Title: Import: NCO
1Import NCO
The netCDF Operators (NCO), are a suite of
programs known as operators. Each operator is a
standalone, command line program which is
executed at the UNIX command line. The operators
take netCDF files as input, then perform a set of
operations (e.g., deriving new data, averaging,
hyper-slabbing, or metadata manipulation), and
produce a netCDF file as output.
ncadd in1.nc in2.nc out.nc
ncks -d lon,10.,20. -d lon,80.,90. in.nc out.nc
extracts hyperslab from in.nc
ncwa -a lon in.nc out.nc compute the zonal
(longitudinal) mean of in.nc
ncwa -w gw -a lat in.nc out.nc compute the
meridional (latitudinal) mean, with values
weighted by the corresponding element of gw
NCO works by calling functions in the standard
Build with DODS-enabled netCDF API
DODS-enabled NCO