Title: Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and space mission EUSO
1Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and space mission
- M.Teshima
- Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München
- _at_INR Moscow
- Apr. 2005
2Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum
AGASA Energy Spectrum
3Candidates for UHE C.R. accelerator
Radio Galaxy Lobe
4Cosmic Ray Propagation in our Galaxy
- Deflection angle 1 degree at 1020eV
- Astronomy by hadronic particles?
5Cosmic Ray Propagation inGalactic Disk and Inter
6Full sky map of deflection angles
By K.Dolag, D.Grasso, V.Springel, and I.Tkachev
7Important Aspects of UHECRs
- GZK mechanism
- Sources must be nearby
- Secondary Gamma rays, neutrinos
- Limited candidates of accelerators in the
Universe - AGNs, GRBs, Colliding galaxies
- Heavy relic particles in our galactic Halo
- Linear propagation
- Clusters of events / point sources
8Exposure in ICRC2003
9Air Shower Phenomena
10AGASAAkeno Giant Air Shower Array
111 Electron Det. 27 Muon Det.
0 4km
11The Highest Energy Event (2.46 x1020eV) on 10
May 2001
12Third Highest event 97/03/30 150EeV
40 detecters were hit
13Energy Spectrum by AGASA (?lt45)
11 obs. / 1.8 exp. 4.2s Systematic error in E
5.1 x 1016 m2 s sr
14The Energy spectrum by AGASA Red well inside
the array (Cut the event near the boundary of
15HiRes Experiment Air Fluorescence detector
16HiRes NSF events200-300EeV
17(No Transcript)
18HiRes I, II mono spectrum
19Recent spectra (AGASA vs. HiRes_at_Tsukuba ICRC)
vs. HiRes-II
vs. HiRes-I
- 2.5 sigma discrepancy between AGASA HiRes
- Energy scale difference by 25
vs. HiRes-stereo
20AGASA vs HiRes
by Douglas Bergman
21The energy of C.R.traveling in CMBR
In the origin they may be 1021 eV
22The Biggest event in my experimentIACT Telescope
23New TeV Gamma Ray Source1ES1959650
- Low Red shift X-BL Lac z0.048
- Observation in 1998
- MJD 50956-50965 5.3 s
- MJD 50996-51023 5.0 s
24Nightmare in Dec. 97in Dugway Proving Ground
Estimated Energy 1028eV A Planck Mass Scale
25Matter (90Mpc) and Galaxy(45Mpc) distribution
By A.Kravtsov
26Arrival Direction Distribution gt4x1019eVzenith
angle lt50deg.
- Isotropic in large scale ? Extra-Galactic origin
- But, Clusters in small scale (??lt2.5deg)
- 1triplet and 6 doublets (2.0 doublets are
expected from random) - One doublet ? triplet(gt3.9x1019eV) and a new
27Space Angle Distribution of Arbitrary two events
28Expected Auto correlationYoshiguchi et al. 2004
Number density of sources 10-5 Mpc-3
29By Kolb, 2003
30By Kolb, 2003
31By Kolb, 2003
32Compilation by Anchordoqui et al. 2004 a
33Compilation by Anchordoqui et al. 2004 a
34Summary origin of UHECRs
- UHECRs ?? Diffuse ?, UHE neutrinos
- Fe galactic origin or neaby galaxies
- most economical
- can not explain AGASA clusters
- P Over density of nearby sources or very hard
energy spectrum, GRBs, AGNs - Super Heavy Relics in our Halo
- we should see strong anisotropy
- Neutrino with large cross section
- Violation of Lorentz invariance
35Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays-- Next generation
experiments,mainly about EUSO --
36New Projects for UHECRs
37Auger Project
Hybrid measurement 1500 water tanks 3 Air
fluorescence stations Aperture X30
AGASA Several events above 1020eV No clusters
38Telescope Array Project
39TA Detector Configuration
Millard County Utah/USA
600 Scintillators (1.2 km spacing) AGASA x 9
3 x Fluorescence Stations AGASA x 4
Low Energy Hybrid Extension
40EUSO Extreme Universe Space Observatory x300,
x3000 AGASA
41EUSO Concept
- Large Distance and Large F.O.V. ? Large Aperture
- 6x105 km2 sr
- Good Cosmic Ray detector
- 3000 times sensitive to C.R. bursts
- 1500 Giga-ton atmosphere
- Good neutrino detector
- All Sky coverage
- North and south skys are covered uniformly. ?
sensitive to large scale anisotropy - Complementary to the observation from the ground
- Different energy scale and systematics
- Shower Geometry is well defined
- Constant distance from detector
42Effective Area 200,000km2 1/2 Deutschland (360,00
43Signal of photons
44Shower Track Image(M.C. Simulation)
1020eV shower zenith angle 60 degree Total
signal 700p.e.
45Atmospheric Transmissionbetter than ground based
air fluorescence detector
- Small effect by Mie scattering
- Worst 20
- Cloud go down 23km altitude in the night
- Smaller Absorption in absolute value
- x0.3
- Ground based x0.10.01
46Detector Element
Focal Surface Support Structure
Focal Surface
Fresnel Lens 2
Entrance pupil
Fresnel Lens 1
47Euso Optics
Wide Angle and High Resolution F.O.V. -30
48(No Transcript)
49Focal Surface DetectorBaseline design
50Hamamatsu MAPMT
New Development by Riken Group Higher Photon
Collection efficiency R8900-M16/M25 (45 ? 85)
Flat Panel MAPMT Hamamatsu H8500
51SiPM for TESLA by Dolgoshein et al. MEPhI
- 3mm x 3mm was successfully
- Made in the collaboration.
- Next step
- 10mm ? or 20mm ?
- Drift Back illumination
52HLL Back illumination SiPM80-90
photo-collection eff.
Electric field structure of Micro-Pixel
Structure of Micro-Pixel
53 Energy Threshold
54Possible EUSO measurement
55Exposure (AGASA unit)
56Neutrino Detection capability
Just using observables No need for Cherenkov ref.
Zenith Angle vs. Xmax
Zenith Angle vs. Shower Time width
Neutrino Showers
Proton Showers
Neutrino domain
57Neutrino sensitivity (downward neutrino)
Sensitivity 1 events/decade/year
EUSO has 10 times larger Aperture than Auger
above GZK energy
EUSO is sensitive Z-Burst, Top Down Models and
highGZK flux.
58Gamma Ray IdentificationGeomagneticCascade
Pair Production prob. Energy Direction
Xmax distribution
59New Projects for UHECRs
Golden period ofUHECR observation!!