Title: Instructional Focus for
1Digital English
- Instructional Focus for
- Reading Comprehension Standard 2.7
- Grade 4
Fourth Grade
Reading Standard 2.7
Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic
technical manual (e.g., how to use computer
commands or video games).
3Fourth Grade
Multiple-Step Instructions
- help us make things work.
- help us to get to our friends house.
- help us learn how to play new games.
- help us to reach new levels on our
- favorite video game.
4Fourth Grade
Flashlight Battery Installation Instructions
Step 1 Gather your materials. -2
batteries -flashlight
Step 2 Working in a counter clock wise
motion, unscrew the top of the flashlight.
Step 3 Look at one battery and notice there is
a symbol at one end and a symbol at the
5Fourth Grade
Step 4 Insert the first battery into the
flashlight body symbol facing down.
Step 5 Insert the second battery symbol
facing down so it is touching the positive end of
the first battery.
Step 6 Screw the top of the flashlight onto the
body, making sure the top presses down on the
battery. Screw the top tightly in a clock wise
Step 7 Check that your battery installation
was successful by pressing the switch to the on