The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme


Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean. Liaison Office with the ... landlocked territories, insular areas, etc.), with the aim of reinforcing a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme

The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme
Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean Liai
son Office with the Transnational MED
Programme Valencia (Spain)
ENPI CBC MED Presentation
Outline of the presentation
  • What is ENPI CBC MED?
  • Who can participate?
  • What are the key priorities?
  • Overall budget and funding
  • Duration of actions
  • Where should the actions take place?
  • Types of projects and partners. How to apply
  • Partnerships
  • Programme managing structures
  • Next steps
  • Contacts

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
1. What is ENPI CBC MED?
  • ENPI Cross Border Cooperation
    Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007-2013
    provides the framework for the implementation of
    cross border and cooperation activities in the
    context of the European Neighbourhood Policy,
    complementing efforts exerted within the
    framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership,
    with the final aim of developing an area of
    peace, stability and prosperity and good
    neighbourliness involving EU Mediterranean
    Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries as
    they are listed in the Strategy Paper on Cross
    Border Cooperation Programmes within the ENPI.
  • The general objective of the Programme is
    to contribute to promoting the sustainable and
    harmonious cooperation process at the
    Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with the
    common challenges and enhancing its endogenous

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
1. What is ENPI CBC MED?
  • The Programme is based on a series of principles,
    jointly identified by the participating
  • Co-ownership Programme contents as well as its
    implementation modalities result from a joint
    elaboration based on the contribution of all the
    participating countries.
  • Common benefits the Programme shall benefit to
    all the territories involved by combining local
    partners capacities to solve common problems and
    to improve social cohesion and competitiveness in
    the cooperation area.
  • Partnership it is the essential condition to
    ensure the Programme effectiveness, guaranteeing
    the participation of the two shores of the
    Mediterranean Sea and contributing to a better
    governance of the local development process.
  • Sustainable development environment protection,
    management of natural resources, promotion of
    renewable energy sources and energy efficiency,
    sustainable socio-economic development and social
    cohesion should be considered in an integrated
  • Equality of opportunity, non-discrimination,
    respect for human rights while implementing the
    Programme and projects, a special attention
    should be paid to the principle of
    non-discrimination in order to be avoid any
    discrimination based on race, sex, nationality,
    language or religion.
  • Territorial dimension of the development
    processes and enhancement of endogenous potential
    of the cooperation area this is to ensure that
    disadvantaged areas are also taken into account
    (for example, rural areas, small towns, declining
    industrial areas, landlocked territories, insular
    areas, etc.), with the aim of reinforcing a
    process of balanced and polycentric development.
  • Reinforcement the level of competitiveness the
    process of integration of the Euro-Mediterranean
    region should also be complemented with a joint
    effort oriented towards a progressive definition
    of a coherent strategy of competitiveness of the
    area on the world scene. Coordination with other
    national and local initiatives should be pursued
    to ensure a better impact of the projects.
  • Co-financing to promote the beneficiaries
    appropriation of the Programme and to maximize
    its leverage effects, it is necessary to mobilize
    public and private additional resources in order
    to ensure the sustainability of the undertaken

4 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
2. Who can participate?
  • Cyprus the whole country
  • Egypt Marsa Matruh, Al Iskandanyah, Al Buhayrah,
    Kafr ash Shaykh, Ad Daqahliyah, Dumyat, Ash,
    Sharquiyah, Al Ismailiyah, Bur Said, Shamal
  • France Corse, Languedoc-Roussillon,
    Provence-Alpes-Côte dAzur
  • Greece Anatoliki Makedonia - Thraki, Kentriki
    Makedonia, Thessalia, Ipeiros, Ionia Nisia,
    Dytiki Ellada, Sterea Ellada, Peloponnisos,
    Attiki, Voreio Aigaio, Notio Aigaio, Kriti
  • Israel the whole country
  • Italy Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Lazio,
    Liguria, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana
  • Jordan Irbid, Al-Balga, Madaba, Al-Karak,
    Al-Trafila, Al-Aqaba
  • Lebanon the whole country
  • Malta the whole country
  • Morocco Oriental, Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate,
  • Palestinian Authority the whole country
  • Portugal Algarve
  • Spain Andalucía, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana,
    Murcia, Islas Baleares, Ceuta, Melilla
  • Syria Latakia, Tartous
  • Tunisia Médenine, Gabès, Sfax, Mahdia, Monastir,
    Sousse, Nabeul, Ben Arous, Tunis, Ariana,
    Bizerte, Béja, Jendouba
  • Notes Algeria, Libya, the United Kingdom
    (Gibraltar) and the Region of Shamal Sina
    (Egypt) do not participate for the moment in the

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
2. Who can participate?
  • Eligible actors
  • The main typologies of eligible actors - as
    defined by the ENPI Regulation (EC) No. 1638/2006
    and by the Implementing Rules for ENPI CBC
    Programmes - are specified for the various
    priorities and measures of the Programme. They
    are diversified according to the variety and
    complexity of the activities to be carried out,
    and include among others
  • public bodies and local, regional and central
  • universities
  • non governmental organisations
  • traders associations
  • organisations representing economic and social
  • companies and other private organisations
  • etc.
  • Participation of Adjoining regions The
    participation to calls for proposals of
    beneficiaries located in adjoining regions of
    level NUTS II or equivalent may be allowed by the
    Joint Monitoring Committee on a case by case
    basis, taken into account the objective benefits
    that such participation would ensure to the
    specific project and to the Programme as a whole.
  • In any case, the amount of resources devoted to
    the participation of beneficiaries of the
    adjoining regions should not exceed 20 of
    allocations to the specific project.

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
3. What are the key priorities?
7 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
  • Cross cutting issues
  • Equality of opportunity, non-discrimination,
    respect for human rights.
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Communication and visibility
  • Example of a possible action within priority 2.1.
    Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the
    environment and enhancement of natural common
  • Development of good practices, mainly through the
    exchange of experiences, in the management of
    coastal areas, in combating coastal
    over-exploitation, beach degradation, in
    preventing and reducing the pollution of natural
    resources (water and soil) in urban, industrial
    and agricultural areas mitigation and management
    of the effects of the climatic changes.

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
4. Overall budget and funding
  • The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme
    has a budget of
  • 173 million for the 2007 2013 period.
  • Projects budget allocation per priority
  • Total 156.246.592
  • Priority 1 62.498.637 40,00
    6.249.864 40,00 68.748.500
  • Priority 2 46.873.977 30,00
    4.687.398 30,00 51.561.375
  • Priority 3 15.624.659 10,00
    1.562.466 10,00 17.187.125
  • Priority 4 31.249.318 20,00
    3.124.932 20,00 34.374.250

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
4. Overall budget and funding
  • The EU contribution will cover maximum 90 of the
    project total budget, while the remaining 10
    will be provided by the beneficiary/partners as
  • Co-financing may come from the local, regional,
    and national levels, and from the public or
    private sectors.
  • At project level, contributions in kind are not
    eligible while personnel expenditures are not
    considered to be contributions in kind and may
    therefore be considered as co-financing they
    must always be justified, according to the
    procedures adopted by the Programme.
  • Only "eligible costs" can be taken into account
    for a grant. The budget is therefore both a cost
    estimate and a ceiling for "eligible costs".
  • The project total eligible costs MUST be within a
    minimum and maximum amount including Programme
    contribution and partnership co-financing.

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
  • 5. Duration of actions
  • The planned duration of an action may not exceed
    48 months. Specific information will be included
    in each call for proposals.
  • 6. Where should the actions take place?
  • Actions must take place in one or more of the
    eligible territories or, in case of participation
    of partners from adjoining regions, in those
    areas provided that such activities are necessary
    for the success of the project and for the
    benefit of the Programme area.
  • At least 50 of the budgeted costs shall be
    dedicated to activities implemented in the
    Mediterranean Partner Countries.

ENPI CBC MED Presentation

7. Types of projects and partners Strategic
  • Actions will be concentrated on subjects which
    will be chosen by the Joint Monitoring Committee
    this typology will have to contribute to
    implement the principles of the Programme and to
    produce relevant effects from a quantitative and
    qualitative point of view.
  • Projects will be selected through call for
    proposals, with a two step procedure
  • 1) concept note 2) detailed project.

12 ENPI CBC MED Presentation

7. Types of projects and partners Standard
Projects (1st call open 32 M EUR)
  • Proposed by local actors through cross-border
  • The activities are selected through calls for
    proposals launched within the Programme.
  • The 50 of the total budget allocated for the
    priority 4 Promotion of cultural dialogue and
    local governance could be assigned to finance
    project proposals with a minimum ceiling of
    200.000 .

13 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
How to apply
  • Use of documents contained in the application
  • Languages English or French
  • Number of documents one original, three copies,
    one CD rom
  • Deadline 16th September 2009 (date of dispatch,
    postmark, date of the deposit slip. Hand delivery
    by 18h).

14 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
8. Partnerships
  • Beneficiaries
  • Public bodies and local, regional and national
  • Universities and research centres
  • Non-Governmental Organisations
  • Traders associations and organisations
    representing economic and social interests
  • Companies and other private organisations.
  • The modalities for the participation of private
    actors will be defined in the call for proposals,
    in compliance with national and EU legislation on
    State aid.
  • The lead partner is responsible for the
    management, implementation and coordination of
    the activities among the partners involved, and
    it is legally responsible for the partnership.
  • Partners play an active role in the development
    and implementation of the project activities,
    together with the Lead Partner.
  • Associates Other organisations, which may be
    involved in the action. Such associates play a
    real role in the action but may not receive
    funding from the grant with the exception of per
    diem or travel costs. Associates do not have to
    meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Subcontractors the grant beneficiaries have the
    possibility to award contracts to subcontractors,
    which are neither partners nor associates.
    Examples a web-site company, a printing firm,
  • Organisations May be awarded sub-grants.

ENPI CBC MED Presentation
9. Programme managing structures
  • Joint Monitoring Committee Decision-making body
    of the Programme composed by a representative of
    the countries participating in the Programme.
  • Projects Selection Committee in charge of
    evaluating project applications. Formed at the
    occasion of the launch of each call for
    proposals, it is composed of 7 voting members,
    representing 7 countries participating in the
  • Joint Managing Authority it is responsible for
    the management and implementation of the
    Operational Programme and ensures the legality
    and regularity of the operations (Autonomous
    Region of Sardinia).
  • Joint Technical Secretariat it assists the JMA
    in the day-to-day management of the Programme.
    Composed of international staff, it will be
    located in Cagliari.
  • Two Branch Offices respectively located in
    Valencia and Aqaba (Jordan) in order to ensure
    closer proximity with potential beneficiaries.

ENPI CBC MED Presentation

10. Next steps
  • End of 2009/ beginning of 2010 launching of the
    first call for Strategic projects (about 37.5
    million EUR).
  • 2010 launching of the second call for standard
    projects (about 32 million EUR).

17 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
11. Contacts
  • For further information please consult the
  • http//
  • Or send an email to
  • For questions on the first call

18 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
ENPI CBC MED website
19 ENPI CBC MED Presentation
Thank you very much for your attention ENPI
CBC MED PROGRAMMEBranch Office for the Western
Mediterranean c/ Cronista Carreres 11,
4º46003 ValenciaTel 96 315 33
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