Title: Chap 10 TAKS Terms
1Chap 10 TAKS Terms
2Policy of extending the Rule of one country over
1899 cartoon. Uncle Sam balances his new
possessions, which are depicted as savage
children. The figures are identified as Puerto
Rico, Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, and "Ladrones"
(the Mariana Islands)
4Wrote book Influence of Sea Power on History.
Said US should build modern steel navy powered by
5AnsAlfred Thayer Mahan
6The use of sensationalized and exaggerated
reporting by newspapers to attract readers.
7AnsYellow Journalism
8US battleship mysteriously destroyed by explosion
in harbor of Havana, Cuba in 1898.
9AnsUSS Maine
10Cavalry regiment headed by Teddy Roosevelt that
fought in the Spanish-American War.
11AnsRough Riders
12Called the Splendid Little War by John Hay.
13AnsSpanish American War
14Sec. Of State John Hay asking European powers not
to interfere with US trading rights in China.
15AnsOpen Door policy.
16Uprising in which members of a Chinese secret
society sought to free their country from Western
17AnsBoxer rebellion
18Artificial waterway that provides a shortcut
between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
19AnsPanama Canal
20Extension of Monroe doctrine which US claimed the
right to protect its economic interests by
military intervention in Latin America.
21AnsRoosevelt Corollary
22US policy of using the nations economic power to
exert influence over other countries.
23AnsDollar Diplomacy
24Sent into Mexico by President Wilson to find
Francisco Pancho Villa.
25AnsGen. John J. Pershing.
26Raided Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17
Americans. US army sent to find him
27AnsFrancisco Pancho Villa.
28Battle in Spanish American War the Teddy
Roosevelt and Rough Riders mistakenly received
credit for winning.
29Ans-San Juan Hill
30Secretary of State who purchased Alaska.
31AnsWilliam Seward
32Secretary of State known for Open Door Policy in
33AnsJohn Hay
34Ended Spanish-American war. Gave U.S. Guam,
Puerto Rico, Philippines.
35AnsTreaty of Paris
36Hawaiian Queen who fought U.S. businessmen.
37AnsQueen Liliuokalani
38U.S. Admiral known for naval victory in
39AnsGeorge Dewey
40Filipino rebel who fought against U.S.
41AnsEmilio Aguinaldo