Title: Sign up for Our Free Newsletter www'eglider'org
1Sign up for Our Free Newsletterwww.eglider.org
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3Until now I have never lived! Life on earth is a
creeping, crawling business. It is in the air
that one feels the glory of being a man and of
conquering the elements. There is an exquisite
smoothness of motion and the joy of gliding
through space. It is wonderful! Gabriele
DAnnunzio 1909
4The Office
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6Pilot Lounge
7We have four baths and showers
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10Our house
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14ASW-22 on tow
15One of Toms April Fool jokes. We actually
received orders!
16Flight School
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18Flight School
- Good
- Fast
- Cheap
- Choose one only.
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21A cold front coming
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23Low pressure
It here!
High pressure
24NW winds all the way to Florida.
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Washington DC
27More turnpoints than any other soaring site.
28Ridge Soaring Gliderport
100 KM Triangle
300 KM Triangle
301,000 KM Zig Zag
31To put your life in danger from time to time . .
. Breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day
trivialities. Nevil Shute
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34Tom, and his good buddy, Pierce Brosnon.
35I learned that danger is relative, and that
inexperience can be a magnifying glass. Charles
Tom Lee Kuhlke soaring above Utah.
36See Ya There!Sign up for Our Free