Introduction to Java - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Java


The company i work is an Enterprise Java Company. Provides solutions and services to ... Class A is called the superclass of B. Class B is a subclass of A. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Java

Introduction to Java
  • Huseyin Ergun
  • CS204 Advanced Programming

What do we do with Java?
  • The company i work is an Enterprise Java Company
  • Provides solutions and services to banks, large
    insurance companies, gsm operators ...
  • What i will present is the core technology of all
  • We have an open source framework? A-ha ?

History of Java
  • Founded by Michael Java at 1945
  • ? joking
  • Just to know, it is an object oriented easy to
    use language
  • On the market for around 10 years

Pay attention (the thing to remember)
Architecture of Java (Client) Applications
  • Java applications are compiled and run on a
    machine just like any other general programming
    language such as C/C. No web server or network
    are required although Java applications may also
    use network connections for distributed
  • One can download dynamically for applets or
  • There are also native (conventional) Java

Java code is compiled to produce byte
code run by Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to
produce results
Java Applications in a Nutshell
  • Java programs written in a file with extension
  • Applications are .java files with a main()
    method. This is called by the Java system.
  • Compile and run a Java application (using
  • Run the compiler on a .java file
  • javac
  • producing a file of Java byte code,
  • Run the interpreter on a .class file
  • java MyProgram
  • which executes the byte code
  • The tools javac and java are part of JDK.

The Simplest Java Application Hello,World!
  • Since Java is object-oriented, programs are
    organized into modules called classes, which may
    have data in variables called fields, and
    subroutines called methods.

Each program is enclosed in a class definition.
main() is the first method that is run.
class HelloWorld public static void main
(String args) System.out.println(Hello
The notation class.method or package.class.method
is how to refer to a public method (with some
Syntax is similar to C - braces for blocks,
semicolon after each statement.
Hands on Experience
  • Now will write the same in Eclipse

Java vs. JavaScript
  • Despite the name, JavaScript is a different
    language from Java, albeit with some
  • A JavaScript program is written directly in the
    HTML page, and executed by the JavaScript
    interpreter, so also allows dynamic web page
    content in the browser window.
  • JavaScript is special purpose - it is an
    object-based language that deals directly with
    browser entities like windows, text fields,
    forms, frames and documents.
  • JavaScript can respond to browser events like
    mouse clicks and user-typed text.
  • JavaScript is fast to write, but not as powerful
    as Java.

Multi-tier Architecture
  • Distributed applications on the web naturally
    have a multi-tier architecture.
  • Java plays a role at all three levels
  • Graphical User Interface and client side analysis
    systems, including visualization
  • Middle layer servers and software integration,
    including web servers, distributed object servers
    and other application servers.
  • Less important for back end client software,
    which may be legacy code.

Client user interface running through browser
Internet or proprietary network
Middle level servers
Backend computing or databases
Java FeaturesSimple and Familiar
  • Familiar as it looks like C, but simpler to
  • omits several confusing features of C including
    operator overloading, multiple inheritance,
    pointers and automatic type coercions
  • Adds automatic garbage collection to make dynamic
    memory management much easier than in C or C.
  • No more frees or deletes. No more memory leaks.
  • Adds Interface construct, similar to Objective C
    concept, to compensate for the lack of multiple
  • Small kernel is suitable for Java ports to
    consumer electronic devices.
  • But need customization J2ME to be effective
    (remove unnecessary features and support special
    capabilities of PDAs etc.)

Java FeaturesArchitecture-Neutral
  • C/C programming in a heterogeneous network
    environment demands compatibility across several
    vendor platforms and their compilers.
  • Solved in Java by designing platform-independent
    binary representation called Java
    bytecodecomparable to P-code in UCSD Pascal.
  • Java compiler reads Java source and generates
    Java bytecode, which is shipped to user.
  • Each client must have a Java Virtual Machine
    program, which interprets (runs) Java

Java FeaturesRobust
  • Java enforces compile-time type checking and this
    eliminates some error prone constructs of C/C.
  • Pointer arithmetic is eliminated which allows
    for, e.g., runtime checking of array subscripts,
    and enforces security of the Java model.
  • Explicit declarations are always required
    argument types of methods are always checked
    (unlike C). This allows the Java complier to
    perform early error detection.
  • Java is most secure of popular languages because
    it is strict and security was built in

The Java 2 Platform
  • Sun are now offering 3 editions
  • Java 2 platform, Standard Edition (J2SE)
  • Refines earlier JDKs
  • Available in version 1.4.
  • Java 2 platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
  • Incorporates multiple technologies for
    server-side and multi-tier applications.
  • Java 2 platform, Micro Edition (J2ME)
  • Optimized run-time environment for consumer

Installing Java on Your Comp
  • Become administrator (for Windows) or root (for
    Linux, etc.)
  • This is recommended though probably not
  • Go to http//
  • Select Download Java 2 SDK, standard edition,
    v1.4.x, for Windows or Linux, etc.
  • Download the software, then read
    or http//
    , etc.
  • Pay attention to instructions for setting PATH.
  • These give a command line interface for the Java
    compiler javac and the Java interpreter (JVM
    driver) java, etc.
  • If you are familiar with UNIX environments, but
    want to use these commands from Windows, consider
    installing Cygwin

Java Tools
Books (From Bilmer)
  • Complete Java 2 certification study guide
  • Java how to program
  • Ivor Horton's beginning Java 2, JDK
  • Introduction to Java programming comprehensive
  • Murach's beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Java
    developer's guide

Development Studios
  • Eclipse http//
  • Netbeans http//
  • Jbuilder http//
  • Notepad http//

Java Language Basics
Obvious similarities to C, C
  • Java syntax has many similarities to C, C.
  • All variables must be declared
  • Syntax of expressions and control structures
    almost identical to C, C
  • C or C style comments allowed.

Obvious differences from C, C
  • No low-level pointers or pointer arithmetic.
  • Instead have variables and expressions of
    reference type.
  • No malloc() or free() to allocate more memory for
    dynamically created data structures instead have
    a new operator for creating objects, plus
    automatic garbage collection.
  • Can declare variables almost anywhere (like C).
  • No struct, union, enum, typedefclasses and
    objects are used uniformly instead.

Documentation Comments
  • Used by documentation-generating tools like
    javadoc to produce documentation, typically in
    HTML form.
  • Optionally include formatting tags like _at_param,
    which flags a description of a method parameter
  • / This method does what it feels like.
  • _at_param bar This is a pointless
    argument. /
  • void foo (int bar) . . .
  • Other formatting tags include _at_returns which
    flags a description of a method result value, or
    _at_see name, which creates a hypertext link to name.

Crash Course
  • Now it is time to gain some sound knowledge ...

The Java Object Model Classes, Instances and
You should know ?
  • This is you expected to know from previous
    classes ?

The Java Object Model Inheritance and the Class
Some Dependencies between Classes
  • Use
  • A uses B the most informal and general
    relation. A might, for example, call a method
    from class B, or have a method with argument type
    B or return type B.
  • Containment
  • A has a B an important special case of
    useclass A has a field of type B.
  • Inheritance
  • B is an A class B has all the properties of
    class A. The compiler treats B as a special case
    of A, and allows an instance of B to be used in
    any place where an instance of A could appear.
    In general the class B will extend A with some
    extra properties of its own.

  • The inheritance relation is (unexpectedly?)
    powerful it is built into all fully
    object-oriented languages.
  • In Java, if some class A has been defined, we can
    subsequently declare a new class, B, and specify
    that it extends A.
  • Class A is called the superclass of B. Class B
    is a subclass of A.
  • The class B is automatically given (inherits) all
    the fields and method definitions of A. Further
    fields and methods can be added that are specific
    to B.
  • In particular, for every method signature in
    class A, class B will have a method with
    identical signature.
  • Crucially, though, the class B may define a
    different implementation for some of those

Trivial use of Inheritance
  • class Shape
  • void setColor(Color color)
    this.color color
  • Color color
  • int x, y //
    position of center, say
  • class Circle extends Shape
  • void drawCircle() . . .
  • double radius
  • class Rectangle extends Shape
  • void drawRectangle() . .
  • double height, width
  • Subclasses automatically inherit color, x, y
    fields of Shape, and setColor() method.

  • Polymorphism?

Exceptions are Pervasive
  • Java has a concept of exceptions similar to C.
  • Unlike C, Java exceptions are strictly checked.
  • Most classes in the standard Java library throw
    some exceptions. We will see, these must be
    caught or thrown.
  • This means that it is almost impossible to write
    useful Java code without some knowledge of the
    exception mechanism!

Exception Objects, and throw
  • Any kind of exception that can be thrown by Java
    code is described by an exception object. Its
    class must be a subclass of Throwable.
  • If e is a Throwable object, the statement
  • throw e
  • behaves something like a break statement it
    causes the enclosing block of code to end
  • If the throw statement appears inside a try
    statement whos catch clause matches the class of
    e, control is passed to the catch clause.
  • Otherwise the whole method (or constructor) ends
    abruptly. The exception e is thrown again at the
    point of invocation (in the calling code).

throw compared with break
  • myBlock
  • . . .
  • break myBlock
  • . . .
  • . . .
  • Control jumps to end of matching block
  • try
  • . . .
  • throw new MyException()
  • . . .
  • catch (MyException e)
  • . . .
  • . . .
  • Control jumps to start of matching catch clause

Abstract Classes Revisited
  • Recall an abstract class is a class that contains
    some abstract method declarations, with no
  • An abstract class can only be instantiated
    indirectly, as a superclass of a class that
    overrides all the abstract methods, and gives
    them an implementation. You cannot directly
    create an instance of an abstract class.
  • Constructors, static methods, private methods
    cannot be abstract.
  • A subclass that does not override all abstract
    methods is still abstract.
  • A method that overrides a superclass method
    cannot be abstract
  • But an abstract class will generally also contain
    non-abstract membersmethod implementations,
    instance variables, etcand constructors.

  • An interface is something like an abstract class
    where every method is required to be abstract.
  • An interface specifies a collection of instance
    methods (behaviors) without giving the
    implementation of their bodies akin to giving an
  • public interface Storable
  • public abstract void
    store(Stream s)
  • public abstract void
    retrieve(Stream s)
  • Interfaces cannot include instance variables,
    constructors, or static methods.
  • They can include class variables, but only if
    they are declared finalessentially constant

Implementing an interface
  • As for an abstract class, one cannot directly
    create an instance of an interface.
  • Unlike an abstract class, one cannot even extend
    an interface to create a class. An interface is
    not a class, and it cannot have subclasses.
  • Instead, a class must implement an interface
  • public class Picture implements Storable
  • public void store(Stream s)
  • // JPEG compress image
    before storing
  • . . .
  • public void retrieve(Stream s)
  • // JPEG decompress image
    after retrieving
  • . . .

  • One file can contain several related classes, but
    only one of them can be public. If the public
    class is called Wheat, then the file must be
  • A set of classes in different files can be
    grouped together in a package. Each file must
    start with a package declaration, eg
  • package mill

Import statements
  • The import declaration allows you to avoid giving
    fully qualified names, eg
  • import java.util.Vector //
    import declaration
  • public class VectorTest
  • public static void main (String
  • Vector bag new Vector()
  • bag.addElement(new
  • Can also import all classes in, eg, java.util by
  • import java.util.
  • (but note wildcard can only appear in last
  • Note classes (like String) in java.lang are
    automatically imported.

Some data Types?
  • HashMap ?
  • ListMap ?
  • Array List ?

  • Questions?
  • Now it is time to open Eclipse, and do some
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