Title: Patterns for Resource Reallocation in OODRE Systems
1Patterns forResource Reallocationin OODRE
- Joe Crossjoseph.k.cross_at_lmco.com
Patrick Lardieripatrick.j.lardieri_at_lmco.com
This work was sponsored by DARPA under contract
number F33615-01-C-1847
2Problem and Context
- These patterns apply to systems
- on which the service requirements1 change, or
- in which the set of available resources2 changes
- Hence resources must be allocated to different
purposes at different times - How and when are such resource reallocations
- planned?
- triggered?
- implemented?
- E.g., cycles per second for processing, bandwidth
or reliability for inter-process communication - E.g., processors, switches, radios
3Two Solution Patterns
ProactiveResource Reallocation
ReactiveResource Reallocation
4Known Uses
Reactive Resource Reallocation
A web page server that reacts to changesin
Proactive Resource Reallocation
An air traffic control system that has a normal
mode and a degraded mode
5How to Choose
- Reactive resource reallocation is good where
- QoS requirements
- loads
- component availability
all change slowly relative to the time neededto
plan and implement a reallocation.
- Proactive resource reallocation is good when you
have hard time bounds on reallocations.
6Common Features
Both proactive and reactive resource reallocation
- Require reflective capabilities for use
inlong-lived systems - Require, in general, reflective capabilities that
can forecast performance (e.g., under ltthesegt
loads, ltthisgt performance would be provided) - Raise concerns of convergence and stability
- Present challenges when Powerpointing a skeptical
customer (cf. the Tacoma Narrows Bridge)
7Interaction in ProactiveResource Reallocation