
diligently preparing itself to become a global
competitor. There are also echoes of America
during the late 1800s, when the US first showed
signs of becoming global economic powerBUT,
there are no such precedents in any country with
such an inexhaustible population as China
7 Every company, every industry has to facing the
reality to be competitive and to open China
market. You have better position to take the
China Opportunities
Restructuring and Reshaping Global Industries
Reorganizing and Compressing Value Chain Worldwide
Generating a Vest New Demand and Massive Market
Creating Exhilarating Opportunities and Enormous
8 How to do business in China.
Be a Leader
China opportunities require you to be a leader
Provide Vision, high expectations and willingness
to take risk
Energize people around you
Leadership, authority and management
9 How to do business in China
Strength Talent Experience
Develop and apply your strength
Intellectual and professional intelligent
Emotional intelligent self/social awareness and
Enhance your experience professionally, but not
10 How to do business in China
Be Strategic and Visionary
Understand the strategic impact on your field
Modify enhance and develop wining strategy
Articulate your idea and plan
11 How to do business in China
Be Practical and Tactical
Understand practical business impact on your field
Do your home work, develop a realistic business
execution plan
Be aggressive and persistence to market your plan
12 Opportunities aimed at Chinas booming economy
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