Title: Electricity and Magnetism Jeopardy
Current Electricity
Static Electricity
Electrical Safety
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
2This object is attracted to iron.
3What is a magnet?
4This is the magnets property of attracting iron
or steel.
5What is magnetism?
6A magnet that keeps its magnetism for a long time.
7What is a permanent magnet?
8A type of magnet that does not keep its magnetism
for very long.
9What is a temporary magnet?
10When put together the two magnets will repel
each other.
11What are like poles of a magnet?
12A continuous flow of negative charges.
13What is current electricity?
14A path along which negative charges can flow.
15What is a circuit?
16A material that allows electricity to pass
through it easily.
17What is a conductor?
18A material that does not allow electricity to
flow through it.
19What is an insulator?
20When it is open it does not allow electricity to
flow through the circuit.
21What is a switch?
22The build up of electrical charges on a object.
23What is static electricity?
24When static electric charges jump off a charged
25What is an electric discharge?
26This rule explains why your hair sticks up
after you comb it on a winter day.
27What is like charges repel?
28Rubbing an object with wool causes these charges
to move to the object.
29What are negative charges ?
30These charges do not move.
31What are positive charges?
32What you should do with an appliance that has a
cord that is worn out.
33What is do not use it?
34Fingers, forks, and wires. (anything that is not
a plug)
35What you should NOT put in an electrical outlet?
36Keep water away from electricity
37What is one way to prevent electrocution?
38Put one plug in each outlet.
39What you can do to prevent overloading circuits
and fire?
40What you should do when you see a high voltage
41What is stay away?
42A type of circuit that has only one path for
electricity to flow.
43What is a series circuit?
44A type of circuit that has more than one path for
electricity to flow.
45What is a parallel circuit?
46If you unscrew a bulb in this circuit all of the
bulbs will go out.
47What is a series circuit?
48In this circuit, if you unscrew a bulb the rest
will stay lit.
49What is a parallel circuit?
50This is used to open or close a circuit.
51What is a switch?