Title: 12 Other Galaxies
112 - Other Galaxies
2Types of Galaxies Spiral
Sa Bulge large Arms tight
Sc Bulge small Arms loose
3Arm Types
M51 - grand design
M33 - flocculent
M - Charles Messiers catalog of fuzzy objects
4Why dont the arms wind up?
Our Sun orbits with P200 Myr The MWG is 14 Gyr
old.. (G? giga billion)
Need 2 different models to explain the 2 type of
5Problem Where DO the spiral arms come from?
6Self-Propagating Star Formation (Stochastic Star
Each round of star formation induces more star
formation nearby
7Spiral Density Wave
Gas compression in density wave
New stars exit with old
Stars low density gas
8NOTE dust molecules are coolants in GMCs
4-young stars exit
1-Stars gas ( dust) enter
2-Compression, growth of GMCs, more dust,
molecules, star formation
3-New massive hot stars ionize gas
9Problem(!) Spiral density wave can sustain
itself, once formed. So where did it come from in
the first place?
10Types of Galaxies Barred Spiral
The MWG?
11Types of Galaxies Elliptical Spiral
En where n indicates ellipticity (how
squashed it appears)
12Giant Ellipticals
Dwarf Ellipticals
Wide-angle view of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies
Close-up view of Leo I galaxy - very nearby MWG
13Hubbles Tuning Fork Classification Scheme Once
thought to represent galaxy evolution -
WRONG! (but astronomers still use terms like
early type and late-type to describe
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
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16Clusters of Galaxies
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19M31 Andromeda Galaxy
22Cepheids in galaxies
23Ladder of Extragalactic Distance Scale
24Hercules Cluster - Irregular - Lots of Ss
Coma Cluster - Regular - Mostly Es
25Colliding Galaxies
The Antennae
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2721 cm map (H I)
28Collisions Mergers.
29 Galaxy Cannibalism
Interactions can initiate the spiral density
30Flat Rotation Curves Dark Matter
Flat rotation curves require lots of dark
matter in the halos..
It isnt just a problem for the MWG!
311920s 1930s - Humason Hubble discover the
Expansion of the Universe!
Hubble Flow
Hubble Law v H0d
32H072 8 km/s/Mpc
A LOT of work has been expended in the past 50
years to measure H0 precisely. Values ranged from
50-100 km/s/Mpc!
33Problem How do galaxies form evolve?
34Top-Down Galaxy Formation
35Bottom-Up Galaxy Evolution (mergers dominate
the process)
Remember this one?
36The Hubble Deep Field (HDF)
HDF detail
looking far away looking back in time
37 Ultra-Deep Field (UDF)