Peripheral Nervous System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Peripheral Nervous System


Peripheral Nervous System – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Peripheral Nervous System

  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • James A. Weyhenmeyer
  • 515 Medical Sciences Bldg/346 Henry Admin Bldg
  • 265-5440

  • Injury
  • Slight injury affects myelin more severe
  • affects myelin and axon most severe
  • connective tissue

  • 3 classes of injury
  • Class 1 conduction block (by e.g. transient
    ischemia (rapidly reversible) or paranodal
    demyelination), recovery occurs in wks (mild
    structural damage with loss of small areas of
    myelin around nodes of Ranvier)

  • Class 2 - severe crush injuries with axonal
    interruption but endoneurium undamaged prognosis
    good (regeneration through original Schwann cell
    tubes) may be muscle atrophy (denervation) and
    recovery may take mos

  • Class 3 severe injury to axons, Schwann cells
    and endoneurium, with denervation atrophy of
    skeletal muscle formation of neuromas, aberrant
    regeneration common

  • Degeneration
  • Segmental demyelination
  • Analogous to demyelination in brain
  • Selective loss of individual myelin internodes,
    no primary abnormality of axon
  • Schwann cells proliferate
  • Bare axon stimulus for remyelination new myelin
    sheaths thinner and internodal lengths shorter
  • Successive episodes of demyelination and
    remyelination tiers of alternating Schwann cell
    processes and collagen onion bulbs

  • Axonal
  • Follows damage to or underlying abnormality of
    cell body and/or axon.
  • Degeneration extends back to cell body
    chromatolysis (Wallerian degeneration) Schwann
    cells proliferate
  • Wallerian degeneration
  • Follows peripheral transection of axon
  • Proximal degeneration to nearest node of
    Ranvier chromatolysis if close enough to cell
  • Distal - degeneration of axon and myelin, both
    digested by Schwann cells (forming small oval
    compartments myelin ovoids)

  • Regeneration
  • Outgrowth of multiple sprouts from distal end of
    axon (regenerating cluster)
  • Slow process (2 mm/day) limited by rate of slow
    component of axonal transport (tubulin, actin and
    intermediate filaments)

  • With Wallerian degeneration secondary to
    traumatic injury, a hematoma or scar may form
    obstructs distal stump of nerve, producing
    tangled, often painful, mass of nerve fibers
    (amputation or traumatic neuroma)

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Neuropathy functional disturbances and/or
    pathological changes in PNS may be mild or
    severe acute, subacute, or chronic may have
    relapses and remissions
  • Most common neuropathies diabetic and alcoholic
    (predominantly axonal)
  • Major categories
  • Inflammatory, infectious (e.g.,
  • Hereditary
  • Acquired metabolic
  • Toxic (industrial or environmental chemicals)
  • malignancy (invasion or paraneoplastic)
  • Traumatic (lacerations, avulsions, compressions
    (carpal tunnel syndrome and Saturday night
    palsy-ulnar nerve compression)

  • Polyneuropathy caused by diffuse demyelination
    and axonal degeneration.
  • Longest axons affected first, typically symmetric
  • Clinical
  • Distal limbs paresis and loss of deep tendon
    reflexes, glove and stocking sensory loss
  • ANS may be postural hypotension, constipation,

  • Classification of peripheral neuropathies based
    on clinical syndrome
  • Axonal degeneration paresis w/ fasciculations
    muscle wasting
  • Demyelination conduction failure (no
    denervation, fasciculations or wasting)
  • Different etiological agents preferentially
    affect axons with different diameters or function
  • Alcohol small myelinated and unmyelinated
    fibers slowly progressive distal sensorimotor
  • Acrylamide large myelinated fibers numbness
    and sweating of hands and feet
  • Hexane (glue sniffing) large myelinated fibers
    (distal symmetric sensorimotor polyneuropathy)
  • Focal neuropathy affect individual nerves
    (e.g., vasculitis) usually asymmetrical may
    spread and present as polyneuropathy
  • Multifocal neuropathy gt 1 nerve involved
    usually symmetric

  • Clinical syndromes
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating
    polyradiculoneuropathy (e.g., spinal roots
    involved) (AIDP)
  • Etiology nutritional deficiencies, toxins, drugs
    (e.g., vincristine, isoniazid), systemic diseases
    (arteritis, diabetes, amyloidosis), inflammation
    or demyelination (e.g., Guillain-Barré),
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
    polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) common, all ages
    (peak 5th and 6th decades), starts with an
    illness similar to AIDP and becomes either
    chronic relapsing or progressive
  • Demyelinating neuropathy (myelinopathy) initial
    pathology in Schwann cell or myelin
  • Neuronopathy initial pathology in cell body
    (e.g., Herpes zoster, polio)
  • Large fiber neuropathy loss of position,
    vibration and fine touch sensation, decreased
    tendon reflexes, and LMN involvement
  • Small fiber neuropathy decreased
    pain/temperature sensation, spontaneous pain, ANS
    involvement (preservation of joint position,
    vibration and touch and pressure sensations)

  • Inflammatory neuropathy
  • AIDP (Landrys-Guillain-Barré Syndrome)
  • Acute demyelinating neuropathy antecedent
    events -- 40 viral prodrome (days to wks after
    URI or GI infection) 5 mycoplasma 10 allergy
    25 other (including surgery) 20 unknown
  • Most common cause of acute paralytic illness in
    developed countries, occurs mostly in young

  • Clinical (acute)
  • Fine paresthesia in toes and/or finger tips
    followed by leg weakness (days), minimal loss of
    sensation (glove/stocking)
  • Pain common complaint, presents as bilateral
    sciatica, or aching in large muscles of thighs,
    flanks, or back (e.g., Charley horse)
  • Difficulty walking (common early complaint) with
    bilateral foot-drop and a waddling wide-based
    unsteady gait
  • Symmetrical weakness 50 start in lower limbs
    and spreads upward (days), helps to differentiate
    from other neuropathies) tendon reflexes absent
    or greatly reduced
  • Severe cases respiratory distress (vital
    capacity lt50), eye movements, swallowing, and
    ANS functions affected

  • Lab
  • Abnormal nerve conduction (e.g., conduction block
    due to demyelination)
  • CSF increased protein after 1st wk, normal or
    minimally increased cell count
  • Serum activated protein synthesizing
    lymphocytes and C dependent anti-myelin Abs

  • Pathology
  • Histology focal inflammation of peripheral
    nerve with demyelination, accumulation of
    lymphocytes and macrophages
  • Inflammatory lesions throughout the PNS
    predilection for proximal nerve trunks

  • Diagnosis difficult due to variable initial
    presentation and extensive differential
  • In order of importance cord compression/transver
    se section myasthenia gravis basilar artery
    occlusion neoplastic meningitis vasculitic
    neuropathy polymyositis metabolic myopathies
    paraneoplastic neuropathy hypophosphatemia
    heavy-metal intoxication neurotoxic fish
    poisoning botulism poliomyelitis tick
  • 2/3 of cases preceded by acute, influenza-like
    illness infection, usually viral, includes HIV,
    CMV, EBV with hepatitis or mononucleosis,
    asymptomatic hepatitis
  • Campylobacter jejuni enteritis important early
    disease, often associated with severe or variant
    forms of the neuropathy
  • No consistent demonstration of infectious agent
    immunologically mediated disorder of obscure
    origin generally favored
  • Small group of cases occur in presence of
    underlying disease (e.g., lupus, Hodgkins,
    sarcoidosis, or AIDS)
  • Can occur with pregnancy (3rd trimester) or
    postpartum (does not affect fetus)

  • Etiology T cell mechanism resulting in
  • Acute phase circulating activated T cells and
    increased IL-2 in serum
  • Circulating anti-myelin Abs
  • May be multiple triggering events
  • Treatment plasma exchange (may be replaced by
    daily infusions of ?-globulin)
  • Rehab and prognosis
  • Recovery wks to mos weakness stops advancing
    after 13 wks, with plateau for several wks and
    slow improvement
  • 15 no residual deficit 38 die from
    complications (e.g., ARDS, sepsis, pulmonary
    embolism) 65 left with persistent problems
    (foot-drop, distal numbness) 510 permanent
    weakness, imbalance, decreased sensation
  • Recurrence may occur at 10-15 yr intervals
  • Mild symptoms with early improvement, best
  • Illness may be less severe in children than adults

  • Acquired Metabolic Neuropathy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • 2 types symmetric polyneuropathies (foot pain,
    paraesthesias, weakness of toe and foot
    extensors static or progressive),
    mononeuropathies (acute, affecting lumbosacral
    plexus, sciatic femoral, median, ulnar, 3rd and
    7th cranial nerves often clears w/o Rx)
  • Often the most troublesome complication of
    diabetes mellitus
  • Clinical earliest sign distal, symmetric, and
    predominantly sensory, unilateral ocular nerve
    palsy (with sparing of reflexes)
  • Pathology axonal neuropathy with some segmental
    demyelination mostly loss of small myelinated
    and unmyelinated fibers
  • Etiology unclear metabolic dysfunction is
    prominent in rapidly reversible neuropathies of
    newly diagnosed diabetics

  • Hereditary
  • Most affect strength and sensation some affect
    sensation and ANS
  • Peroneal Muscular Atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth
    Disease HMSN I and II)
  • Relatively common, dominantly inherited, slowly
    progressive sensorimotor disease
  • Weakness/wasting in lower leg and foot producing
    stork leg deformity (foot drop and steppage

  • Histology onion bulbs with axon in the center
    of the bulb
  • Prognosis life span normal
  • Etiology in most pedigrees (HMSN I), altered
    gene on chromosome 17 encoding for
    myelin-specific protein (PMP-22), gene on
    chromosome 1 encoding for myelin protein Po, or
    gene on X chromosome encoding for gap junction
    protein connexin

  • Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
  • Schwannomas - arise from Schwann cells typically
    on sensory nerves (e.g., vestibular branch of
  • Tumor is white/grey, firm, solitary,
    circumscribed, encapsulated, and in eccentric
    position on proximal nerve or spinal nerve root
  • Areas of high cellularity (Antoni A) (possibly
    with palisaded nuclei and fibers called Verocay
  • Areas of low cellularity (Antoni B)

  • Tumors on cranial and spinal nerve roots
    responsible for most serious symptoms
  • Acoustic Schwannomas often present with tinnitus
    and hearing loss large tumors - pressure on V
    and VII producing palsies, or brain stem
    compression and hydrocephalus
  • Spinal root tumors may present with slowly
    progressive cord compression or cauda equina
    syndrome more distal tumors produce local
  • Benign Schwannomas may transform to malignant

  • Neurofibromas - arise from Schwann cells,
    perineural cells or fibroblasts.
  • Common forms are cutaneous neurofibromas (may be
    large, rarely malignant) and peripheral nerve
    neurofibromas (solitary neurofibromas) both
    occur sporadically as well as in association with
    neurofibromatosis Type I (NFI)
  • Histology - bands of delicate spindle cells w/
    elongated, slender, wavy nuclei loose myxoid
    stroma (left/right)

  • Both Schwannomas and neurofibromas contain S100
    protein - useful marker for fibrous tissue tumors
  • Neurofibromatoses - at least two autosomal
    dominant disorders
  • Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF1, von Recklinghausen,
    peripheral NF) and neurofibromatosis-2 (NF2,
    bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis, central NF)
    - clinically and genetically distinct

  • Neurofibromatosis-1 (gt90 of cases) - one of the
    most common autosomal dominant diseases (1/3,000
    births) worldwide
  • Single altered gene located on chromosome 17
    encoding for neurofibromin (contains region
    homologous to GTPase-activating protein acts as
    a negative regulator of a growth stimulating
    pathway (tumor suppressor gene))
  • Multiple neurofibromas appear during puberty to
  • Associated with nerve trunks anywhere in skin or
    any internal site (especially acoustic nerve)
  • Often subcutaneous or fusiform enlargement of
    distal nerves

  • Schwannomas may occur
  • Café au lait spots - develop in childhood
  • 6 or more gt5 mm dia in a child or gt1.5 cm dia in
    an adult most likely NF1
  • Giant melanosomes found in epidermal cells
  • Spots often overlie neurofibromas
  • Lisch nodules - pigmented iris hamartomas (small
    yellow/brown elevations), aide in diagnosis (only
    occur in NF1)

  • NF1 (or with a family history) more susceptible
    to oncogenic effect of radiation (develop
    malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and
  • Condition disfiguring (elephant man)
  • May be serious due to greater risk of developing
    tumors (e.g., optic gliomas, meningiomas,
    pheochromocytomas), location of nodules,
    malignancies in 3 of cases (especially those
    attached to large nerve trunks of neck and
    extremities) scoliosis or erosive bone defects
    may develop

  • Neurofibromatosis-2
  • More rare than NF1, most have peripheral
    neurofibromas and café au lait spots, bilateral
    acoustic Schwannomas, no Lisch nodules
  • Altered gene on chromosome 22 encoding for
    protein interacting w/ membrane and cytoskeleton
  • Genes for NF-1/2 act as tumor suppressor genes
  • Both Schwannomas and neurofibromas may develop
    marked nuclear pleomorphism, giant cells, and
    myxoid or xanthomatous degeneration
  • Malignant transformation may occur in both types
    (less so in Schwannomas) tumors resemble
    fibrosarcoma, occur mostly in von
    Recklinghausens neurofibromatosis
  • Schwannomas and neurofibromas occur late (5th and
    6th decade)

  • Skeletal Muscle
  • Muscle pathology often secondary (e.g., UMN
    and/or LMN disease and certain systemic diseases
    (e.g., sarcoidosis, arteritis, toxins, alcohol,
    drugs, infection (viral, bacterial (e.g.,
    Trichinella spiralis))
  • Categories of specific muscle diseases myopathic
    and neurogenic
  • Structural changes (e.g., myasthenia)

  • Pathology
  • Atrophy occurs w/ lack of use, general
    malnutrition, ischemia and denervation
  • Fibers smaller on cross-section (especially w/
    denervation or when denervated fibers are
    compressed by adjacent innervated fibers)
  • Myofibrils and other organelles lost, but
    marginal nuclei persist and increase in number as
    fiber shrinks
  • Eventual interstitial fibrosis, decreased muscle

  • Degeneration occurs in number of diseases
  • Usually only part of fiber affected, fiber can
    reconstitute from remaining undamaged segments
  • Fibers or part of fiber becomes necrotic, removed
    by macrophages
  • Regeneration accomplished by activation and
    proliferation of myoblasts
  • Increased variation in fiber diameter both
    neurogenic and myopathic diseases
  • Increased number of central nuclei nonspecific
  • Ring fibers produced when peripheral myofibrils
    are reoriented to run circumferentially
    characteristic of myotonic dystrophy
  • Fiber splitting appears as clefts in myofiber
    probably due to defective regeneration

  • LMN lesions (e.g., poliomyelitis) - both Type I
    (slow twitch) and II (fast twitch) myofibers
  • UMN lesions (e.g., stroke) - Type II fibers
    mainly affected

  • Type I/II fibers are in random array motor units
    contain muscle fibers dispersed among other motor
  • Fiber type determined by innervation if a muscle
    is denervated and then reinnervated by another
    nerve, the muscle fiber will change its
    biochemical characteristics to match fibers
    innervated by that nerve
  • Fast twitch fibers (Type II) richer in glycolytic
    enzymes stain dark with ATPase at pH 9.4
    responsible for rapid phase contractions
  • Slow twitch fibers (Type I) contain abundant
    myoglobin, oxidative enzymes and mitochondria
    stain dark with ATPase at pH 4.6 responsible for
    tonic contraction and maintenance of posture

  • Myopathic Disease
  • Myositis (inflammatory myopathies)
  • Most important forms seen in collagen vascular
    diseases (polymyositis and polyarteritis nodosa)
    direct invasion by blood-borne microbes rare, but
    when present, bacterial toxins may proteolyze
    large areas of muscle
  • Dermatomyositis chronic inflammatory myopathy
    (symmetric) with skin rash, particularly around
    the eyes (classic presentation rash is a lilac
    or heliotrope discoloration of upper eyelids),
    face, and extensor surfaces of the limbs (red
    patches over knuckles, elbows, knees Grottons
  • Juvenile widespread vasculitis of skin and GI
    tract, myositis, bowel infarction with
    perforation and skin ulcerations prominent
  • Muscle weakness usually begins in shoulders and
    pelvic girdle, spreads to neck and distal
    extremities pharyngeal muscle weakness common

  • Polymyositis chronic inflammatory myopathy
    (symmetric), muscle weakness
  • Condition occurs at any age with bimodal peaks at
    5-15 and 50-60 yr.
  • Histology necrosis of groups or single muscle
    cells, phagocytosis of muscle cell fragments
    (more characteristic of myositis than
    dystrophies), and prominent perivascular,
    endomysial, and perimysial inflammatory

  • Central vacuolization of muscle fibers virtually
    pathognomonic for polymyositis
  • Chronic cases foci of fibrosis and/or fat
    replacing muscle
  • Skin rash (40) presents as edema with
    mononuclear cells around blood vessels

  • Clinical variable muscle weakness and
    disability most important
  • 20 have connective tissue disorder (e.g.,
    lupus), systemic sclerosis malignancy in 15 of
    males and slightly less in females gt50.
  • Etiology unkown but tissue damage mediated by
    immunologic mechanism auto-Abs and antinuclear
    antibodies (e.g., rheumatoid factor)
  • Dermatomyositis capillaries attacked by Abs and
    complement foci of myocyte necrosis supported
    by higher percentage than normal of B cells
    within muscle
  • Polymyositis cell-mediated immunity implicated
    CD8 cytotoxic T cells and macrophages near
    damaged muscle

  • Lab
  • Nonspecific except for Jo-1 antigen antibody
    (against histidyl tRNA synthetase), considered to
    be specific
  • Children and some adults with acute involvement
    widespread necrotizing vasculitis involving
    lungs, kidneys, heart, and other organs adults
    diffuse pulmonary fibrosis w/ anti-Jo-1 antibodies
  • Diagnosis biopsy remissions and exacerbations
  • Rx and prognosis - most cases respond to
    immunosuppressive therapy 5 yr survival rate in
    adults 75
  • 20 risk of malignancy of lungs, ovaries, and
    stomach in patients w/ dermatomyositis

  • Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)
  • Transmural acute necrotizing inflammation in
    small to medium sized arteries typically
    involves renal and visceral vessels
  • Lesions are focal, random, and episodic in
    nature, produce irregular aneurysmal dilatations,
    nodularity and vascular obstruction/infarction
  • Middle age disorder
  • Etiology unknown (immune complexes suggested)
  • Circulating anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
    antibodies correlate w/ disease
  • Organs involved in descending order of frequency
    kidney, heart, liver, GIT, pancreas, testes,
    skeletal muscle, NS, skin

  • Lesions involve localized segements of vessel and
    occur at branch points and bifurcations
  • Initial acute transmural vasculitis w/
    fibrinoid necrosis of inner wall
  • Late fibrous thickening of the wall and a
    mononuclear infiltrate (eventually disappears)
  • All stages may coexist w/in same or different
  • Diagnosis biopsy (kidney and skeletal muscle)
  • Untreated fatal

  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Family of genetically determined myopathies
  • Range from mild motor weakness (Becker type) to
    severe with early death (Duchennes dystrophy)
  • Becker 1/10th as common as Duchennes
  • Subgroup of inherited metabolic diseases cardiac
    muscle also affected
  • Both types due to mutations in same gene

  • Duchennes dystrophy most common and
    devastating of the dystrophies
  • Caused by a mutation of gene on short arm of X
  • Most are sons of carrier mothers (males dont
    live long enough to be fathers!) (some acquire
    the mutation de novo)
  • Normal gene produces dystrophin (considerable
    homology with a cytoskeletal a-actinin and
    spectrin, membrane associated and localized to
    T-tubule system)
  • Mutation produces decreased dystrophin leading to
    abnormal cell contraction and progressive muscle
    weakness (possibly by interfering with Ca release
    or weakening myocytes) changes most marked in
    shoulder and pelvis muscles, followed by

  • Histology -
  • Vacuoles
  • Fragmentation and coagulation necrosis of
    individual myofibers, invasion of macrophages
  • Some damaged myofibers regenerate
  • Nuclei central, contraction bands (marked
    shortening of some sarcomeres), fiber splitting,
    and variation in fiber diameter

  • Damaged fibers removed and replaced by
    fibro-fatty tissue, unaffected fibers undergo
    hypertrophy - result is pseudohypertrophy
    (especially in calf muscles)
  • Myofibers degenerate, muscles shrink, become pale
    and flabby, replaced by fibro-fatty tissue

  • Clinical
  • Starts in early childhood - difficulty standing,
    walking, and getting out of a chair
  • Muscle weakness progressive and most evident in
    legs (eventually arms affected)
  • Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles (initial
    hypertrophy of muscle fibers, with muscle atrophy
    there is an increase in fat and connective
  • Involvement of trunk muscles - curved spine
  • By 12 yr most in wheelchairs by 20 yr death
    (e.g., pulmonary infections (weak muscles and
    aspirated foods))
  • Cardiac failure may occur (degeneration of
    cardiac cells)
  • Decreased dystrophin may affect neuronal membrane
    skeleton - intellectual impairment

  • Diagnosis - clinical features, increased serum
    muscle enzymes (creatine kinase), EMG confirmed
    by biopsy
  • Use peripheral lymphocytes to detect carriers of
    Duchenne or Becker type muscular dystrophy

  • Myotonic dystrophy
  • Autosomal dominant disease with mutation on
    chromosome 19 of gene that codes for
    myotonin-protein kinase
  • Clinical
  • Myotonia (sustained, involuntary contraction of a
    group of muscles)
  • Atrophy of facial muscles with ptosis
  • Disease appears at younger age in each succeeding
  • Histology
  • Central nuclei, ring fibers (peripheral
    myofibrils form a ring around central ones
    running longitudinally)
  • Sarcoplasmic masses devoid of striations, chains
    of nuclei
  • Type 1 fiber atrophy

  • Inherited Metabolic and Congenital Myopathies
  • Include myophosphorylase deficiency (McCardles
    syndrome (Type V glycogenosis, compatible with
    normal life span)), acid maltase deficiency (Type
    II glycogenosis, Pompes disease),
    phosphofructokinase deficiency (Type IV glycogen
    storage disease), and mitochondrial myopathies
  • In congenital myopathies - most present as
    floppy infant with symmetric weakness, most
    severe proximally
  • Nemaline (rod body) myopathy - autosomal dominant
    disease causing hypotonia and weakness
  • EM - nemaline rod as masses of round Z body

  • McCardles and phosphofructokinase deficiency -
    impaired energy production, muscle weakness and
    cramps after exercise and failure to detect
    increased serum lactate after exercise
  • Acid maltase (lysosomal enzyme) deficiency -
    glycogen storage in many organs, early death
  • Cardiomegaly - prominent
  • Mitochondrial myopathies - defect in substrate
    transport (carnitine metabolism and the pyruvate
    dehydrogenase complex), energy conservation
    (ATPase deficiency), respiratory chain
    (cytochrome deficiency)

  • Acquired Metabolic and Toxic Myopathies
  • Major disorders occur in hypo- and
    hyperthyroidism and steroid-induced myopathy
  • Clinical - diffuse muscle weakness, some wasting
  • Histology no pathognomonic morphology
  • Diagnosis - by exclusion and history of hormonal
  • Etiology
  • Toxins - alcohol (occurs after binge drinking
    and results in muscle breakdown and
    myoglobinuria), anti-fibrinolytic agent
    (epsilon-aminocaproic acid), chloroquine,
    steroids, D-penicillamine, and procainamide

  • Neurogenic Disease
  • Myasthenia gravis (MG) - most frequent of
    myasthenic syndromes muscle weakness and
  • Autoimmune disease with Abs to AChR at muscle
  • Onset peaks at 20
  • 2/3s associated w/ thymic hyperplasia 20 w/
  • Other associated autoimmune diseases (e.g., SLE,
    Sjörgens syndrome rheumatoid arthritis, and

  • Pathogenesis 90 have circulating Abs to AChR,
    may be absent in mild cases
  • Muscular weakness due to increased loss of
    receptors (Ab/complement-mediated lysis??) and
    inhibition of ACh binding
  • Thymic hyperplasia associated w/ appearance of
    AChR on thymic epithelial and myoid cells some
    neoplastic epithelial cells in thymomas express
    AchR assumed that these antigens sensitize B
    cells to produce auto-Abs

  • Histology - complement and IgG at NMJs marked
    reduction in AChRs and reduced or abolished
    junctional folds
  • Disuse changes in type II fibers (atrophy)
  • Clinical - variation in course of disease
  • Thymoma and high titers of circulating AChR Abs -
    poor prognosis
  • Weakness and fatigue start in most active muscles
    (extraocular, facial, tongue, extremities), in
    severe cases other muscles become progressively
    involved eventually, trunk and limb muscles and
    speech and swallowing affected
  • Respiration compromised, pulmonary infections and
  • In mild cases - may only be slight increased
    fatigability of extraocular and face muscles

  • Diagnosis and Rx - thymectomy for hyperplasia,
    removal of a tumor, anticholine esterases, and
    immunosuppressive agents
  • With severe generalized disease, there is about a
    10 death rate in 10 yr
  • Overall gt 90 respond to treatment with long-term
    reduction in disability and improvement in
    quality of life.
  • Other myasthenic syndromes (e.g., Lambert-Eaton
    syndrome), 2/3 associated with malignancy
    (usually small cell carcinoma of the lung).

  • Denervation atrophy
  • Occurs in peripheral neuropathies with axonal
    degeneration leading to denervation and muscle
    atrophies (e.g., ALS - motor neuron disease
    affecting both LMNs and UMNs
  • Muscle may become reinnervated by collateral
    sprouting from an adjacent nerve fiber, leads to
    type grouping as the reinnervated fiber will be
    the same type as the one providing the sprout
  • Staining with ATPase, that distinguishes Type I
    from Type II fibers the types are grouped rather
    than scattered (checkerboard) as seen normally

  • With further denervation, muscle fibers atrophy
    in groups (group atrophy) type grouping and
    group atrophy hallmarks of denervation
  • Clinical - muscle weakness and loss of muscle
    mass, fasciculations - manifestation of
    hypersensitivity resulting from increased number
    of AChRs scattered over the whole surface rather
    than concentrated at the NMJ
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