UED for EDA Tool

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UED for EDA Tool


'EDA Tool Overview' is added. Made one Analysis Step per one . Table of Contents ... Unselect AS. Link CBAM Step 1: Collate QASs CBAM Step 2: Refine QASs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: UED for EDA Tool

UED for EDA Tool
  • Revision History

Table of Contents
  • UED EDA Tool Overview
  • Focus Areas CBAM
  • Focus Areas Prioritization
  • UED Real Options Analysis
  • Focus Areas Real Options Analysis
  • UED Analysis Configuration
  • Focus Areas Analysis Configuration
  • UED Template (Legend)

UED EDA Tool Overview
Back to TOC
Main Menu Cool Bars
Project Browser Tree View
Analysis Step Views
Analysis Step Views
Analysis Step Views UED CBAM UED Real
Utility Window
Utility Window
Utility Windows
Object Property
Data Validation Window
Focus Areas Main Menu
Tentative Name
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
Main Menu and Cool Bars Purpose TBA Function
File Save Edit Undo Delete
Validate Validate Analysis Data Link gt File
Utility Window Open Project gt File Utility
Window Save As gt File Utility Window Export
Analysis Data gt File Utility Window Import
Analysis Data gt Project Utility Window Edit
Analysis Method gt Window Analysis Step Go to
xxx Step gt Help Help Contents gt Help
About Work Objects Project
Focus Areas Project Browser
Tentative Name
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
Project Browser Tree View Purpose To allow users
to explore project contents as a tree view. Uses
can also edit some objects belonged to the
project. Function o View object tree Project
Name Analysis Method List Analysis
Method Name Analysis Step Name System
Name ASList AS ID AS
Name QAS ID QAS Name
Edit Object contents Create/Delete
Project AS QAS Rename Project
Name System Name QAS ID QAS Name
AS ID AS Name Link/Unlink QAS (to/from
AS) Save Project contents Undo the edits
Link gt Edit Analysis Method gt Project Property gt
System Property gt QAS Property gt AS Property gt
Export Analysis Data gt Import Analysis Data Work
Objects Project Analysis Method Analysis
Step System QAS AS ASQAS
Focus Areas Utility Window
Tentative Name
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
Utility Window Edit Analysis Method Purpose To
allow users to create new analysis run. Users can
add any steps, that has already been implemented
in the EDA tool, into the created analysis run.
Function o View Analysys Methods Analysis
Method List Analysis Method Name
Analysis Step Name Edit Analysis Methods
Create/Delete Analysis Method Rename
Analysis Method Name Link/Unlink Analysis
Step (to/from Analysis Method) Save
Analysis Methods Undo the edits Link gt Project
Browser Work Objects Analysis Method
Utility Window Import QAS Purpose TBA Function T
BA Link gt TBA Work Objects QAS
Utility Window Import AS Purpose TBA Function TB
A Link gt TBA Work Objects AS ASQAS QAS
Utility Window Export AS Purpose TBA Function TB
A Link gt TBA Work Objects AS ASQAS QAS
Utility Window Export QAS Purpose TBA Function T
BA Link gt TBA Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas Object Property
Tentative Name
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
Object Property Project Purpose To allow users
to look at the property of a Project. Uses can
also edit some data fields belonged to the
Project. Function o View Project Property
Project Name Edit Object contents Rename
Project Name Apply the edits Undo the
edits Link gt Project Browser Work
Objects Project
Object Property QAS Purpose To allow users to
look at the property of a QAS. Uses can also edit
some data fields belonged to the QAS. Function o
View QAS Property QA Scenario ID Attribute
Concern Scenario Description 6 parts
Stimulus 6 parts Source of Stimulus 6 parts
Environment 6 parts Artifact 6 parts
Responses 6 parts Response Measure Edit
Object contents QA Scenario ID Attribute
Concern Scenario Description 6 parts
Stimulus 6 parts Source of Stimulus 6 parts
Environment 6 parts Artifact 6 parts
Responses 6 parts Response Measure Apply the
edits Undo the edits Link gt Project
Browser Work Objects QAS
Object Property AS Purpose To allow users to
look at the property of a AS. Uses can also edit
some data fields belonged to the AS. Function o
View AS Property AS ID AS Name AS
Description AS Diagram QA Scenario IDs
Edit Object contents AS ID AS Name AS
Description AS Diagram QA Scenario IDs
Apply the edits Undo the edits Link gt Project
Browser Work Objects AS
Focus Areas Data Validation Window
Tentative Name
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
Data Validation Window Purpose To allow users to
look at the data incomplete for analysis Uses can
also jump to an Object Property window in which
the incomplete data is contained. Function o
View data validation errors and warnings
Severity Message Data Field Name Data
Object Name that the Data field belongs to
Sort the errors and contents by severity
by Message by Data Field Name by Data
Object Name Project Name Link gt Object
Property Work Objects System AS ASQAS QAS
Back to TOC
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
CBAM Step 1 Collate QA Scenarios CBAM Step 2
Refine QA Scenarios CBAM Step 3 Prioritize QA
Scenarios CBAM Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utility CBAM Step 5 Develop Architecture
Strategies CBAM Step 6 Determine the expected
utility value of ASs CBAM Step 7 Calculate total
benefit obtained from an AS CBAM Step 8 Choose
architectural strategies based on ROI CBAM Step
9 Confirm results with intuition
CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs
Utility Window Import QASs
CBAM Step 2 Refine QASs
Prioritization Voting
CBAM Step 3 Prioritize QASs
Prioritization AHP
Prioritization Conjoint Analysis
CBAM Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario Utilities
CBAM Step 5 Develop AS
Utility Window Import ASs
CBAM Step 6 Determine expected Utilities
CBAM Step 7 Calculate total AS benefit
CBAM Step 8 Rank ASs
CBAM Step 9 Confirm results
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 1
Back to UED
CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs Purpose TBA Function o
View QAS List o View a QAS Template QA
Scenario ID Attribute Concern Scenario
Description 6 parts Stimulus 6 parts Source
of Stimulus 6 parts Environment 6 parts
Artifact 6 parts Responses 6 parts Response
Measure Add new QAS Delete QAS Select QAS
Edit QAS contents Attribute Concern Scenario
Description 6 parts Stimulus 6 parts Source
of Stimulus 6 parts Environment 6 parts
Artifact 6 parts Responses 6 parts Response
Measure Save QAS contents Undo the
edits Link gt Import Import QASs gt CBAM Step 2
Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt CBAM
Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario Utility gt CBAM Step
5 Develop ASs gt CBAM Step 6 Determine Expected
Utility gt CBAM Step 7 Calculate total AS
benefit gt CBAM Step 8 Rank ASs gt CBAM Step 9
Confirm results Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 2
Back to UED
CBAM Step 2 Refine QASs Purpose TBA Function o
View QA Response Level table QA Scenario IDs
Response Measure Goal Worst Response Measure
Goal Current Response Measure Goal Desired
Response Measure Goal Best Edit Response
Measure Goals Response Measure Goal Worst
Response Measure Goal Current Response Measure
Goal Desired Response Measure Goal Best
Save Response Measure Goals Undo the
edits Link gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt CBAM
Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt CBAM Step 4 Assign
Intra-Scenario Utility gt CBAM Step 5 Develop
ASs gt CBAM Step 6 Determine Expected Utility gt
CBAM Step 7 Calculate total AS benefit gt CBAM
Step 8 Rank ASs gt CBAM Step 9 Confirm
results Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 3
Back to UED
CBAM Step 3 Prioritize QASs Purpose TBA Function
o View QAS Priorities Table QA Scenario ID
Priority Response Measure Goal Worst
Response Measure Goal Current Response Measure
Goal Desired Response Measure Goal Best
Edit priorities Import prioritization result
Undo the edits Link gt Prioritization Voting gt
Prioritization AHP gt Prioritization Conjoint
Analysis gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt CBAM Step
2 Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 4 Assign
Intra-Scenario Utility gt CBAM Step 5 Develop
ASs gt CBAM Step 6 Determine Expected Utility gt
CBAM Step 7 Calculate total AS benefit gt CBAM
Step 8 Rank ASs gt CBAM Step 9 Confirm
results Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 4
Back to UED
CBAM Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utilities Purpose TBA Function o View QAS
Utility Scores Table QA Scenario ID
Priority Response Measure Goal Worst
Response Measure Goal Current Response Measure
Goal Desired Response Measure Goal Best
Utility Worst Utility Current Utility
Desired Utility Best o View QAS Utility
Graph Select QAS Edit Utilities by text
Utility Worst Utility Current Utility
Desired Utility Best Edit Utilities by
utility graph Utility Worst Utility
Current Utility Desired Utility Best
Choose Utility curve type Undo the
edits Link gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt CBAM
Step 2 Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt CBAM Step 5 Develop ASs gt CBAM Step 6
Determine Expected Utility gt CBAM Step 7
Calculate total AS benefit gt CBAM Step 8 Rank
ASs gt CBAM Step 9 Confirm results Work
Objects QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 5
Back to UED
CBAM Step 5 Develop ASs Purpose TBA Function o
View Architecture Strategies Table AS ID AS
Name AS Description AS Diagram QA Scenario
IDs Response Measure Goal for QASs Expected
Add new AS Select AS Delete AS Edit AS
contents Add/Modify/Remove AS Name AS
Description Response Measure Goal for QASs
Expected Insert/Delete AS Diagram
QASs Save AS contents Undo the edits Link gt
Import Import ASs gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt
CBAM Step 2 Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 3
Prioritize QASs gt CBAM Step 4 Assign
Intra-Scenario Utility gt CBAM Step 6 Determine
Expected Utility gt CBAM Step 7 Calculate total
AS benefit gt CBAM Step 8 Rank ASs gt CBAM Step 9
Confirm results Work Objects AS QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 6
Back to UED
CBAM Step 6 Determine expected
Utilities Purpose TBA Function o View
Architecture Strategies Table AS ID AS Name
QA Scenario IDs Utilities for QASs Expected o
View QAS Utility Graph Response Measure Goal
Worst Response Measure Goal Current
Response Measure Goal Expected Response
Measure Goal Desired Response Measure Goal
Best Utility Worst Utility Current
Utility Expected Utility Desired Utility
Best Select ASs Select AS Unselect
AS Link gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt CBAM Step
2 Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt
CBAM Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario Utility gt CBAM
Step 5 Develop ASs gt CBAM Step 7 Calculate
total AS benefit gt CBAM Step 8 Rank ASs gt CBAM
Step 9 Confirm results Work Objects AS QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Step 7
Back to UED
CBAM Step 7 Calculate total AS
benefit Purpose TBA Function o View Total
Architectural Strategy Benefits AS IDs QA
Scenario IDs Benefits Priorities Normalized
Benefits Total Benefits Link gt CBAM Step 1
Collate QASs gt CBAM Step 2 Refine QASs gt CBAM
Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt CBAM Step 4 Assign
Intra-Scenario Utility gt CBAM Step 5 Develop
ASs gt CBAM Step 6 Determine Expected Utility gt
CBAM Step 8 Rank ASs gt CBAM Step 9 Confirm
results Work Objects AS QAS
Focus Areas - CBAM Steps 8
Back to UED
CBAM Step 8 Rank ASs Purpose TBA Function o
View Cost-Benefit and ROI Table AS ID AS
Cost Total AS benefit AS ROI (AS VFC) AS
Rank Uncertainty AS Cost Uncertainty Total
AS Benefit AS Probability Edit AS contents
Add/Modify/Remove AS Cost Uncertainty
AS Cost Uncertainty Total AS Benefit AS
Probability Save AS contents Undo the
edits Link gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt CBAM
Step 2 Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt CBAM Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utility gt CBAM Step 5 Develop ASs gt CBAM Step 7
Calculate total AS benefit gt CBAM Step 8 Rank
ASs gt CBAM Step 9 Confirm results Work
Objects AS
Focus Areas - CBAM Steps 9
Back to UED
CBAM Step 9 Confirm results Purpose TBA Function
o View Cost-Benefit Graph Show/Hide AS Rank
Show/Hide Uncertainty Choose AS Mark in
Mark out Exclude Include Save AS
attributes Undo the edits o View AS Probability
Matrix (AS Correlation Table) Show/Hide AS
Probability Matrix Filter AS by AS correlation
value Link gt CBAM Step 1 Collate QASs gt CBAM
Step 2 Refine QASs gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt CBAM Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utility gt CBAM Step 5 Develop ASs gt CBAM Step 6
Determine Expected Utility gt CBAM Step 7
Calculate total AS benefit gt CBAM Step 8 Rank
ASs Work Objects AS
Focus Areas Analysis Steps Prioritization
Back to UED - CBAM
Back to UED Real Options
Prioritization Voting Purpose TBA Function o
View QAS Priorities Table QA Scenario ID
Votes Response Measure Goal Worst Response
Measure Goal Current Response Measure Goal
Desired Response Measure Goal Best Edit
votes Undo the edits Link gt Prioritization
AHP gt Prioritization Conjoint Analysis gt CBAM
Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt Real Options Step 3
Prioritize QASs Work Objects QAS
Prioritization AHP Purpose TBA Function TBD Lin
k gt Prioritization Voting gt Prioritization
Conjoint Analysis gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt Real Options Step 3 Prioritize QASs Work
Objects QAS
Prioritization Conjoint Analysis Purpose TBA Fun
ction TBD Link gt Prioritization Voting gt
Prioritization AHP gt CBAM Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt Real Options Step 3 Prioritize QASs Work
Objects QAS
UED Real Options Analysis
Back to TOC
Back to UED EDA Tool Overview
Real Options Step 1 Collate QA Scenarios Real
Options Step 2 Refine QA Scenarios Real Options
Step 3 Prioritize QA Scenarios Real Options Step
4 Assign Intra-Scenario Utility Real Options
Step 5 Develop Architecture Strategies Real
Options Step 6 Assume values and Costs Real
Options Step 7 Evaluate Options
Real Options Step 1 Collate QASs
Utility Window Import QASs
Real Options Step 2 Refine QASs
Prioritization Voting
Real Options Step 3 Prioritize QASs
Prioritization AHP
Prioritization Conjoint Analysis
Real Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Real Options Step 5 Develop AS
Utility Window Import ASs
Real Options Step 6 Determine expected
Real Options Step 7 Evaluate Options
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Steps 1
Back to UED
Real Options Step 1 Collate QASs Purpose TBA Fun
ction o View QAS List o View a QAS Template
QA Scenario ID Attribute Concern Scenario
Description 6 parts Stimulus 6 parts Source
of Stimulus 6 parts Environment 6 parts
Artifact 6 parts Responses 6 parts Response
Measure Add new QAS Delete QAS Select QAS
Edit QAS contents Attribute Concern Scenario
Description 6 parts Stimulus 6 parts Source
of Stimulus 6 parts Environment 6 parts
Artifact 6 parts Responses 6 parts Response
Measure Save QAS contents Undo the
edits Link gt Import Import QASs gt Real Options
Step 2 Refine QASs gt Real Options Step 3
Prioritize QASs gt Real Options Step 4 Assign
Intra-Scenario Utility gt Real Options Step 5
Develop ASs gt Real Options Step 6 Determine
Expected Utility gt Real Options Step 7 Evaluate
Options Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Step 2
Back to UED
Real Options Step 2 Refine QASs Purpose TBA Func
tion o View QA Response Level table QA Scenario
ID Response Measure Goal 1 Response Measure
Goal 2 Response Measure Goal Response
Measure Goal N Edit Response Measure Goals
Response Measure Goal 1 Response Measure Goal
2 Response Measure Goal Response Measure
Goal N Save Response Measure Goals Undo the
edits Link gt Real Options Step 1 Collate QASs gt
Real Options Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt Real
Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario Utility gt
Real Options Step 5 Develop ASs gt Real Options
Step 6 Determine Expected Utility gt Real Options
Step 7 Evaluate Options Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Step 3
Back to UED
Real Options Step 3 Prioritize
QASs Purpose TBA Function o View QAS Priorities
Table QA Scenario IDs Priorities Response
Measure Goal 1 Response Measure Goal 2
Response Measure Goal Response Measure Goal
N Edit priorities Import prioritization
result Undo the edits Link gt Prioritization
Voting gt Prioritization AHP gt Prioritization
Conjoint Analysis gt Real Options Step 1 Collate
QASs gt Real Options Step 2 Refine QASs gt Real
Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario Utility gt
Real Options Step 5 Develop ASs gt Real Options
Step 6 Determine Expected Utility gt Real Options
Step 7 Evaluate Options Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Step 4
Back to UED
Real Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utilities Purpose TBA Function o View QAS
Utility Scores Table QA Scenario ID
Priority Response Measure Goal 1 Response
Measure Goal 2 Response Measure Goal
Response Measure Goal N Utility (in ) 1
Utility (in ) 2 Utility (in ) Utility
(in ) N o View QAS Utility Graph o View QAS
Utility binomial tree Select QAS Edit
Utilities by text Utility (in ) 1 Utility
(in ) 2 Utility (in ) Utility (in )
N Edit Utilities by utility graph Utility (in
) 1 Utility (in ) 2 Utility (in )
Utility (in ) N Choose Utility curve type
Undo the edits Link gt Real Options Step 1
Collate QASs gt Real Options Step 2 Refine QASs gt
Real Options Step 3 Prioritize QASs gt Real
Options Step 5 Develop ASs gt Real Options Step
6 Determine Expected Utility gt Real Options Step
7 Evaluate Options Work Objects QAS
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Step 5
Back to UED
Real Options Step 5 Develop ASs Purpose TBA Func
tion o View Architecture Strategies Table AS
ID AS Name AS Description AS Diagram QA
Scenario IDs Response Measure Goal for QASs
Expected Add new AS Select AS Delete AS
Edit AS contents Add/Modify/Remove AS
Name AS Description Response Measure Goal
for QASs Expected Insert/Delete AS
Diagram QASs Save AS contents Undo the
edits Link gt Import Import ASs gt Real Options
Step 1 Collate QASs gt Real Options Step 2
Refine QASs gt Real Options Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt Real Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utility gt Real Options Step 6 Determine Expected
Utility gt Real Options Step 7 Evaluate
Options Work Objects AS QAS
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Step 6
Back to UED
Real Options Step 6 Assume value and
costs Purpose TBA Function o View Assumption
table Base System Value (in) Yearly Discount
Rate () Monthly Discount Rate () Edit
Assumption table contents Add/Modify/Remove
Base System Value (in) Yearly Discount
Rate () o View Cost assumption table AS IDs
AS Names AS Costs (in ) Switching cost AS
Costs (in ) Maintenance cost for QASs AS
Costs (in ) Maintenance cost summary Edit
Cost Assumption table contents
Add/Modify/Remove AS Costs (in ) Switching
cost AS Costs (in ) Maintenance cost for
QASs Save Assumption and Cost Assumption table
contents Undo the edits Link gt Real Options
Step 1 Collate QASs gt Real Options Step 2
Refine QASs gt Real Options Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt Real Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utility gt Real Options Step 5 Develop ASs gt Real
Options Step 7 Evaluate Options Work
Objects System AS QAS
Focus Areas - Real Options Analysis Steps (7)
Back to UED
Real Options Step 7 Evaluate Options Purpose TBA
Function o View Options binominal tree AS ID
AS Name QA Scenario IDs QAS Names Months
to evaluate Favorable outcome coefficients
Unfavorable outcome coefficients p 1-p
System Values (in ) Option Values (in )
Specify months to evaluate Select AS Select
QASs Select QAS Unselect QAS Save
selections Undo the edits Link gt Real Options
Step 1 Collate QASs gt Real Options Step 2
Refine QASs gt Real Options Step 3 Prioritize
QASs gt Real Options Step 4 Assign Intra-Scenario
Utility gt Real Options Step 5 Develop ASs gt Real
Options Step 6 Determine Expected Utility Work
Objects System AS QAS
UED - Configuration
Back to TOC
Configuration Step 1 Configure Analysis
Methods Configuration Step 2 Configure Analysis
Configuration Configure Analysis Methods
Configuration Configure Analysis Steps
Focus Areas - Configuration Steps
Back to UED
Configuration Configure Analysis
Steps Purpose TBA Function o View Analysis Step
List o View an Analysis Step Configuration
Analysis Step ID Analysis Step Name Analysis
Step Description Analysis Step Functions
Analysis Step GUI Layout Analysis Step GUI and
Function map Analysis Step GUI and Analysis
Data map Add new Analysis Step Delete
Analysis Step Select Analysis Step Edit
Analysis Step contents Analysis Step ID
Analysis Step Name Analysis Step Description
Analysis Step Functions Analysis Step GUI
Layout Analysis Step GUI and Function map
Analysis Step GUI and Analysis Data map Save
Analysis Step contents Undo the edits Link gt
Configuration Configure Analysis Methods Work
Objects Analysis Step Analysis Step GUI
Configuration Configure Analysis
Methods Purpose TBA Function o View Analysis
Method List o View an Analysis Methods
Analysis Method ID Analysis Method Name
Analysis Method Description Analysis Step IDs
Analysis Step Display orders Add new Analysis
Method Delete Analysis Method Select Analysis
Method Edit Analysis Method contents Analysis
Method ID Analysis Method Name Analysis
Method Description Analysis Step IDs Analysis
Step Display orders Save Analysis Method
contents Undo the edits Link gt Configuration
Configure Analysis Steps Work Objects Analysis
UED Template
Beyer H., Holtsblatt K., Contextual Design
  • Focus area
  • A focus area collects functions and work objects
    into a coherent place I the system to support a
    particular type of work. A function should be
    necessary to do the work, not to manipulate the
  • Supports performing a coherent part of the work
  • Named with a simple active phrase
  • Lists functions that are needed to do the work
  • Lists the work objects that the user needs to
    perform the work
  • Numbered for unambiguous references to the focus
  • Purpose
  • Short description of what the focus area does I
    supporting the work
  • Functions
  • Functions are described on the UED with a short
    phase. They are written up online with a
    description of their behavior and justification.
  • Functions invoked by the user
  • o Functions that are automatically invoked by the
    system as necessary
  • (name) Function clusters that appear in multiple
    focus areas.
  • Links
  • Links
  • An arrow between focus areas represents the link.
    The function name may not be the same as the
    destination focus area name, in which case the
    name ore number of the destination focus area
    should be given in parentheses.
  • Double Links
  • A double line between focus areas represents the
    double link. The double link indicates that the
    work done in the second focus area needs the
    context of the main focus area and that the user
    will switch back and forth between the two.

Focus area
Focus Area Name Purpose Function o o (name)
(name) Link gt gtgt Work Objects Constraints
Double Links
Hidden Links
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