Title: SIGN Southampton Intergenerational Network
1SIGNSouthampton IntergenerationalNetwork
- European stream Interreg IV B
- Part of the Cites in Balance programme
Hagen Brugge Edinburgh Genk Kaiserslautern
Leeds Leverkusen Southampton Stockport
Vlaardingen FernUniversität Hagen
- Cities In Balance is built on improving
mainstream opportunities for seniors, moving
forward from the traditional approach of
intervention and treatment. CIB aims to reduce
reliance on health and care services by
encouraging greater emphasis on broader
well-being issues. CIB will focus on services
that improve the quality of life of seniors and
help to enable them to live independently. A key
activity is to define and explore innovative
strategies to address the challenge posed by an
ageing population. CIB will explore - empowering seniors to participate fully in
community life - information and communication provision
- securing social, financial and digital inclusion
- business and employment opportunities.
4Project began in March 2009 Steering group
formedCo-ordinator Employed
51 To develop a strategic relationship with the
Centre for Intergenerational Practice in order to
promote the development of intergenerational
practice in Southampton by share learning,
resources and knowledge.
- Initial meeting with Alan Hatton Yeo at the
beginning of the project. - Joined the CIP network.
- Attended CIP and Beth Johnson Foundation events.
- Hosting The 1st South East Regional Network
Meeting today. - Looking at Phase two Development work with CIP in
the future.
62 Development of a network of projects and
providers with regular training programme and
delivery of a series of best practice workshops
across Southampton to raise the awareness and
understanding of front-line staff, volunteers and
- 56 members from 50 services organisations and
projects across the city. - 1st meeting undertaken in October 22nd with 46
attendees. - Duncan Tree National Development Manager CSV
- Susan Langford Director Magic me
- Southampton University Volunteering service
- Launch of quarterly newsletter for members
detailing examples of practice funding sources
and relevant national and local developments 2nd
edition out this week - Basic Website of Resources -Now about to re-
homed on SP website.
73. Undertake an audit of existing
intergenerational projects and produce a database
- to be updated regularly.
- Begun an audit of existing work. Encouraging each
of these projects not work in isolation but to
join the network and share information. On
average 6 new projects month SIGNing up - A database of projects and network members list
is circulated amongst the network and maintained
on our website - updated monthly
84. To provide support for six to eight
demonstration projects to develop local examples
of practice around schools, older people, younger
people, health and wellbeing and community
cohesion and families.
- Initial progress made by approaching policy
makers on board with intergenerational
practice to secure some early wins - (for example Building Bridges)
- Further progress has been made because of
consultation with front line staff as to what
might work in their areas using the
co-ordinators knowledge of their strategic
plans. - Following up a series of other programmes in
their early stages and now beginning to get
projects coming to SIGN for advice prior to
95. Southampton a city for all ages We will
hold a city-wide event consulting the public and
inviting contributions to establish what would
make Southampton a city for all ages and to begin
the process of cross cutting planning.6. To
hold a city-wide event to promote good practice,
celebrate achievements and outcomes which can be
achieved through the implementation of
intergenerational practice.
107. To seek ensure intergenerational volunteering
is part of a city-wide coherent strategy on
Southampton VS and a number of other voluntary
organisations involved in the SIGN steering
group.Working with University Made links with
118.To publish a Final report in March 2011 sharing
the learning from the programme with European
partners and Southampton Partnership.
ProgressQuarterly steering group reports
Contact with Leeds and ManchesterRegistration
as an official partnership within SP with clear
lines of reporting.
12Challenges and Solutions
- Intergenerational work seen as the as a fluffy
outcome- not viewed as a policy delivery
strategy. - Orientation within the organisation.
- Ideally positioned for grass roots work such as
network etc. - Less effective at influencing policy makers
- Budgets and cross cutting planning.
- Lack of knowledge around the subject and best
practice. - Lack of a local evidence base.
- Working more closely with Southampton Partnership