Title: Response to the DfES eLearning Strategy Consultation:
1Response to the DfES eLearning Strategy
Consultation a support perspective A
presentation to the CETIS Pedagogy Forum by
Allison Littlejohn Senior Lecturer, University
of Strathclyde LTSN Generic Centre Associate
2 Setting the context of the response
Supporting Sustainable eLearning Forum (SSeLF)
3 Setting the context of the response
learning design eLearning implementation reusi
ng resources changing roles
Supporting Sustainable eLearning Forum (SSeLF)
4 Setting the context of the response
learning design Strathclyde eLearning
implementation LTSN, York reusing
resources OU changing roles Bristol
Supporting Sustainable eLearning Forum (SSeLF)
5 Setting the context of the response
Learning design Strathclyde eLearning
implementation LTSN, York reusing
resources OU changing roles Bristol
Colin Tattersall OUNL Gerry Graham LT
Scotland Lisa Corley CETIS Mark Stiles
Staffs Tom Boyle London Met Barbara Newland
Durham Robin Mason OU Patrick McAndrew
OU Mary Thorpe OU Grainne Conole
Southampton Ros OLeary Bristol Martin
Oliver UCL
6 Setting the context of the response
Learning design eLearning implementation reusi
ng resources changing roles
Identified tensions across areas of relevance to
the pedagogy forum addressing Qs in chapters
56 of consultation paper.
7 learning design
Forum poor incremental embedding of new
ideas Strategy research should be close to
practice (66)
8 learning design
Forum poor incremental embedding of new
ideas Strategy research should be close to
practice (66)
- Issues
- effective use of new tools requires incremental
changes in teaching practice - tension between research and practice
9 learning design
- Action
- HE industry collaborate on research
- promote action research
- federation of research groups
- virtual gateway to national research
- Issues
- effective use of new tools requires incremental
changes in teaching practice - tension between research and practice
10 learning design
- Action
- HE industry collaborate on research
- promote action research
- federation of research groups
- virtual gateway to national research
- Comments
- issues associated with conflicting cultures and
working practices - ensure better incremental embedding of
11 reusing resources
Forum some academics opposed to e-learning (but
not e-delivery) Strategy current focus on
resources (para56)
12 reusing resources
- Issues
- Staff support in e-learning frequently deals with
two issues - move towards new pedagogies
- the use of ICT
Forum some academics opposed to e-learning (but
not e-delivery) Strategy current focus on
resources (para56)
13 reusing resources
- Action
- staff training
- new pedagogies
- improved course design tools
- improved evaluation
- time and reward
- Issues
- Staff support in e-learning frequently deals with
two issues - move towards PBL
- the use of ICT
14 reusing resources
- Action
- staff training
- new pedagogies
- improved course design tools
- improved evaluation
- time and reward
- Comment
- acknowledge teacher and learner reticence to new
pedagogies - multi strategy approach to staff support
15 e-learning implementation
- Forum synergy academic / support
- mismatch of language
- use of poorly defined terms
- anxiety about ICT
- Strategy need to engage all staff
16 Vision
Extending reputation
e-learning implementation
- Forum synergy academic / support
- mismatch of language
- use of poorly defined terms
- anxiety about ICT
- Strategy need to engage all staff
nationally available resources
local deficiencies
academic needs
17 e-learning implementation
- Forum synergy academic / support
- mismatch of language
- use of poorly defined terms
- anxiety about ICT
- Strategy need to engage all staff
- Action
- organisational planning for the use of e-learning
(Chapt 4) - training for academics and support staff (Chapt
5) -
18 e-learning implementation
- Comment
- underlying anxieties of teamworking
- continue to improve synergy between academic and
support staff
- Action
- organisational planning for the use of e-learning
(Chapt 4) - training for academics and support staff (Chapt 5)
19 changing roles
Strategy need to work within an ever changing
environment (71) Forum leads to tensions across
support units
20 changing roles
- Issues
- fear of fast pace of change
- support may be incoherent
Strategy need to work within an ever changing
environment (71) Forum leads to tensions across
support units
21 changing roles
- Action
- staff training
- organisational structures
- Comment
- acknowledge the anxieties of support staff
Strategy need to work within an ever changing
environment (71) Forum leads to tensions across
support units
22 conclusions
are action areas feasible and appropriate?
1. better incremental embedding of new ideas 2.
acknowledge teacher and learner opposition to
e-learning 3. improve synergy of academic
support staff 4. flexible organisational
structures to deal with tensions within the
changing environment
23 conclusions
conclusions from a support perspective
1. better incremental embedding of new ideas 2.
acknowledge teacher and learner opposition to
e-learning 3. improve synergy of academic
support staff 4. flexible organisational
structures to deal with tensions within the
changing environment
Advantages in explicitly acknowledging social
24Response to the DfES eLearning Strategy
Consultation a support perspective A
presentation to the CETIS Pedagogy Forum by
Allison Littlejohn Senior Lecturer, University
of Strathclyde LTSN Generic Centre Associate