Title: Shadow resistant tracking Ran Dror-Kita
1Shadow resistant tracking Ran Dror-Kita
2Tracking examples
From Andrew Blake
3Why eliminating the shadow when tracking ?
Better recognition
Center of mass
From PRATI et al 2001
Snake tracker
Shadow snake
6Edge detection
gradient operators
Second derivative
sigma 1
sigma 2
sigma 3
Images from Ruye Wang
7Boundary detection
8How to find the boundary ?What is a good
boundary ?
A good boundary is a line that fit best to more
9A good boundary is a line that fit best to more
How can we maximize E ?
10Gradient descent
Image from Teach/Me Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag
Climbing in the direction of the gradient
11(No Transcript)
12Euler equations
For more Benjamin Svetitsky
13Euler Example
Gradient at the edge
15Created using the demo created by Chenyang
Xu,J.L. Prince and Dejan Tomazevic
16Bad example
Created using the demo created by Chenyang
Xu,J.L. Prince and Dejan Tomazevic
17Elastic energy
Minimizing the length of the contour. Like an
elastic rubber.
Length of the contour is
18The new energy
19The same examples again
Created using the demo created by Chenyang
Xu,J.L. Prince and Dejan Tomazevic
20All of the above from Snakes Active contour
models M. Kass, A. Witkin, and D. Terzopoulos
In Proc. 1st CCV, pages 259-268, June 1988.
London, UK
21Kass Witkin Terzopoulos 1988
22Lips tracking
Kass Witkin Terzopoulos 1988
23From Tim Smith
24The image force dont act on far points
Image force
25Gradient Vector Flow snake (GVF)
Traditional force
26GVF field performance
Traditional snake
GVF snake
GVF snake
Movies from Chenyang Xu and J.L. Prince
Images From Julien Jomier
28From Nikos Paragios Rachid Deriche
29From Andrew Blake
303D example
3D Segmentation of the Hippocampus
From Julien Jomier
31Shadow Snake
32Shadow resistant tracking
- Tracking Objects with Shadows, Hao Jiang and Mark
S. Drew, Image and Video Communications and
Processing 2003 - Shadow Resistant Tracking using Inertia
Constraints, Hao Jiang and Mark S. Drew, Pattern
Recognition 2005, To appear
33System diagram
34Shadow invariant
planckian light
For the sensor G and this skin
35For specific camera and surface
Then (r,b) is an intrinsic of the surface.
36Shadow invariant
Removing Shadows from Images GD Finlayson, SD
Hordley, MS Drew - ECCV (4), 2002
37Camera calibration
Finding the dominant direction using PCA the
eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. (SVD of the
covariance matrix)
38How to measure the velocity of the boat when we
can only measure the height of the boat ?
Optical flow equation
39Optical flow
40Global motion compensation
Global motion is modeled by affine transformation
41Examples from Jiang Drew
42(No Transcript)