Title: Teachers Power Wolfgang, 1999
1Teachers Power(Wolfgang, 1999)
- Teacher Behaviour Continuum
2Limit Setting Positive Discipline(Jones 80
of all problems involve off task and talking)
- Focus on the Little things
- Eye Contact and Proximity
- From Far to Near
- Controlled
- Graded
- Working the Crowd
- With-It-Ness
- Terminate Instruction
- Turn, Look Name
- Walk to Edge of Desk
- Prompt
- Palms
- Camping Out Front/Behind
- Moving Out
- Eyes, Voice Moving
- Eyes in the back of your head
- Staring, Body-positioning
- Queen Victoria Not Amused
- Close the space
- Touch book
- On the Desk I am here
- Maintain direct eye-contact. Wait
- Slow and sustained
4What Do We Know?
- Effective Teacher Characteristics
- High student involvement
- Minimal disruption
- Efficient use of instructional time
- Routines, Classroom Layout,Context
- Techniques and Dimensions
- smooth transitions
- clear directions
- accountability procedures
- Withitness
5Well Managed Classroom
- Learners
- Safe positive
- Social and cognitive development
- Supports risk taking within known parameters
- Personal best
- Success-oriented
- Self-direction and independence
- Basis for life-long learning
6Well Managed Classroom
- Learners AND Teacher
- aims and objectives
- functionally efficient and effective routines
- positive experiences, attitudes and behaviours
work and social habits - mutual respect and consideration
- sharing of ownership and responsibility
- easily supervised
7Classroom Management Dimensions
- Teachers as Managers
- Time
- People
- Place
- Teachers as Leaders
- Planning
- Leading
- Organising
- Controlling
- Restricting
- opportunities for off-task behaviour
- Requiring
- permission
- Insisting
- on social skills and norms
- Relationships
- students
- colleagues
- system
9Research.(Adey, Oswlad, Johnson, 1991 Oswald
- 1 335 teachers in SA
- 58 Primary 42 Secondary
- 42 had some difficulty with one or more classes
- BM based on reasoning and discussion
10What Is Inappropriate Behaviour?
- Most frequent low to mid level
- Off-task
- Disrupting others
- Anti-social
- Hyperactive
- Inattentive
- Conduct Disorder
- Impulsive
11Percentages of all teachers who reported
behaviours dealt with most frequently (Adey,
Oswlad, Johnson, 1991 Oswald 1995)
- Talking out of turn 52.4
- Idleness 12.8
- Hindering others 12.0
- Rowdiness 4.8
- Verbal abuse of pupils 3.6
- Infringing class rules 3.2
- Making Unnecessary noise 2.9
- Physical aggression to others 1.9
- Not punctual 1.7
- Getting out of seat 1.5
- Cheeky remarks 0.8
12Percentages of Teachers Who Reported Behaviours
Most Difficult to Deal With
- Talking out of turn 23.4
- Idleness 19.8
- Hindering others 11.1
- Verbal abuse of pupils 10.3
- Physical aggression to pupils 6.5
- Rowdiness 5.6
- Cheeky comments 4.8
- Infringing class rules 3.8
- Making unnecessary noise 3.8
- Verbal abuse to teacher 2.2
- Not punctual 2.0
- Physical destructiveness 1.4
- Identify (be aware)
- Consider
- Decide
- React
- Reinforce
14Graded Approach Least intrusive to Most
- Non-verbals
- Verbals
- Decisive sequence
- tactical ignoring, mental note
- simple direction, question
- take aside and provide a clear choice
- follow up
15Best Teachers (according to kids)
- Clear and explained rules and expectations
- Graded approach to BM
- Follow-up
- Indicate dissatisfaction on behalf of classmates
- Individualise rather than generalise
- Remove persistent disruptors
- Remain calm and rational