Title: A1261817125LUkJg
1Helium Behavior andSurface Roughening of Solid
Tungsten Q. Hu, M. Andersen, S. Sharafat, and
N. Ghoniem University of California Los
Angeles High Average Power Laser Meeting Naval
Research Laboratory Washington, DC March 3-4, 2005
- Helium Retention and Release
- Experiments
- Modeling Surface Roughening
- Defect-diffusion-deformation (EWG)
- Stress-induced (ATG)
- thermo-mechanical Fatigue
- Conclusions Future Directions
3 IFE Local APA (He/ W-atom) per shot SRIM
4 Comparison of DPA (Displacement / W-atom)
5Comparison of APA (He/W-atom)
6HEROS Temperature Profile Input
Temperature temporal Profile (uniform through
the thickness)
Temperature ?C
Snead, Oct.04
Time sec
Temperature 940?C (constant uniform)
7HEROS Temperature Profile Input
Temperature Temporal Profile (uniform through
the thickness)
Temperature ?C
Sharafat, June04
Time sec
Efforts are under way to reach Tmax2800oC
8IEC Bubble Concentration (cm-3) Evolution
E 30 keVT 940oC7x1015 He/cm2-s
9IEC Bubble Radius Evolution
100 nm
10 nm
1 nm
E 40 keVT 940oC7x1015 He/cm2-s
10UNC (angled carbon foil) Bubble Concentration
E 800 kev - 1200 keV T 850oC 2000 oC
He 3x1016 He/m2
11UNC Bubble Radius Evolution
E 800 kev - 1200 keV T 850oC 2000 oC
He 3x1016 He/m2
12IFE Bubble Concentration (cm-3) Evolution
Energy Impl. Profile Debris Burn
13IFE Bubble Radius Evolution
Energy Impl. Profile Debris Burn
14Comparison of Bubble Density Range During a Pulse
Cb (1/cm3)
IFE(Burn Debris)
3 um
UNC(carbon film)
1.7 um
IEC(40 keV)
0.3 um
Peak Bubble Density
15Why do Surfaces become Rough?
- Does roughness increase or decrease?
- What Determines the Length Scale?
- Will Roughness Saturate?
- Will Cracks form from Rough Surfaces?
16X-rays, Laser, and Ions all Induce Roughness
Latkowski et.al, JNM, submitted
Kawakami Ozawa, Applied Surface Science 218
Nd-Yag Laser 532 nm
Renk, HAPL- Feb 04, Powder Met.
17Helium Implantation Induces Roughness!!
Tokunaga, et al., JNM, 329-333 (2004)
18Mechanisms of Surface Roughening
Emelyanov-Wa1graef -Ghoniem (EWG) Defect
diffusion coupled with deformation
Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld (ATG) Balance between
surface strain (destabilizing) and curvature
Phys.Rev.L, in pres
D. Walgraef, N.M. Ghoniem, and J. Lauzeral,
"Deformation Patterns in Thin Films Under Uniform
Laser Irradiation", Phys. Rev. B, 56, No. 23
15361-15377 (1997). PDF J. Lauzeral, D.
Walgraef, and N.M. Ghoniem, "Rose Deformation
Patterns in Thin films Irradiated By Focused
Laser Beams", Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, No. 14
2706-2709 (1997).
19Fatigue cracking is initiated at
extrusions/inclusions which are formed by
Persistent Slip Bands (PBS's)
Ma and Laird, 1989
20Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld (ATG) Instability
ya cos(wx)
21Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld (ATG) Instability (cont.)
22Unstable Region
Stable Region
23Unstable Region
Stable Region
24Roughness Growth for HAPL Target
25Roughness Decay for Xapper
26Conclusions Future Directions
- Both UNC and IEC cover different regions of the
APA and DPA phase space, however - UNC Bubble concentration are lower than IFE
(UNC1015 /cm3 IFE 1016 /cm3 ) - IEC Bubbles densities are comparable with IFE,
however they are very close to the surface - Based on Experiment plus IFE simulated HEROS
results, high helium recycling coefficients may
be achieved for IFE Tungsten Armor - Impact of large simultaneous damage caused by
D, T n ? - Qualitative understanding of surface roughening
- Role of defect-induced stresses on roughness?
- Plan full-scale modeling for thermaldefectsurfac
e evolution for IFE Dragonfire, Xapper, and
Rhepp experiments (Mike Andersen thesis topic). - Does roughness saturate, or does it lead to
cracks? - Modeling fatigue failure internal cracking with
Dislocation Dynamics.
27Backup Files
28Bubble Kinetics of HEROS
- The He-Bubble Release code (HEROS) now includes
all major Bubble Kinetics phenomena.
HEROS Bubble Kinetics includes
- Random Walk
- Migration in Temp. Gradient
- Bubble Volume Diffusion
- Bubble Surface Diffusion
- Bubble Coalescence (Brownian)
- Bubble Coalescence (dT/dx)
- Bubble Loss at Free Surfaces
- Bubble Loss to Grain Boundaries
294He Debris and Burn Spectra
30Bubble Kinetics
By Vol Diffusion
By Surf Diffusion
By Vol Diffusion
By Surf Diffusion
Surface Loss
In first 0.1?m
31HEROS Spatial Model Includes
32Determine APA and DPA Profiles in W per Shot
APA He-atom / W-atom DPA Displacement /
W-atom (damage)
- SRIM Input - Ion Type, Ion Energy, Target
MaterialOutput - DPA/ion, Ion Range, other
damage statistics - Threat data is only known at specific ion
energies. - Pick small bin-size to interpolate between known
data points. - Add Damage and Ion Range of all energies and
interpolate to get DPA and APA distributions in
target material.
33IFE Local DPA (Displacement / W-atom) SRIM
34 IEC Local APA (He/ W-atom) SRIM
35IEC Local DPA (Displacement / W-atom) SRIM
36 UNC (angled carbon film) Local APA (He/ W-atom)
37UNC (angled carbon film) Local DPA (Displacement
/ W-atom) SRIM
38 Baklava Structure of RHEEP Exposed W-Samples
39 Self Diffusion in Tungsten
Parameter Value Units
g 23 N/m
E 411 GPa
Qs 3 (IFE) 5 (Xapper) eV/ atom
W 3.45 x 10-29 m3
rs 6.25 x 1018 m-2
P. Bettler and F. Charbonnier, Activation
energy for the surface migration of tungsten
atoms in the presence of a high-electric field,
Phys. Rev., Vol 119(1), p.85-93, 1960. Qs 3.14
eV without field, and 2.44 eV with field.