Title: Target Capture System
1Target Capture System
2Team Members
- Leader
- Heath Causey
- Members
- Nobu Fuji
- Josh Wooten
- Renae Webb
- Advisor
- Dr Robert Reese
3Team Member Responsibilities
Members Research Documentation Website Circuit Design Programming
Heath Causey X X X X
Nobu Fuji X X X
Josh Wooten X X X
Renae Webb X X X X
4Development Incentives
- Save rifle shooter enthusiasts time on the
shooting range - View at a glance a graphical representation of
bullet positioning - Provide wireless target display with a range up
to 100 yards
5Design Constraints
- Operational at a distance of 100 yards
- Bullet position measured within ½ inch of actual
location - Operate using 9V batteries
- Contain collapsible stand
- Design circuitry to detect time differences of
shock waves of a passing bullet - Design a transmitter and receiver for logic of
triangulated time differences - Develop software for conversion of time
differences into positioning coordinates - Display bullet positioning on a Palm Pilot
7End of Semester Delivery
- Working prototype of sound wave detector
- Working prototype of transmitter and receiver
- Palm Pilot display of target
8Target Capture System
9Target Remote Station
- Measures time differences of shock waves with the
use of microprocessor - Converts time differences into 5V CMOS logic
- Encodes binary shock wave times
- Sends times to shooter base station via wireless
RF communication
10Target Remote System Circuitry
11 Target Stand
12Microphone Detection
- Bullet creates a shock wave
- Microphones detect leading edge of the shock wave
- Different shock wave arrival times are taken
between each microphone - Time differences are used for triangulation
calculation for bullet location - Ajay Mahajan and Maurice Walworth, IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation
13 Shock Wave Signal
14Analog Circuitry Picture
15 Op-AmpLM411
- High Slew Rate
- Response time of 0.245 ?sec
- Works from 0 to 18V with 9V reference
16Shockwave Amplification Circuit3300 Fold
Increase of Shockwave Signal
- Amplifies the high frequency noise spike
- Filters out any low frequencies
18Differentiator CircuitHigh Pass Filter
1 kW
1.2 kW
19Window ComparatorLM339N
- If signal lt 7.5V, Comparator is ON
- If signal gt 13.5V, Comparator is ON
- If signal gt 7.5V or less than 13.5V, Comparator
is OFF - Provides 5V for PIC processing
- Used to Compensate for and voltage Rejects
frequencies not needed
20Window Comparator CircuitConverts to 5V Logic
for Pic ProcessingInverts Negative Signals
4.7 kW
Output 1
270 kW
4.7 kW
100 kW
Output 2it 2
100 kW
270 kW
21OR GateDM74LS32N
- Connected to the Clock on the D-Flip Flop
22D Flip-FlopSN74LS74AN
- Preset is set high
- D-Input is tied to 5V
- If Clock goes high,Q-Output latches at 1
- After all mics have gone high, D-Flip Flop is
23Latch CircuitIf Clock goes High, Q-Output
latches at 1
Window Circuit Output 1
DM74LS32N OR Gate
Latch Output
SN74LS74AN D Flip Flop
Window Circuit Output 2
Input from Micro-controller
24MicrocontrollerPIC 16F877
- Connected to the D Flip-Flop
- Watches for mics to go high
- The PIC stores the output until 8 signals have
been received - Clears latches to 0
- Sends data to shooter
- Looks for another shot
25Shockwave EmulatorSimulates Shockwave Hitting
All Mics
26Wireless Transmission
- Transmits up to 100 yards
- Applies decoding and encoding scheme
- Decoder/Encoder ----- DP-2400
- Transmitter ----- RTF3-433
- Receiver ----- RTF1-433
- Data rate is 2.4 kb per second
27Decoder / EncoderDP-2400
- Completely encapsulates encoding/decoding
- Operates at 2.4Kbits per second
- Switches from a decoder to encoder
- according to the voltage of the selected pin
- Compatible with the PIC 16F877 chip
28Transmitter / ReceiverRTF3-433 / RRF1-433
- Data rate up to 2.4 Kb per second
- Up to 175 yard range
- Legal frequency of 433 MHz
- Low power consumption
29Transmitting Test Board Schematic
RF Transmitter Board
Micro-controller PIC 16F877-20
Logic Converter
30Receiver Test Board Schematic
RF Transmitter Board
Logic Converter
31Transmitter Receiver
32Shooter Base Station
- FM receiver module collects time differences
- Decoder decodes the logic time differences and
sends to Max 233 - Serial port communication allows interfacing with
the Palm Pilot
33Shooter Base Station Circuitry
34Palm Pilot Software Development Kit
- Used freeware SDK, not CodeWarrior which is a
commercial SDK - Cygwin - a free Unix environment that runs under
Win2K - PRC-tools - GCC (C-compiler), GDB (debugger)
targeted for Motorola 68K microcontroller used in
35Palm Pilot Software Development Kit
- PilRCedit - Java-based tool for building Palm
GUIs, produces .rcp files which define the Palm
GUI elements - PilRC - compiler which combines GCC-produced
object files and resource files (.rcp) into a
.prc file which can be loaded into the Palm - Palm Emulator - emulator which runs under W2K
that allows Palm operation to be simulated on a
PC - Palm 3.5, 4.0 SDKs from Palm - contains OS
documentation, libraries, include files, example
36Palm Pilot Software Duties
- Converts the time differences from binary to base
10 - Calculates bullet position for target display
- Displays position coordinates bullet velocity
- Displays up to 5 different shots per target
37Palm Pilot Development
38Palm Pilot Data
- Start Bytes 2
- TimeH, TimeL, Status 3x8
- CheckSum (For Validation) 3
- Stop Bytes 2
- Total Bytes 31
- Three Packets of 31 bytes are transmitted for
Validation purposes (93 bytes total)
39Transmitter SimulatorTransmits Preset Mic
Signals with Latches High
40- Palm reads in the three packets of 31 bytes
41- Time differences are calculated after
manipulations using the matrix - Mic sequence are identified according to data
42- Uses C Code for manipulations to identify X,Y
coordinates using 4 linear equations - The coordinates of the bullet location are
43- The location of the bullet position is displayed
on the scaled target graph - Bottom left corner is (0,0)
- Top right corner is (100,100)
44Actual Target Palm Target
45Bullet Shot Error
Shooter Base Station Shooter Base Station
Receiver 19.15
Decoder 5.95
Antenna 9.00
Project Box 7.00
DB-9 0.25
MAX233 3.60
Total 44.95
Target Base Station Target Base Station
Transmitter 8.90
PIC 7.50
Encoder 5.95
Antenna 9.00
Project Box 7.00
Analog Circuitry 10.00
Power Circuit 0.90
Oscillator Circuit 0.65
Total 50.90
Target Stand
Stand Materials 35.00
Microphones 15.00
Shielded Cable 3.45
Total 53.45
Total Cost of Target Capture System 149.30 Note
PCB boards not included in the cost Prices are
for 100 of 1000 units
Tasks January January January January February February February February March March March March April April April April May May May May
Project Research
Test Specifications
Hardware Software Design
Simulation Process
Test Certification
Revise Design Documents
Final Design Documents
- Ajay Mahajan and Maurice Walworth, 3-D Position
Sensing Using the Differences in the
Time-of-Flights from a Wave Source to Various
Receivers, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and
Automation, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 91-94, February
2001. - Raymond A. Serway and Robert J. Beichner, Physics
for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Fifth Edition, vol. 1, Saunders College
Publishing, Orlando, Florida, 2000. - John B. Peatman, Design with PIC
Microcontrollers, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 1998. - PICmicro Mid-Range MCU Family Reference Manual,
Microchip Technology Incorporated, Chandler,
Arizona, 1997. - PIC16F87X Data Sheet, Microchip Technology
Incorporated, Chandler, Arizona, 2001.
49(No Transcript)
50References Continued
- MPLAB ICD Users Guide, Microchip Technology
Incorporated, Chandler, Arizona, 2000. - David Benson, Easy PICn, Square 1 Electronics,
Kelseyville, California, 1997. - Lonnon R. Foster, Palm OS Programming Bible,
Hungry Minds, Incorporated, New York, New York,
2000. - Brian Millier, Listen Anywhere A Wireless MP3
Remote Jukebox, Circuit Cellar, no. 134, pp.
26-37, September 2001. - Peter Birnie and John Fairall, An Introduction
Low Power Radio, RF Solutions Ltd, Lewes, East
Sussex, United Kingdom, 1999. - Tom Dahlin and Donald Krantz, Wireless Data
Link, Circuit Cellar, no. 131, pp. 10-19, June