Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Dynamical Systems Lecture 2: Tools From Matrix Theory I what y - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Dynamical Systems Lecture 2: Tools From Matrix Theory I what y


Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Dynamical Systems. Lecture 2: Tools ... DEFINITION: A nonsingular or invertable matrix A is a square matrix of full rank. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Dynamical Systems Lecture 2: Tools From Matrix Theory I what y

Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Dynamical
SystemsLecture 2 Tools From Matrix Theory
I(what you ought to know already)
NXP Semiconductors
Tamara Bechtold
  • Vector Spaces with Scalar Product
  • Linear Mapping
  • Projectors
  • Order Reduction via Projection
  • Summary

  • Vector Spaces with Scalar Product
  • Linear Mapping
  • Projectors
  • Order Reduction via Projection
  • Summary

Matrices and Vectors in Rn
  • DEFINITION An m x n matrix in Rn is a
    rectangular scheme of mn real numbers, which are
    called elements and are ordered in m rows and n
    columns. An m x 1 matrix is called column vector.
    An 1 x n matrix is called row vector.
  • But what is it really?
  • In the real world you start from the physical
    phenomena, which might take place in each point
    of the space (e. g. thermal flow) or in some
    points of space (e. g. electrical current flow).
    In both cases you might end up in an equation
    system of the form
  • Hence, for us the matrix is something that
    multiplies the solution/state vector.

Scalar (Inner) Product
  • DEFINITION Scalar product or inner product of
    two vectors x,y from Rn is the number
  • THEOREM Scalar product in Rn is
  • (S1) Linear
  • (S2) Symmetric
  • (S3) Positive definite

Vector Spaces
  • DEFINITION Vector space V over R is a non-empty
    assembly upon which an addition
    and a scalar multiplication

    are defined with the following rules
  • Elements of V are called vectors. is
    called zero vector. The elements of R are called

Subspaces spanned by
  • DEFINITION A non-empty sub-assembly U from the
    vector space V is called subspace, if it is
    closed for addition and scalar multiplication
  • THEOREM A subspace is also a vector space.
  • DEFINITION All linear combinations of vectors
    a1, ,al from V are called subspace spanned by
    a1, ,al (spanning set). We write
  • In connection with the dynamical system
  • We will define Krylov or reachability subspaces

Linear Independancy, Basis, Dimension
  • DEFINITION lgt2 vectors a1, ,al are linear
    dependant if one of them can be represented as a
    linear combination of others.
  • DEFINITION A linear independent spanning set of
    space V is called basis of V. Hence, n columns
    of a nxn matrix B are
    a basis of Rn, if B is regular.
  • DEFINITION Number of basis vectors of the vector
    space V (with finite spanning set) is called the
    dimension of V.
  • THEOREM Each vector can be uniquely represented
    as a linear combination of the basis vectors b1,
    ,bn of V
  • DEFINITION Coefficients are called the
    coordinates of x with respect to the basis b1,
    ,bn . Vector is a
    coordinate vector of x.

Orthonormal Basis
  • DEFINITION A basis is called orthogonal if each
    two basis vectors are mutually orthogonal
  • It is called orthonormal if the basis
    vectors are unity vectors
  • Note Coordinates in respect to the orthonormal
    basis are
  • In other words only in the orthonormal basis,
    one can set
  • It follows that for matrix Bb1, ,bn holds
  • COROLLARY In each vector space with scalar
    product and finite dimension, there exist an
    orthonormal basis. Gram-Schmidt algorithm
    constructs it from an arbitrary basis (we will
    come back to it later).

Change of Basis, Coordinate Transformation
  • THEOREM Let be a
    coordinate vector of arbitrary vector with
    respect to the old basis Bb1, ,bn and let
    be a coordinate vector of
    x with respect to some new basis Bb1, ,bn
  • Than the coordinate transformation can be
    expressed via the regular transformation matrix T
  • Change of basis from B to B can be expressed as

Orthogonal Change of Basis
  • How does the transformation matrix T look like,
    if both basis B and B are orthonormal?
  • THEOREMTransformation matrix of the change
    between two orthonormal basis is orthogonal
  • Note An orthogonal matrix is square and has
    orthonormal columns. if it is not square it is
    called a matrix with orthogonormal columns if
    the columns are not normalized it is called a
    matrix with orthogonal columns.

Range, Nullspace, Rank
  • DEFINITION The range of a matrix A (map F),
    written range(A) or R(A), is the set of vectors
    that can be expressed as Ax for some x.
  • THEOREM range(A) is the space spanned by the
    columns of A.
  • DEFINITION The null-space (kernel) of A, written
    null(A) or N(A), is the set of vectors x that
    satisfy Ax 0, where 0 is the 0 - vector in Rm.
  • DEFINITION The column rank of a matrix is the
    dimension of its column space. Similarly, the row
    rank of a matrix is the dimension of the space
    spanned by its rows. They are always equal!
  • An m x n matrix of full rank is one that has the
    maximal possible rank, that is min(m,n). Hence, a
    matrix of full rank with m n must have n
    linearly independent columns.
  • THEOREM A matrix with m n
    has full rank if and only if it maps no two
    distinct vectors to the same vector.

  • DEFINITION A nonsingular or invertable matrix A
    is a square matrix of full rank. Its inverse is
    marked with A-1 and it fulfills
  • THEOREM For , the following
    conditions are equivalent
  • (a) A has an inverse A-1
  • (b) rank(A)n
  • (c) range(A) Rn
  • (d) null(A) 0
  • (e) 0 is not an eigenvalue of A
  • (f) 0 is not a singular value of A
  • (g) det(A) ? 0
  • Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse given
    find X that solves
  • is called
    generalized (Moore-Penrose) inverse that

  • Vector Spaces with Scalar Product
  • Linear Mapping
  • Projectors
  • Order Reduction via Projection
  • Summary

Matrices as Linear Mapping
  • DEFINITION A mapping
    between two vector spaces X and Y (over
    R) is called linear, if for all
    and all
  • X is called domain and Y is called
    image(range) of F.
  • Let be a m x n matrix. The
    assignment is linear mapping
    from Rn to Rm, which we denote with A
  • EXAMPLE Coordinate mapping

Mapping with Coordinate Transformation
  • Let X and Y be a vector spaces of dimensions n
    and m and let

(coordinate mapping with respect to the old
(coordinates with respect to the old bases)
(coordinate transformations)
(coordinates with respect to the new bases)
Main Question
  • How far can we simplify the mapping matrix by
    choosing the proper bases?

  • Vector Spaces with Scalar Product
  • Linear Mapping
  • Projectors
  • Order Reduction via Projection
  • Summary

  • DEFINITION A linear mapping
    (square matrix) is called projection if it

Oblique projection
Orthogonal projection
Complementary Projectors
  • DEFINITION If P is a projector, I P is also a
    projector, as
  • The matrix I P is called the complementary
    projector to P.
  • Onto what space does I P project?
  • We can also see that
    . This shows that P separates
    Rn into two spaces, S1 range(P) and S2
    null(P), such that
  • S1 and S2 are said to be the complementary
  • We say that P is the projector onto S1 along S2.

Orthogonal Projectors
  • DEFINITION An orthogonal projector is one that
    projects onto a subspace S1 along S2, where, S1
    and S2 are orthogonal. (Warning orthogonal
    projectors are not orthogonal matrices!)
  • THEOREM A projector P is orthogonal if and only
    if P PT.
  • THOREM An orthogonal projection
    onto the column
    space R(A), of a matrix with
    rank n(m) is given by
  • THOREM An orthogonal projection
    onto the column
    space R(Q), of a m x n matrix Q (q1qn) with
    orthonormal columns is given by
  • THEOREM For an orthogonal projection is vallied

Rank-One Orthogonal Projection
  • THEOREM An m x n matrix A has rank 1 if and only
    if it can be expressed as an outer product of
  • THEOREM The orthogonal projection Pq of
    onto direction defined by a unit vector q is
    given by
  • For arbitrary nonzero direction vector a, the
    analogous formula is
  • Note that any higher rank projection
    can be made as a sum of rank-one

DEMO Orthogonale Projections
  • The following demo (with German comments) can be
    found at
  • http//

Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
  • ALGORITHM Let a1,a2, be a finite, linear
    independent assembly of vectors. We compute the
    same number of vectors b1, b2, as
  • THEOREM After k steps of Gram-Schmidt algorithm
    we have
  • If a1, ,ak is a basis of V, so is b1, ,bk
    an othonormal basis of V.

Gram-Schmidt in R2
Gram-Schmidt in R3
  • Vector Spaces with Scalar Product
  • Linear Mapping
  • Projectors
  • Order Reduction via Projection
  • Summary

Recapitulation of Lecture 1
  • Projection constitutes a unifying feature of MOR
  • Projection can be seen as a truncation in an
    appropriate basis

  • Remember, we need to project
  • The change of basis
    leads to
  • In general we can always partition x, T and T-1
  • This turns the original system into
  • Attention still no approximation!

Remember T is regular
  • The approximation occurs if it turns out that x2
    can be neglected (if e. g. due to the change of
    base ) and so the T1 and T2
    entries can be truncated as well
  • Note the solution vector has been
    approximated by
  • In case when T is orthonormal

(Petrov-Galerkin approximation)
(Galerkin approximation)
Where is the Projection?
  • If we replace into the
    above equation, we get

/V (from the left)
In General Case We Have Oblique Projection
  • If we replace into the
    above equation, we get
  • Remember the complementary subspaces S1
    range(P) and S2 null(P). In this case P VWT,
    S1 range(VWT) range(V), S2 null(VWT)
    null(WT), because V has a full rank r.

/V (from the left)
Orthogonal Vs Oblique
  • Main question why the oblique projection at all?
  • Remember WTAV and VTAV are the matrices that
    multiply the state/solution vector! Hence, we
    want to transform(decompose) them to the simplest
    possible form. In some cases Petrov-Galerkin
    approximation might be easier to compute than the
    Galerkin one.

MOR as Mapping?
(coordinate transformations)
Homework how can MOR be interpreted via mapping?
  • Vector Spaces with Scalar Product
  • Linear Mapping
  • Projectors
  • Order Reduction via Projection
  • Summary

  • Linear algebra tools are crucial for MOR
  • Unifying feature of MOR is a projection (Galerkin
    or Petrov-Galerkin approximation)
  • Matrix x state vector should be simple to compute
  • Next lecture Matrix approximations

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