Title: Homage to Maliha contd'
1Homage toMaliha (contd.)
2Visiting old school, 01
3Bagel Factory job in Mattoon, 01
4Internship at Lake Land College
5Study Abroad, Indonesia, 02
6Host family in Indonesia, 02
7Lake Mattoon, summer 02
8Earth semester in AZ, Grand Canyon
9Grand Canyon, fall 02
10Babysitting (Alex, Lidia) job at NY
11Barnard gate
12Barnards tradition
13Barnard presentation of candidates, 04
14Barnard presentation of candidates, 04
15Barnards tradition, rain or shine
16Barnards ceremony, 04
17Best friend Carolyn 04
18Barnard ceremony, 04
19Barnard Class of 2004
20In front of Barnard gate 04
21Effort in future recruitment from Barnard College
22Marthas fan
23With Carolyn for Columbia ceremony, 04
24Columbia tradition, rain or shine
25Columbia ceremony 04
26Columbia tradition-rain or shine, 04
27Degree award from Columbia, 04, rain or shine
28The graduate, Class of 2004
29The certificate (in Latin)
30Proud dad, June 04
31Proud sister, June 04
32Congratulations Maliha!Youve made it!We wish
you the very best!!