Title: Minimum Back-Walk-Free Latency Problem
1Minimum Back-Walk-Free Latency Problem
- Yaw-Ling Lin
- Dept Computer Sci. Info. Management,
- Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan.
2Minimum Latency Problem (MLP)
- Starts from s, sending goods to all other nodes.
- Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) Server
oriented - MLP Client oriented
- MLP is also known as repairman problem or
traveling repairman problem (TRP)
3MLP Formal Definition
4MLP vs. TSP
- TSP minimizes the salesmans total time. Server
oriented, egoistic. - No contstant approximation algorithm for general
case. - Christofides (1976) 3/2-approximation ratio for
metric case Arora (1992) metric TSP does not
have PTAS unless PNP. - Arora (1998 JACM) PTAS on Euclidean case.
- MLP minimizes the customers total time. Clients
oriented, altruistic. - Alias deliveryman problem, traveling repairman
problem (TRP). - Afrati (1986) MAX-SNP-hard for metric case.
- Goeman (1996) 10.78-approximation ratio for
metric case (with Garg, 1996FOCS, technique)
3.59-approximation ratio for trees. - Arora (1999 STOC) quasi-polynomial ( O(nO(log n)
) approximation scheme for trees and Euclidean
space. - Sitters (2002, IPCO) MLP on trees is
NP-complete not known for caterpillars.
5MBLP Back-Walk Free
6An Example
7Our Results
- MBLP, given a starting point of G
- Trees O(n log n ) time
- k-path O(n log k) path is O(n) time
- DAG NP-Hard (Reduce from 3-SAT)
8Properties of MBLP on Trees
9Properties (contd)
10Properties (3)
11Algo MBLP-Tree Example
Select 11
Select 10
Select 8
Result 5,10,3,11,8,2
Select and output 15/2
Select and output 2
Select and output 22/3
12Algorithm MBLP-Tree
13Analysis of MBLP-Tree
14Properties of MBLP on k-Path
lt4,2,3,8gt is right-skew
lt 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 6 gt is not.
lt5gt lt3,4gt lt1,2,6gt is decreasing right-skew
15Properties of k-Path (contd)
16Path-Partition Example
17Algorithm Path-Partition
18Algorithm k-Path
19Analysis of k-Path
20MBLP on DAG is NP-Complete
21NP-Completeness Construction
-- Reduction from 3SAT n literals
n literals
22NP-Completeness Construction
-- Reduction from 3SAT k clauses
k clauses
23NP-Completeness illustration
24NP-Complete Proof
- MBLP is easier than MLP, at least on trees.
- MBLP remains hard even on dag.
- The idea of atomic subtours helps in finding
efficient algorithms of MBLP on trees. - The idea of atomic sequence becomes right-skew
partition, implying the linear time algorithm on
26Future Research
- MLP on caterpillars.
- MBLP finding the good starting points on paths,
trees. - MBLP multiple servers on trees, paths.