Title: Analysis methods of ITEP Baikal data
1Analysis methods of ITEP Baikal data
Berlin, May 2005
Dmitry Zaborov for the ITEP group
2Scheme of the acoustic experiment
lake Baikal
scintillation detectors (EAS trigger)
March 23 April 4, 2003
energy up to 1017 eV
50 m
50 m
30 m
H1 (4 m)
B4 (4 m)
B3 (4 m)
G7 (9 m)
G8 (9 m)
B6 (4 m)
H2 (9 m)
H3 (14 m)
H4 (19 m)
hydrophones (name and depth shown)
For description of the hydrophones see V.
Lyashuks presentation
3Collected data
- 3246 acoustic records x 9 hydrophones.
- 1260 selected (low noise EAS reconstructed)
Noise level
1 week live time
1 ADC unit 1 mPa
7 mPa lowest noise
4Statistical approach
Example of real pulse
Pulse duration
3 ms typical
s noise RMS for the acoustic record
5Antenna hydrophones
2-hydrophones correlation (H2-H3)
From surface
Horizontal propagation
8 degree from below horizon
delay gives T
63 hydrophones in horizontal plane
Distribution of the delays in the triangle of
hydrophones located on a horizontal plane
The ellipse corresponds to real physical sounds
propagated in horizontal plane
Sounds coming from or through the center of the
experimental setup
This figure is after some clean-up
7Direction to source
Using 6 hydrophones
Angular distribution of sources as seen at the
location of H2 hydrophone
sin ?
- 3 clusters
- ? 90º surface noise
- ? 0º ice cracks far away?
- ? -8º ???
Not a point-like source
noise channeling below ice due to temperature
gradient ?
t8-t2 (r82/v)cos ?cos (? s - ?82)
t7-t2 (r72/v)cos ?cos (? s - ?72)
8Spherical wave fit
Reconstructed sound source position
3D configuration
Central scintillator
Distance to source can be estimated from
non-sphericity of the wave if the source is not
too far away
Antenna location
Close sources mis-reconstructed
Well reconstructed sources (mostly)
Works well for short pulses
9Looking for sounds from right direction
Time direction to source
2 events in the region t -3.5 .. 3.5 ms f -7
.. 7 degree
Both does not look like signal from
EAS (duration, distance )
10A candidate event
EAS gates
11A candidate event (continued)
E 1017 eV r 8 m
- A large amount of acoustic Baikal data has been
analyzed - Special methods have been developed for the
analysis of acoustic pulses - The analysis reveals many interesting features
of the under-ice acoustic noise - 3D structure of the acoustic setup allows
reliable acoustic wave reconstruction - Present straightforward method does not allow to
find acoustic signal from EAS. More sophisticated
approach is needed.