Title: A1261980008oXnNm
1Prokaryotic Genetics III - Gene regulation
1. Lac System Jacob and Monod, 1950's, biochemists
2Non-metabolic inducer
Non-inducer substrates
3Ampicillin enrichment of lac- cells
4Lac- mutants - genes mapped close together
lacZ - ?-galactosidase breaks lactose into
galactose and glucose lacY - permease is
required to transport lactose into the cell lacA
- transacetylase, not required but can
assay Lac- mutants were isolated in Z and Y,
prevent utilization
One mutant allowed expression in the absence of
inducer constitutive mutant, lacI First example
of a mutant that affects production not activity
5PaJaMo Experiment - Pardee, Jacob Monond
Hfr I Z T6sSs x F- I-Z-T6rSr
6Analysis of lacI mutants
LacI is trans acting - a diffusible factor
7Analysis of lacOc mutants
lacO is cis acting - a non-diffusible element
8Analysis of lacP mutants
lacP is cis acting - a non-diffusible element
9Regulatory models for the lac operon
10LacI binds DNA as a tetramer to repress
11Genetic analysis of the LacI binding sites
Why were these sites not identified in the
screens done by Jacob and Monod?
12Distinction between factors (proteins) and
elements (DNA sites)
i) Regulatory factors act in trans
ii) Regulatory elements act in cis
13Nonsense suppressors
14Polar mutations affect genes downstream
15Mutational analysis of Repression and Activation
16Effect of inducers on regulation
17Crossfeeding analysis of Trp mutants allows to
analyze the biochemistry of Trp biosynthesis
18(No Transcript)
19Attenuation of trp operator expression
Deletions in the attenuator increase basal
synthesis of Trp enzymes
20Sequences Coding for Short Peptides are Often
Found in Leaders of Transcripts from Biosynthesis
21trp Operon expression in response to Trp levels
22Sequences in the trp operon leader region can
form different stem-loop structures
23Stalled ribosomes block the formation of the
transcription terminating stem-loop structure
What would the phenotype be of a deletion from
What would the phenotype be of the Trp codon
Can this form of regulation happen in eukaryotes?