Title: Discovering Andalusia
1Discovering Andalusia
2Original walls outside Mezquita
3Inside Mezquita - Mix of traditional Islamic
arches and symbols of the Christian faith
4Original Mihrab of the Mosque built by Al-Hakem
II between 966 969 (AH)
5View of the Palace of the Al-Hambra from Al-Baysin
6Famous Court of Lions Fountain The 12 marble
lions represent the hours of the day and the
months of the year. Water would flow from the
mouth of a different lion for each hour of the day
7Honeycomb Dome, with over 5,000 cells at the
centre, in the Salon de Mocarabe
8Water Fountain
9Courtyard of the Granada Mosque - Opened in
Summer of 2003 after 500 years without an
operational mosque in Granada
10El Cardenal (Cordoba) Open Air Flamenco show
11Real Alcazar Palace (Seville)- Ibn Khaldun
12Inside Real Alcazar at night