Title: AMLCFT Measures at the EBRD
1AML/CFT Measures at the EBRD
- Public-Private Co-operation in Combating the
Financing of Terrorism - Zurich, 5-6 December 2005
- Liévin Tshikali - Compliance Officer
- tshikall_at_ebrd.com
2About the EBRD
- International financial institution
- Promoting Transition to market economies in 27
former soviet countries - Single largest investor
- Owned by 60 countries
Unaudited September 2005
3Banks objectives?
- Investing mainly in the private sector
- Mobilising foreign direct investment
- Promoting sound and sustainable growth
4How do we achieve these objectives ?
- Promoting
- market competition
- Structural reforms,
- sound corporate governance,
- including AML/CFT issues
5Importance of AML/CFT measures
Financial Institutions 31
Transport 15
General Industry 12
Power Energy 7
Agribusiness 9
Natural Resources 8
Energy Efficiency 1
Telecoms 8
Property Tourism 3
Unaudited September 2005
6Internal EBRD AML/CFT frameworks
- Implementation of International AML/CFT standards
- Know your customer
- Project teams hold full responsibility for client
assessment - Any concerns are raised with the Compliance Unit
- Decisions are taken on project by project basis
7Internal EBRD AML/CFT measures (2/3) Financial
Institutions sector
- Knowledge of local legislation
- Understanding of key FATF principles
- Evidence that AML/CFT policies and procedures are
in place and implemented
8Internal EBRD AML/CFT measures (3/3)
- Additional due diligence
- Independent integrity investigations
- Identification of potential areas for improvement
9External EBRD AML/CFT initiatives
- AML/CFT Seminars in 17 countries completed
- Objectives
- Results feedback
- Next steps
- Accession countries
- Balkans CIS countries
10Final observations
- Know-Your-Customer is it enough ?
EBRD - Anti-Terrorist StatementÂ
htm Book recommended Countering Terrorist
Financing A Training Handbook for Financial
Services, Tim Parkman. May 2006