Title: Team working
1Team working
- Dr Janet Scott
- Associate
- Centre for Health and Social Care Research
Canterbury Christ Church University
Not just a collection of individuals
Group of people working together for common aim
Each individual has a complimentary contribution
Skills are needed to - develop a team
manage a team
motivate a team
3Much of nursing is team work
Nurses - know how to work in teams
If team leader - need to get team to work
Have responsibilities if team member
Multi disciplinary teams
4As team leader or manager
Cannot achieve by yourself
Need to get co-operation from the team
Even an unpopular area can be staffed
Team leadership - 2 way process
Achievements - are the members
Remember the captain in the football team cannot
win without each member of the team
5As leader you should know your team
Be aware of each individuals motivation
Motivation can be influenced by - the group
Need to make team objectives explicit
Need to ensure all members are aware what is
Why do people come to work?
Like the job?
Like their colleagues?
Like a bureaucracy?
7Expectations should be achievable
2 way process - should know what the team expects
of you
Give constructive feedback - not just negative
Be aware of the informal structure
Encourage debate on issues
Resolve conflicts early - try to make a positive
Encourage mutual trust and common purpose
Appreciate individuals
8Takes time to build a functioning team
Each member has a part to play
Each time a member leaves or joins have to rebuild
Multi disciplinary teams - other members may have
expectations of their roles
All have to actively involved
Co-ordinator -guides defines priorities
Shaper - task orientated
Team worker - supportive and perceptive
Innovators - new ideas
Resource investigator - collect information
Monitor - objective, analyst
Completer - finisher
Company worker - deadlines, quality
Specialist - expert advice
10Roles tend to reflect capabilities and personality
Team members can perform more than one function
Leaders need to encourage members to be flexible
Members may find it difficult to fill more than
one role
May need to recruit specific members
Roles may be interpreted differently by different
members - could be culturally influenced
11Team behaviour can be influenced by
The number of members
Characteristics of members
Individual objectives
Stage of development of the team
Leadership style of the team leader
12The measures of success of the task
The importance
Choice of leadership style
Processes and procedures
13The environment
Norms and expectations
Leaders position
Intergroup relations
14Team leaders
Have the appropriate knowledge, skills and
ability to be able to help individuals
Take time to develop the team
Must plan and monitor progress
Have the resources
Recognise individual achievements
Ensure team has ability to work together
Receive and give feedback
Be able to analyse team behaviour and deal with
15Remember you are never alone in a team
Socialising also assists team building
16(No Transcript)