Title: eBug Pack Evaluation
1e-Bug Pack Evaluation
London, September 2009
e-Bug is funded by the European Commission
2Evaluation Process
- Knowledge Change
- Questionnaires
- Teacher Satisfaction
- Questionnaires
- Focus Groups
- Student Satisfaction
- Questionnaires
- Focus Groups
3Evaluation Process
- 3 main sections of the pack
- Introduction to Microbes
- Transfer of Infection
- Treatment and Prevention of Infection
- Confounding variables
- Teacher knowledge of microbiology
- Class size
- Region
- Learning disability register
- Variables did not have any effect on knowledge
change at any of the time points - Exception Region
4Introduction to Microbes
- Introduction
- Guess Who style group game
- Good Microbes
- Yogurt Making Activity
- Bad Microbes
- Research a disease from a specific country
5Introduction to microbes
6Introduction to Microbes
Knowledge improvement in all regions although not
at significant levels in London and Prague No
loss in student knowledge over time
7Spread of Infection
- Hand Hygiene
- Shaking hands and hand prints on agar plates
- Respiratory Hygiene
- Sneezing Party
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Test-tube transmission
8Spread of Infection
9Spread of Infection
correct at baseline
Knowledge Improvement across all
regions Significant levels for Gloucester,
Bordeaux and Ostrava No loss in student knowledge
over time
10Treatment and Prevention of Infection
- Antibiotic Use and Medicine
- Harrys Story (read story and draw conclusions
from graphs) - Vaccinations
- Research activity into Measles in Africa and UK
11Treatment and Prevention of Infection
12Treatment and Prevention of Infection
correct at baseline
Knowledge improvement across all
areas Significant levels for Gloucester, Nice and
Ostrava No loss in student knowledge over time
except Ostrava
13Summarise Findings
- Consistent knowledge improvement for Ostrava (CZ)
and Gloucester (ENG) - Treatment of Infection
- 3 regions demonstrated improvement
- baseline knowledge was very high
- Treatment and Prevention of Infection
- 3 regions demonstrated improvement
- Baseline knowledge was very low
- Activities may not be suitable
14Student Satisfaction
15Student Satisfaction
- Likes
- Interesting, fun, interactive, memorable
activities - Group work
- Being able to see the microbes (pictures
growth) - Engaging topics relevant to them
- Dislikes
- No practical
- Antibiotic activity was repetitive
- Too much class discussion
- Complicated microbe names
16Teacher Satisfaction
- 100 satisfaction in England and Czech Republic
- 1 teacher in France said they would not use e-Bug
in the future
17Teacher Satisfaction
- Teacher Likes
- Engaged students
- Fun
- Teacher sheets
- Help with difficult to teach topics
- Teacher Dislikes
- Not enough scientific information
- Not enough multimedia
- Time consuming
18General Changes
- Photocopying issues
- As junior pack
- Multimedia Support
- As junior pack
- Other
- As junior pack
19Specific Changes
- Introduction to Microbes
- Changed main activity to top trumps style card
game - Good and Bad
- Changed titles to USEFUL and HARMFUL microbes
- Changed harmful activity where students look for
similarities and difference in disease relevant
to themselves
20Specific Changes
- Hand Hygiene
- Provide answer sheets for schools who cannot grow
microbes in classroom - Respiratory Hygiene
- Add an alternative activity to include sneeze on
your sleeve message - Sexual Transmission
- Use starch and iodine instead of HCl
21Specific Changes
- Vaccines
- Created new interactive infected activity
- Antibiotics
- Created new practical experimentation activity
using HCl and indicator dyes
- A lot of changes made to both the junior and
senior school resources - Full working website with support materials
- Future evaluation required
- Assess final e-Bug resource
- Uptake in each country
23Thank you
- France and the Czech Republic
- Statistician Mr Neville Verlander
- Teachers and Students who took part