Title: PACS FPFPU Thermal and Structure Analysis
1PACS FPFPUThermal and Structure Analysis
- Dr. G. Wanderer
2FPFPU Housing Thermal and Structure Analysis
- Thermal Model
- Thermal Analysis
- FE-Model
- Eigenfrequencies / Eigenmodes
- Sine- and Random Response
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4Spectrometer Operation
5Photometer Operation
6PACS Cool-Down
7PACS Photometer Recycling(120 min. average
8PACS Photometer Recycling(10 min. peak
9PACS Photometer Recycling(10 min. peak
- FE-Model for NASTRAN V70.7
- Approx. 30000 Nodes
- each part of FPU-housing is separat model
- structural connection by RBE2 or CELAS at bolt
positions (coupling only displacements) - Plate element used for large surfaces
- additional volume elements at stiffened regions
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14Eigenfrequencies and Effective Masses of current
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17Response Analysis
Damping for response analysis 2 structural
(Q50) Sine Vibration Level (Qual.)
Longitudinal (Z in FEM) 5 - 40 Hz 20g, 40 -
100 Hz 10 g Lateral (XY in FEM) 5 -
100 Hz 14 g Random Vibration Level (Qual.)
20 - 100 Hz 6 db/Oct 100 - 300 Hz
0,05g2/Hz 300 - 2000 Hz -6 db/Oct
18Response at Chopper, Sine X, 1g
Response in X
Response in Y
19Response at Chopper, Random Qualification X
Response in X
Response in Y